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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plugin name="MN">
Nuttli magnitude for Canada and other Cratonic regions
<group name="amplitudes">
<group name="MN">
Amplitude control parameters for MN (Nuttli magnitude).
<parameter name="velocityModel" type="string" default="iasp91">
The travel time table set compiled for LocSAT. The tables
are located in &quot;share/locsat/tables/[vmodel].*&quot;.
<group name="magnitudes">
<group name="MN">
Regionalization of MN (Nuttli magnitude).
<parameter name="region" type="path" default="@DATADIR@/magnitudes/MN/MN.bna">
The path to the BNA file which defines the valid region
for the MN magnitude. Note that the entire path from
source to receiver must lie entirely within the polygon(s).
<binding name="MN" module="global">
<group name="amplitudes">
<group name="MN">
Parameters for measuring AMN amplitudes.
<parameter name="rms" type="boolean" default="false">
Whether to use RMS ratio of signal and noise window for
SNR computation or the ration of the peak-trough
amplitudes of either window.
<parameter name="filter" type="string">
The configurable filter such that the V measurement is
made on a filtered trace. By default, filtering is not
for how to specify the filter.
<parameter name="Vmin" type="double" default="3.2" unit="km/s">
The minimum phase velocity used to determine the signal
window end.
<parameter name="Vmax" type="double" default="3.6" unit="km/s">
The maximum phase velocity used to determine the signal
window start.
<parameter name="snrWindowSeconds" type="double" default="10" unit="s">
The length of the SNR window.
<parameter name="noiseWindowPreSeconds" type="double" default="0" unit="s">
The offset of the noise window. A positive value will move
the computed noise window to the left on the time axis,
a negative value will move it to the right on the time axis.
<parameter name="signalStartPriorities" type="list:string" default="Lg,Sg,Sn,S,Vmax">
The priority list of phase onsets to compute the signal
start window. Except for Vmin and Vmax, associated phases
(arrivals) must be present in the origin for this
particular phase. Picked phases are only considered if
the origin is a manual origin or the pick is a
manual pick. The first value in the list which can be
retrieved or computed, is selected.
Allowed tokens: Pg, Pn, P, Sg, Sn, S, Lg, Rg, Vmin, Vmax
<parameter name="signalEndPriorities" type="list:string" default="Rg,Vmin">
The priority list of phase onsets to compute the signal
end window. Except for Vmin and Vmax, associated phases
(arrivals) must be present in the origin for this
particular phase. Picked phases are only considered if
the origin is a manual origin or the pick is a
manual pick. The first value in the list which can be
retrieved or computed, is selected.
Allowed tokens: Pg, Pn, P, Sg, Sn, S, Lg, Rg, Vmin, Vmax
<group name="magnitudes">
<group name="MN">
Parameters for computing MN magnitudes from AMN amplitudes.
<parameter name="minSNR" type="double" default="2">
The minimum SNR required for a magnitude to pass
the QC check. The station magnitude will be computed
anyway but if the SNR is below this threshold it will
be associated with weight zero and will not contribute
to the network magnitude.
<parameter name="minPeriod" type="double" default="0.01" unit="s">
The minimum period required for a magnitude to pass
the QC check. The station magnitude will be computed
anyway but if the period is below this threshold it will
be associated with weight zero and will not contribute
to the network magnitude.
<parameter name="maxPeriod" type="double" default="1.3" unit="s">
The maximum period allowed for a magnitude to pass
the QC check. The station magnitude will be computed
anyway but if the period is above this threshold it will
be associated with weight zero and will not contribute
to the network magnitude.
<parameter name="minDist" type="double" default="0.5" unit="deg">
The minimum distance required for a magnitude to pass
the QC check. The station magnitude will be computed
anyway but if the distance is below this threshold it
will be associated with weight zero and will not contribute
to the network magnitude.
<parameter name="maxDist" type="double" default="30" unit="deg">
The maximum distance allowed for a magnitude to be
computed. If the distance exceeds this threshold then
the computation will be canceled and no station
magnitude will be available at all.