Clean up a database from event and waveform quality parameters. Delete all parameters after the specified time period, not before. Strip all event parameters including events, origins, magnitudes, amplitudes, arrivals, picks, focal mechanisms. Strip waveform quality control (QC) parameters. Parameters controlling the time to keep objects in the database. The time comparison considers the object time, not the time of their creation. The number of days to preserve in the database. This value is added to the whole timespan. Hours and minutes are configured separately. The number of hours to preserve in the database. This value is added to the whole timespan. Days and minutes are configured separately. The number of minutes to preserve in the database. This value is added to the whole timespan. Days and hours are configured separately. scdbstrip [options] generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file database#db-driver-list database#database database#config-module database#inventory-db database#db-disable