Forward messages across two SeisComP systems. URI of receiving host which runs scmaster. The URI contains the host name with an optional protocol and port. Format: protocol://host:port Examples: - proc - scmp://proc:18180 This option has to be set if the application runs in import mode. The routing table has to be defined in the form of source_group:sink_group Define a list of message groups of the source system (connection.server). If not specified, the source system is queried for a list of message groups which are then used to check each subscription extracted from the routing table. This parameter allows to override to source query result. Enable/Disable filtering of messages Define filter criteria before sending. Criteria for filtering picks. The mode of picks to filter for. Allowed values: "automatic" and "manual". The status of picks to filter for. Allowed values: "preliminary", "confirmed", "reviewed", "final", "rejected" and "reported". The pick phase hint to filter for. Allowed values: all possible phase codes. The pick agencyIDs to filter for. Allowed values: all possible agency ids; The pick network code of the processed waveforms. Allowed values: all possible network codes. Criteria for filtering amplitudes The amplitude comparison operator. Allowed values: "eq", "lt", "gt" and "*". The amplitude threshold to filter for. The operator configured with "operator" is used to compare this threshold with the incoming value. If "operator" is "*" then values will pass. The amplitude agencyIDs to filter for. Allowed values: all possible agency ids. Criteria for filtering origins The latitude range in format [min]:[max]. The longitude range in format [min]:[max]. The depth range in format [min]:[max]. The origin agencyIDs to filter for. Allowed values: all possible agency ids; The origin evaluation mode to filter for. Allowed values: "automatic" and "manual". The origin status to filter for. Allowed values: "preliminary", "confirmed", "reviewed", "final", "rejected" and "reported". The minimum number of arrivals of an origin to pass the filter. Criteria for filtering events The event type to filter for, e.g. "earthquake", "explosion" ... Criteria for filtering station magnitudes The station magnitude type. Allowed values: all possible magnitude types such as "MLv". Criteria for filtering network magnitudes The magnitude type. Allowed values: all possible magnitude types such as "MLv". Criteria for filtering QC parameters The QC parameter type. Allowed values: all possible types such as "latency", "delay" ... scimport [options] generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#daemon generic#auto-shutdown generic#shutdown-master-module generic#shutdown-master-username verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#content-type messaging#start-stop-msg