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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scimport" category="Utilities">
<description>Forward messages across two SeisComP systems.</description>
<parameter name="sink" type="string">
URI of receiving host which runs scmaster. The URI contains
the host name with an optional protocol and port.
Format: protocol://host:port
- proc
- scmp://proc:18180
<parameter name="routingtable" type="list:string">
This option has to be set if the application runs in import mode.
The routing table has to be defined in the form of
<parameter name="msggroups" type="list:string">
Define a list of message groups of the source system
(connection.server). If not specified, the source system is
queried for a list of message groups which are then used to check
each subscription extracted from the routing table.
This parameter allows to override to source query result.
<parameter name="useFilter" type="boolean" default="true">
Enable/Disable filtering of messages
<group name="filter">
<description>Define filter criteria before sending.</description>
<group name="pick">
<description>Criteria for filtering picks.</description>
<parameter name="mode" type="string">
The mode of picks to filter for. Allowed values:
&quot;automatic&quot; and &quot;manual&quot;.
<parameter name="status" type="string">
The status of picks to filter for. Allowed values:
&quot;preliminary&quot;, &quot;confirmed&quot;,
&quot;reviewed&quot;, &quot;final&quot;,
&quot;rejected&quot; and &quot;reported&quot;.
<parameter name="phase" type="string">
The pick phase hint to filter for. Allowed values:
all possible phase codes.
<parameter name="agencyIDs" type="list:string">
The pick agencyIDs to filter for. Allowed values:
all possible agency ids;
<parameter name="networkCode" type="string">
The pick network code of the processed waveforms.
Allowed values: all possible network codes.
<group name="amplitude">
<description>Criteria for filtering amplitudes</description>
<parameter name="operator" type="string">
The amplitude comparison operator. Allowed values:
&quot;eq&quot;, &quot;lt&quot;, &quot;gt&quot; and &quot;*&quot;.
<parameter name="amplitude" type="double">
The amplitude threshold to filter for. The operator
configured with &quot;operator&quot; is used to compare this threshold with
the incoming value. If &quot;operator&quot; is &quot;*&quot; then
values will pass.
<parameter name="agencyIDs" type="list:string">
The amplitude agencyIDs to filter for. Allowed values:
all possible agency ids.
<group name="origin">
<description>Criteria for filtering origins</description>
<parameter name="latitude" type="string">
The latitude range in format [min]:[max].
<parameter name="longitude" type="string">
The longitude range in format [min]:[max].
<parameter name="depth" type="string">
The depth range in format [min]:[max].
<parameter name="agencyIDs" type="list:string">
The origin agencyIDs to filter for. Allowed values:
all possible agency ids;
<parameter name="mode" type="string">
The origin evaluation mode to filter for. Allowed values:
&quot;automatic&quot; and &quot;manual&quot;.
<parameter name="status" type="string">
The origin status to filter for. Allowed values:
&quot;preliminary&quot;, &quot;confirmed&quot;,
&quot;reviewed&quot;, &quot;final&quot;,
&quot;rejected&quot; and &quot;reported&quot;.
<parameter name="arrivalcount" type="string">
The minimum number of arrivals of an origin to pass
the filter.
<group name="event">
<description>Criteria for filtering events</description>
<parameter name="type" type="string">
The event type to filter for, e.g. &quot;earthquake&quot;,
&quot;explosion&quot; ...
<group name="stationMagnitude">
<description>Criteria for filtering station magnitudes</description>
<parameter name="type" type="string">
The station magnitude type. Allowed values: all possible
magnitude types such as &quot;MLv&quot;.
<group name="magnitude">
<description>Criteria for filtering network magnitudes</description>
<parameter name="type" type="string">
The magnitude type. Allowed values: all possible
magnitude types such as &quot;MLv&quot;.
<group name="qc">
<description>Criteria for filtering QC parameters</description>
<parameter name="type" type="string">
The QC parameter type. Allowed values: all possible
types such as &quot;latency&quot;, &quot;delay&quot; ...
scimport [options]
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Messaging">
<group name="Import">
<option flag="o" long-flag="sink" param-ref="sink"/>
<option flag="i" long-flag="import">
Switch to import mode (default is relay). Im import mode the
routing table has to be specified whereas in relay the
routing table will be calculated automatically.
<option long-flag="no-filter">
Disable message filtering and ignore all configured filters.
<option long-flag="routeunknowngroup">
Route unknown groups to the default group IMPORT_GROUP.
<option long-flag="ignore-groups">
Ignore user specified groups.
<option long-flag="test">
Do not send any messages.