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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scdbstrip" category="Utilities">
<description>Clean up a database from event and waveform quality parameters.</description>
<group name="database">
<group name="cleanup">
<parameter name="invertMode" type="boolean" default="false">
Delete all parameters after the specified time period,
not before.
<parameter name="eventParameters" type="boolean" default="true">
Strip all event parameters including events, origins,
magnitudes, amplitudes, arrivals, picks, focal mechanisms.
<parameter name="qualityControl" type="boolean" default="true">
Strip waveform quality control (QC) parameters.
<group name="keep">
Parameters controlling the time to keep objects in the database.
The time comparison considers the object time, not the time of
their creation.
<parameter name="days" type="int" default="30">
The number of days to preserve in the database. This
value is added to the whole timespan. Hours
and minutes are configured separately.
<parameter name="hours" type="int" default="0">
The number of hours to preserve in the database. This
value is added to the whole timespan. Days
and minutes are configured separately.
<parameter name="minutes" type="int" default="0">
The number of minutes to preserve in the database. This
value is added to the whole timespan. Days
and hours are configured separately.
scdbstrip [options]
<group name="Generic">
<option long-flag="first-new" param-ref="firstNew"/>
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Database">
<group name="Mode">
<option long-flag="check">
Checks if unreachable objects exist.
<option long-flag="clean-unused">
Remove all unreachable objects when in checkmode. Default:
<group name="Objects">
<option long-flag="ep-only" flag="E">
Strip only event parameters. Other parameters, like QC, are
are ignored.
<option long-flag="qc-only" flag="Q">
Strip only waveform quality control (QC) parameters. Other
parameters, like event parameters, are are ignored.
Overrides 'eq-only'.
<group name="Timespan">
<option long-flag="days" argument="arg" param-ref="database.cleanup.keep.days"/>
<option long-flag="hours" argument="arg" param-ref="database.cleanup.keep.hours"/>
<option long-flag="minutes" argument="arg" param-ref="database.cleanup.keep.minutes"/>
<option long-flag="datetime" argument="arg">
Replaces the days:hours:minutes timespan definition by an
aribtrary absolute timestamp in UTC. The format is
%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.
<option long-flag="invert" flag="i" param-ref="database.cleanup.invertMode"/>
<option long-flag="keep-events">
IDs of events to keep in the database separated with comma.