You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1278 lines
35 KiB

* tracelist.c:
* Routines to handle TraceList and related structures.
* Written by Chad Trabant, IRIS Data Management Center
* modified: 2012.273
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "libmseed.h"
MSTraceSeg *mstl_msr2seg (MSRecord *msr, hptime_t endtime);
MSTraceSeg *mstl_addmsrtoseg (MSTraceSeg *seg, MSRecord *msr, hptime_t endtime, flag whence);
MSTraceSeg *mstl_addsegtoseg (MSTraceSeg *seg1, MSTraceSeg *seg2);
* mstl_init:
* Initialize and return a MSTraceList struct, allocating memory if
* needed. If the supplied MSTraceList is not NULL any associated
* memory it will be freed including data at prvtptr pointers.
* Returns a pointer to a MSTraceList struct on success or NULL on error.
MSTraceList *
mstl_init ( MSTraceList *mstl )
if ( mstl )
mstl_free (&mstl, 1);
mstl = (MSTraceList *) malloc (sizeof(MSTraceList));
if ( mstl == NULL )
ms_log (2, "mstl_init(): Cannot allocate memory\n");
return NULL;
memset (mstl, 0, sizeof (MSTraceList));
return mstl;
} /* End of mstl_init() */
* mstl_free:
* Free all memory associated with a MSTraceList struct and set the
* pointer to 0.
* If the freeprvtptr flag is true any private pointer data will also
* be freed when present.
mstl_free ( MSTraceList **ppmstl, flag freeprvtptr )
MSTraceID *id = 0;
MSTraceID *nextid = 0;
MSTraceSeg *seg = 0;
MSTraceSeg *nextseg = 0;
if ( ! ppmstl )
if ( *ppmstl )
/* Free any associated traces */
id = (*ppmstl)->traces;
while ( id )
nextid = id->next;
/* Free any associated trace segments */
seg = id->first;
while ( seg )
nextseg = seg->next;
/* Free private pointer data if present and requested*/
if ( freeprvtptr && seg->prvtptr )
free (seg->prvtptr);
/* Free data array if allocated */
if ( seg->datasamples )
free (seg->datasamples);
free (seg);
seg = nextseg;
/* Free private pointer data if present and requested*/
if ( freeprvtptr && id->prvtptr )
free (id->prvtptr);
free (id);
id = nextid;
free (*ppmstl);
*ppmstl = NULL;
} /* End of mstl_free() */
* mstl_addmsr:
* Add data coverage from an MSRecord to a MSTraceList by searching the
* list for the appropriate MSTraceID and MSTraceSeg and either adding
* data to it or creating a new MStraceID and/or MSTraceSeg if needed.
* If the dataquality flag is true the data quality bytes must also
* match otherwise they are ignored.
* If the autoheal flag is true extra processing is invoked to conjoin
* trace segments that fit together after the MSRecord coverage is
* added. For segments that are removed, any memory at the prvtptr
* will be freed.
* An MSTraceList is always maintained with the MSTraceIDs in
* descending alphanumeric order. MSTraceIDs are always maintained
* with MSTraceSegs in data time time order.
* Return a pointer to the MSTraceSeg updated or 0 on error.
MSTraceSeg *
mstl_addmsr ( MSTraceList *mstl, MSRecord *msr, flag dataquality,
flag autoheal, double timetol, double sampratetol )
MSTraceID *id = 0;
MSTraceID *searchid = 0;
MSTraceID *ltid = 0;
MSTraceSeg *seg = 0;
MSTraceSeg *searchseg = 0;
MSTraceSeg *segbefore = 0;
MSTraceSeg *segafter = 0;
MSTraceSeg *followseg = 0;
hptime_t endtime;
hptime_t pregap;
hptime_t postgap;
hptime_t lastgap;
hptime_t firstgap;
hptime_t hpdelta;
hptime_t hptimetol = 0;
hptime_t nhptimetol = 0;
char srcname[45];
char *s1, *s2;
flag whence;
flag lastratecheck;
flag firstratecheck;
int mag;
int cmp;
int ltmag;
int ltcmp;
if ( ! mstl || ! msr )
return 0;
/* Calculate end time for MSRecord */
if ( (endtime = msr_endtime (msr)) == HPTERROR )
ms_log (2, "mstl_addmsr(): Error calculating record end time\n");
return 0;
/* Generate source name string */
if ( ! msr_srcname (msr, srcname, dataquality) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_addmsr(): Error generating srcname for MSRecord\n");
return 0;
/* Search for matching trace ID starting with last accessed ID and
then looping through the trace ID list. */
if ( mstl->last )
s1 = mstl->last->srcname;
s2 = srcname;
while ( *s1 == *s2++ )
if ( *s1++ == '\0' )
cmp = (*s1 - *--s2);
if ( ! cmp )
id = mstl->last;
/* Loop through trace ID list searching for a match, simultaneously
* track the source name which is closest but less than the MSRecord
* to allow for later insertion with sort order. */
searchid = mstl->traces;
ltcmp = 0;
ltmag = 0;
while ( searchid )
/* Compare source names */
s1 = searchid->srcname;
s2 = srcname;
mag = 0;
while ( *s1 == *s2++ )
if ( *s1++ == '\0' )
cmp = (*s1 - *--s2);
/* If source names did not match track closest "less than" value
* and continue searching. */
if ( cmp != 0 )
if ( cmp < 0 )
if ( (ltcmp == 0 || cmp >= ltcmp) && mag >= ltmag )
ltcmp = cmp;
ltmag = mag;
ltid = searchid;
else if ( mag > ltmag )
ltcmp = cmp;
ltmag = mag;
ltid = searchid;
searchid = searchid->next;
/* If we made it this far we found a match */
id = searchid;
} /* Done searching for match in trace ID list */
/* If no matching ID was found create new MSTraceID and MSTraceSeg entries */
if ( ! id )
if ( ! (id = (MSTraceID *) calloc (1, sizeof(MSTraceID))) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_addmsr(): Error allocating memory\n");
return 0;
/* Populate MSTraceID */
strcpy (id->network, msr->network);
strcpy (id->station, msr->station);
strcpy (id->location, msr->location);
strcpy (id->channel, msr->channel);
id->dataquality = msr->dataquality;
strcpy (id->srcname, srcname);
id->earliest = msr->starttime;
id->latest = endtime;
id->numsegments = 1;
if ( ! (seg = mstl_msr2seg (msr, endtime)) )
return 0;
id->first = id->last = seg;
/* Add new MSTraceID to MSTraceList */
if ( ! mstl->traces || ! ltid )
id->next = mstl->traces;
mstl->traces = id;
id->next = ltid->next;
ltid->next = id;
/* Add data coverage to the matching MSTraceID */
/* Calculate high-precision sample period */
hpdelta = (hptime_t) (( msr->samprate ) ? (HPTMODULUS / msr->samprate) : 0.0);
/* Calculate high-precision time tolerance */
if ( timetol == -1.0 )
hptimetol = (hptime_t) (0.5 * hpdelta); /* Default time tolerance is 1/2 sample period */
else if ( timetol >= 0.0 )
hptimetol = (hptime_t) (timetol * HPTMODULUS);
nhptimetol = ( hptimetol ) ? -hptimetol : 0;
/* last/firstgap are negative when the record overlaps the trace
* segment and positive when there is a time gap. */
/* Gap relative to the last segment */
lastgap = msr->starttime - id->last->endtime - hpdelta;
/* Gap relative to the first segment */
firstgap = id->first->starttime - endtime - hpdelta;
/* Sample rate tolerance checks for first and last segments */
if ( sampratetol == -1.0 )
lastratecheck = MS_ISRATETOLERABLE (msr->samprate, id->last->samprate);
firstratecheck = MS_ISRATETOLERABLE (msr->samprate, id->first->samprate);
lastratecheck = (ms_dabs (msr->samprate - id->last->samprate) > sampratetol) ? 0 : 1;
firstratecheck = (ms_dabs (msr->samprate - id->first->samprate) > sampratetol) ? 0 : 1;
/* Search first for the simple scenarios in order of likelihood:
* - Record fits at end of last segment
* - Record fits after all coverage
* - Record fits before all coverage
* - Record fits at beginning of first segment
* If none of those scenarios are true search the complete segment list.
/* Record coverage fits at end of last segment */
if ( lastgap <= hptimetol && lastgap >= nhptimetol && lastratecheck )
if ( ! mstl_addmsrtoseg (id->last, msr, endtime, 1) )
return 0;
seg = id->last;
if ( endtime > id->latest )
id->latest = endtime;
/* Record coverage is after all other coverage */
else if ( (msr->starttime - hpdelta - hptimetol) > id->latest )
if ( ! (seg = mstl_msr2seg (msr, endtime)) )
return 0;
/* Add to end of list */
id->last->next = seg;
seg->prev = id->last;
id->last = seg;
if ( endtime > id->latest )
id->latest = endtime;
/* Record coverage is before all other coverage */
else if ( (endtime + hpdelta + hptimetol) < id->earliest )
if ( ! (seg = mstl_msr2seg (msr, endtime)) )
return 0;
/* Add to beginning of list */
id->first->prev = seg;
seg->next = id->first;
id->first = seg;
if ( msr->starttime < id->earliest )
id->earliest = msr->starttime;
/* Record coverage fits at beginning of first segment */
else if ( firstgap <= hptimetol && firstgap >= nhptimetol && firstratecheck )
if ( ! mstl_addmsrtoseg (id->first, msr, endtime, 2) )
return 0;
seg = id->first;
if ( msr->starttime < id->earliest )
id->earliest = msr->starttime;
/* Search complete segment list for matches */
searchseg = id->first;
segbefore = 0; /* Find segment that record fits before */
segafter = 0; /* Find segment that record fits after */
followseg = 0; /* Track segment that record follows in time order */
while ( searchseg )
if ( msr->starttime > searchseg->starttime )
followseg = searchseg;
whence = 0;
postgap = msr->starttime - searchseg->endtime - hpdelta;
if ( ! segbefore && postgap <= hptimetol && postgap >= nhptimetol )
whence = 1;
pregap = searchseg->starttime - endtime - hpdelta;
if ( ! segafter && pregap <= hptimetol && pregap >= nhptimetol )
whence = 2;
if ( ! whence )
searchseg = searchseg->next;
if ( sampratetol == -1.0 )
if ( ! MS_ISRATETOLERABLE (msr->samprate, searchseg->samprate) )
searchseg = searchseg->next;
if ( ms_dabs (msr->samprate - searchseg->samprate) > sampratetol )
searchseg = searchseg->next;
if ( whence == 1 )
segbefore = searchseg;
segafter = searchseg;
/* Done searching if not autohealing */
if ( ! autoheal )
/* Done searching if both before and after segments are found */
if ( segbefore && segafter )
searchseg = searchseg->next;
} /* Done looping through segments */
/* Add MSRecord coverage to end of segment before */
if ( segbefore )
if ( ! mstl_addmsrtoseg (segbefore, msr, endtime, 1) )
return 0;
/* Merge two segments that now fit if autohealing */
if ( autoheal && segafter && segbefore != segafter )
/* Add segafter coverage to segbefore */
if ( ! mstl_addsegtoseg (segbefore, segafter) )
return 0;
/* Shift last segment pointer if it's going to be removed */
if ( segafter == id->last )
id->last = id->last->prev;
/* Remove segafter from list */
if ( segafter->prev )
segafter->prev->next = segafter->next;
if ( segafter->next )
segafter->next->prev = segafter->prev;
/* Free data samples, private data and segment structure */
if (segafter->datasamples)
free (segafter->datasamples);
if (segafter->prvtptr)
free (segafter->prvtptr);
free (segafter);
seg = segbefore;
/* Add MSRecord coverage to beginning of segment after */
else if ( segafter )
if ( ! mstl_addmsrtoseg (segafter, msr, endtime, 2) )
return 0;
seg = segafter;
/* Add MSRecord coverage to new segment */
/* Create new segment */
if ( ! (seg = mstl_msr2seg (msr, endtime)) )
return 0;
/* Add new segment as first in list */
if ( ! followseg )
seg->next = id->first;
if ( id->first )
id->first->prev = seg;
id->first = seg;
/* Add new segment after the followseg segment */
seg->next = followseg->next;
seg->prev = followseg;
if ( followseg->next )
followseg->next->prev = seg;
followseg->next = seg;
if ( followseg == id->last )
id->last = seg;
/* Track earliest and latest times */
if ( msr->starttime < id->earliest )
id->earliest = msr->starttime;
if ( endtime > id->latest )
id->latest = endtime;
} /* End of searching segment list */
} /* End of adding coverage to matching ID */
/* Sort modified segment into place, logic above should limit these to few shifts if any */
while ( seg->next && ( seg->starttime > seg->next->starttime ||
(seg->starttime == seg->next->starttime && seg->endtime < seg->next->endtime) ) )
/* Move segment down list, swap seg and seg->next */
segafter = seg->next;
if ( seg->prev )
seg->prev->next = segafter;
if ( segafter->next )
segafter->next->prev = seg;
segafter->prev = seg->prev;
seg->prev = segafter;
seg->next = segafter->next;
segafter->next = seg;
/* Reset first and last segment pointers if replaced */
if ( id->first == seg )
id->first = segafter;
if ( id->last == segafter )
id->last = seg;
while ( seg->prev && ( seg->starttime < seg->prev->starttime ||
(seg->starttime == seg->prev->starttime && seg->endtime > seg->prev->endtime) ) )
/* Move segment up list, swap seg and seg->prev */
segbefore = seg->prev;
if ( seg->next )
seg->next->prev = segbefore;
if ( segbefore->prev )
segbefore->prev->next = seg;
segbefore->next = seg->next;
seg->next = segbefore;
seg->prev = segbefore->prev;
segbefore->prev = seg;
/* Reset first and last segment pointers if replaced */
if ( id->first == segbefore )
id->first = seg;
if ( id->last == seg )
id->last = segbefore;
/* Set MSTraceID as last accessed */
mstl->last = id;
return seg;
} /* End of mstl_addmsr() */
* mstl_msr2seg:
* Create an MSTraceSeg structure from an MSRecord structure.
* Return a pointer to a MSTraceSeg otherwise 0 on error.
MSTraceSeg *
mstl_msr2seg (MSRecord *msr, hptime_t endtime)
MSTraceSeg *seg = 0;
int samplesize;
if ( ! (seg = (MSTraceSeg *) calloc (1, sizeof(MSTraceSeg))) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_addmsr(): Error allocating memory\n");
return 0;
/* Populate MSTraceSeg */
seg->starttime = msr->starttime;
seg->endtime = endtime;
seg->samprate = msr->samprate;
seg->samplecnt = msr->samplecnt;
seg->sampletype = msr->sampletype;
seg->numsamples = msr->numsamples;
/* Allocate space for and copy datasamples */
if ( msr->datasamples && msr->numsamples )
samplesize = ms_samplesize (msr->sampletype);
if ( ! (seg->datasamples = malloc ((size_t) (samplesize * msr->numsamples))) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_msr2seg(): Error allocating memory\n");
return 0;
/* Copy data samples from MSRecord to MSTraceSeg */
memcpy (seg->datasamples, msr->datasamples, (size_t) (samplesize * msr->numsamples));
return seg;
} /* End of mstl_msr2seg() */
* mstl_addmsrtoseg:
* Add data coverage from a MSRecord structure to a MSTraceSeg structure.
* Data coverage is added to the beginning or end of MSTraceSeg
* according to the whence flag:
* 1 : add coverage to the end
* 2 : add coverage to the beginninig
* Return a pointer to a MSTraceSeg otherwise 0 on error.
MSTraceSeg *
mstl_addmsrtoseg (MSTraceSeg *seg, MSRecord *msr, hptime_t endtime, flag whence)
int samplesize = 0;
void *newdatasamples;
if ( ! seg || ! msr )
return 0;
/* Allocate more memory for data samples if included */
if ( msr->datasamples && msr->numsamples > 0 )
if ( msr->sampletype != seg->sampletype )
ms_log (2, "mstl_addmsrtoseg(): MSRecord sample type (%c) does not match segment sample type (%c)\n",
msr->sampletype, seg->sampletype);
return 0;
if ( ! (samplesize = ms_samplesize (msr->sampletype)) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_addmsrtoseg(): Unknown sample size for sample type: %c\n", msr->sampletype);
return 0;
if ( ! (newdatasamples = realloc (seg->datasamples, (size_t)((seg->numsamples + msr->numsamples) * samplesize))) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_addmsrtoseg(): Error allocating memory\n");
return 0;
seg->datasamples = newdatasamples;
/* Add coverage to end of segment */
if ( whence == 1 )
seg->endtime = endtime;
seg->samplecnt += msr->samplecnt;
if ( msr->datasamples && msr->numsamples > 0 )
memcpy ((char *)seg->datasamples + (seg->numsamples * samplesize),
(size_t) (msr->numsamples * samplesize));
seg->numsamples += msr->numsamples;
/* Add coverage to beginning of segment */
else if ( whence == 2 )
seg->starttime = msr->starttime;
seg->samplecnt += msr->samplecnt;
if ( msr->datasamples && msr->numsamples > 0 )
memmove ((char *)seg->datasamples + (msr->numsamples * samplesize),
(size_t) (seg->numsamples * samplesize));
memcpy (seg->datasamples,
(size_t) (msr->numsamples * samplesize));
seg->numsamples += msr->numsamples;
ms_log (2, "mstl_addmsrtoseg(): unrecognized whence value: %d\n", whence);
return 0;
return seg;
} /* End of mstl_addmsrtoseg() */
* mstl_addsegtoseg:
* Add data coverage from seg2 to seg1.
* Return a pointer to a seg1 otherwise 0 on error.
MSTraceSeg *
mstl_addsegtoseg (MSTraceSeg *seg1, MSTraceSeg *seg2)
int samplesize = 0;
void *newdatasamples;
if ( ! seg1 || ! seg2 )
return 0;
/* Allocate more memory for data samples if included */
if ( seg2->datasamples && seg2->numsamples > 0 )
if ( seg2->sampletype != seg1->sampletype )
ms_log (2, "mstl_addsegtoseg(): MSTraceSeg sample types do not match (%c and %c)\n",
seg1->sampletype, seg2->sampletype);
return 0;
if ( ! (samplesize = ms_samplesize (seg1->sampletype)) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_addsegtoseg(): Unknown sample size for sample type: %c\n", seg1->sampletype);
return 0;
if ( ! (newdatasamples = realloc (seg1->datasamples, (size_t) ((seg1->numsamples + seg2->numsamples) * samplesize))) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_addsegtoseg(): Error allocating memory\n");
return 0;
seg1->datasamples = newdatasamples;
/* Add seg2 coverage to end of seg1 */
seg1->endtime = seg2->endtime;
seg1->samplecnt += seg2->samplecnt;
if ( seg2->datasamples && seg2->numsamples > 0 )
memcpy ((char *)seg1->datasamples + (seg1->numsamples * samplesize),
(size_t) (seg2->numsamples * samplesize));
seg1->numsamples += seg2->numsamples;
return seg1;
} /* End of mstl_addsegtoseg() */
* mstl_convertsamples:
* Convert the data samples associated with an MSTraceSeg to another
* data type. ASCII data samples cannot be converted, if supplied or
* requested an error will be returned.
* When converting float & double sample types to integer type a
* simple rounding is applied by adding 0.5 to the sample value before
* converting (truncating) to integer.
* If the truncate flag is true data samples will be truncated to
* integers even if loss of sample precision is detected. If the
* truncate flag is false (0) and loss of precision is detected an
* error is returned.
* Returns 0 on success, and -1 on failure.
mstl_convertsamples ( MSTraceSeg *seg, char type, flag truncate )
int32_t *idata;
float *fdata;
double *ddata;
int64_t idx;
if ( ! seg )
return -1;
/* No conversion necessary, report success */
if ( seg->sampletype == type )
return 0;
if ( seg->sampletype == 'a' || type == 'a' )
ms_log (2, "mstl_convertsamples: cannot convert ASCII samples to/from numeric type\n");
return -1;
idata = (int32_t *) seg->datasamples;
fdata = (float *) seg->datasamples;
ddata = (double *) seg->datasamples;
/* Convert to 32-bit integers */
if ( type == 'i' )
if ( seg->sampletype == 'f' ) /* Convert floats to integers with simple rounding */
for (idx = 0; idx < seg->numsamples; idx++)
/* Check for loss of sub-integer */
if ( ! truncate && (fdata[idx] - (int32_t)fdata[idx]) > 0.000001 )
ms_log (1, "mstl_convertsamples: Warning, loss of precision when converting floats to integers, loss: %g\n",
(fdata[idx] - (int32_t)fdata[idx]));
return -1;
idata[idx] = (int32_t) (fdata[idx] + 0.5);
else if ( seg->sampletype == 'd' ) /* Convert doubles to integers with simple rounding */
for (idx = 0; idx < seg->numsamples; idx++)
/* Check for loss of sub-integer */
if ( ! truncate && (ddata[idx] - (int32_t)ddata[idx]) > 0.000001 )
ms_log (1, "mstl_convertsamples: Warning, loss of precision when converting doubles to integers, loss: %g\n",
(ddata[idx] - (int32_t)ddata[idx]));
return -1;
idata[idx] = (int32_t) (ddata[idx] + 0.5);
/* Reallocate buffer for reduced size needed */
if ( ! (seg->datasamples = realloc (seg->datasamples, (seg->numsamples * sizeof(int32_t)))) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_convertsamples: cannot re-allocate buffer for sample conversion\n");
return -1;
seg->sampletype = 'i';
} /* Done converting to 32-bit integers */
/* Convert to 32-bit floats */
else if ( type == 'f' )
if ( seg->sampletype == 'i' ) /* Convert integers to floats */
for (idx = 0; idx < seg->numsamples; idx++)
fdata[idx] = (float) idata[idx];
else if ( seg->sampletype == 'd' ) /* Convert doubles to floats */
for (idx = 0; idx < seg->numsamples; idx++)
fdata[idx] = (float) ddata[idx];
/* Reallocate buffer for reduced size needed */
if ( ! (seg->datasamples = realloc (seg->datasamples, (seg->numsamples * sizeof(float)))) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_convertsamples: cannot re-allocate buffer after sample conversion\n");
return -1;
seg->sampletype = 'f';
} /* Done converting to 32-bit floats */
/* Convert to 64-bit doubles */
else if ( type == 'd' )
if ( ! (ddata = (double *) malloc (seg->numsamples * sizeof(double))) )
ms_log (2, "mstl_convertsamples: cannot allocate buffer for sample conversion to doubles\n");
return -1;
if ( seg->sampletype == 'i' ) /* Convert integers to doubles */
for (idx = 0; idx < seg->numsamples; idx++)
ddata[idx] = (double) idata[idx];
free (idata);
else if ( seg->sampletype == 'f' ) /* Convert floats to doubles */
for (idx = 0; idx < seg->numsamples; idx++)
ddata[idx] = (double) fdata[idx];
free (fdata);
seg->datasamples = ddata;
seg->sampletype = 'd';
} /* Done converting to 64-bit doubles */
return 0;
} /* End of mstl_convertsamples() */
* mstl_printtracelist:
* Print trace list summary information for the specified MSTraceList.
* By default only print the srcname, starttime and endtime for each
* trace. If details is greater than 0 include the sample rate,
* number of samples and a total trace count. If gaps is greater than
* 0 and the previous trace matches (srcname & samprate) include the
* gap between the endtime of the last trace and the starttime of the
* current trace.
* The timeformat flag can either be:
* 0 : SEED time format (year, day-of-year, hour, min, sec)
* 1 : ISO time format (year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
* 2 : Epoch time, seconds since the epoch
mstl_printtracelist ( MSTraceList *mstl, flag timeformat,
flag details, flag gaps )
MSTraceID *id = 0;
MSTraceSeg *seg = 0;
char stime[30];
char etime[30];
char gapstr[20];
flag nogap;
double gap;
double delta;
int tracecnt = 0;
int segcnt = 0;
if ( ! mstl )
/* Print out the appropriate header */
if ( details > 0 && gaps > 0 )
ms_log (0, " Source Start sample End sample Gap Hz Samples\n");
else if ( details <= 0 && gaps > 0 )
ms_log (0, " Source Start sample End sample Gap\n");
else if ( details > 0 && gaps <= 0 )
ms_log (0, " Source Start sample End sample Hz Samples\n");
ms_log (0, " Source Start sample End sample\n");
/* Loop through trace list */
id = mstl->traces;
while ( id )
/* Loop through segment list */
seg = id->first;
while ( seg )
/* Create formatted time strings */
if ( timeformat == 2 )
snprintf (stime, sizeof(stime), "%.6f", (double) MS_HPTIME2EPOCH(seg->starttime) );
snprintf (etime, sizeof(etime), "%.6f", (double) MS_HPTIME2EPOCH(seg->endtime) );
else if ( timeformat == 1 )
if ( ms_hptime2isotimestr (seg->starttime, stime, 1) == NULL )
ms_log (2, "Cannot convert trace start time for %s\n", id->srcname);
if ( ms_hptime2isotimestr (seg->endtime, etime, 1) == NULL )
ms_log (2, "Cannot convert trace end time for %s\n", id->srcname);
if ( ms_hptime2seedtimestr (seg->starttime, stime, 1) == NULL )
ms_log (2, "Cannot convert trace start time for %s\n", id->srcname);
if ( ms_hptime2seedtimestr (seg->endtime, etime, 1) == NULL )
ms_log (2, "Cannot convert trace end time for %s\n", id->srcname);
/* Print segment info at varying levels */
if ( gaps > 0 )
gap = 0.0;
nogap = 0;
if ( seg->prev )
gap = (double) (seg->starttime - seg->prev->endtime) / HPTMODULUS;
nogap = 1;
/* Check that any overlap is not larger than the trace coverage */
if ( gap < 0.0 )
delta = ( seg->samprate ) ? (1.0 / seg->samprate) : 0.0;
if ( (gap * -1.0) > (((double)(seg->endtime - seg->starttime)/HPTMODULUS) + delta) )
gap = -(((double)(seg->endtime - seg->starttime)/HPTMODULUS) + delta);
/* Fix up gap display */
if ( nogap )
snprintf (gapstr, sizeof(gapstr), " == ");
else if ( gap >= 86400.0 || gap <= -86400.0 )
snprintf (gapstr, sizeof(gapstr), "%-3.1fd", (gap / 86400));
else if ( gap >= 3600.0 || gap <= -3600.0 )
snprintf (gapstr, sizeof(gapstr), "%-3.1fh", (gap / 3600));
else if ( gap == 0.0 )
snprintf (gapstr, sizeof(gapstr), "-0 ");
snprintf (gapstr, sizeof(gapstr), "%-4.4g", gap);
if ( details <= 0 )
ms_log (0, "%-17s %-24s %-24s %-4s\n",
id->srcname, stime, etime, gapstr);
ms_log (0, "%-17s %-24s %-24s %-s %-3.3g %-lld\n",
id->srcname, stime, etime, gapstr, seg->samprate, (long long int)seg->samplecnt);
else if ( details > 0 && gaps <= 0 )
ms_log (0, "%-17s %-24s %-24s %-3.3g %-lld\n",
id->srcname, stime, etime, seg->samprate, (long long int)seg->samplecnt);
ms_log (0, "%-17s %-24s %-24s\n", id->srcname, stime, etime);
seg = seg->next;
id = id->next;
if ( tracecnt != mstl->numtraces )
ms_log (2, "mstl_printtracelist(): number of traces in trace list is inconsistent\n");
if ( details > 0 )
ms_log (0, "Total: %d trace(s) with %d segment(s)\n", tracecnt, segcnt);
} /* End of mstl_printtracelist() */
* mstl_printsynclist:
* Print SYNC trace list summary information for the specified MSTraceList.
* The SYNC header line will be created using the supplied dccid, if
* the pointer is NULL the string "DCC" will be used instead.
* If the subsecond flag is true the segment start and end times will
* include subsecond precision, otherwise they will be truncated to
* integer seconds.
mstl_printsynclist ( MSTraceList *mstl, char *dccid, flag subsecond )
MSTraceID *id = 0;
MSTraceSeg *seg = 0;
char starttime[30];
char endtime[30];
char yearday[10];
time_t now;
struct tm *nt;
if ( ! mstl )
/* Generate current time stamp */
now = time (NULL);
nt = localtime ( &now ); nt->tm_year += 1900; nt->tm_yday += 1;
snprintf ( yearday, sizeof(yearday), "%04d,%03d", nt->tm_year, nt->tm_yday);
/* Print SYNC header line */
ms_log (0, "%s|%s\n", (dccid)?dccid:"DCC", yearday);
/* Loop through trace list */
id = mstl->traces;
while ( id )
/* Loop through segment list */
seg = id->first;
while ( seg )
ms_hptime2seedtimestr (seg->starttime, starttime, subsecond);
ms_hptime2seedtimestr (seg->endtime, endtime, subsecond);
/* Print SYNC line */
ms_log (0, "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s||%.10g|%lld|||||||%s\n",
id->network, id->station, id->location, id->channel,
starttime, endtime, seg->samprate, (long long int)seg->samplecnt,
seg = seg->next;
id = id->next;
} /* End of mstl_printsynclist() */
* mstl_printgaplist:
* Print gap/overlap list summary information for the specified
* MSTraceList. Overlaps are printed as negative gaps.
* If mingap and maxgap are not NULL their values will be enforced and
* only gaps/overlaps matching their implied criteria will be printed.
* The timeformat flag can either be:
* 0 : SEED time format (year, day-of-year, hour, min, sec)
* 1 : ISO time format (year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
* 2 : Epoch time, seconds since the epoch
mstl_printgaplist (MSTraceList *mstl, flag timeformat,
double *mingap, double *maxgap)
MSTraceID *id = 0;
MSTraceSeg *seg = 0;
char time1[30], time2[30];
char gapstr[30];
double gap;
double delta;
double nsamples;
flag printflag;
int gapcnt = 0;
if ( ! mstl )
if ( ! mstl->traces )
ms_log (0, " Source Last Sample Next Sample Gap Samples\n");
id = mstl->traces;
while ( id )
seg = id->first;
while ( seg->next )
/* Skip segments with 0 sample rate, usually from SOH records */
if ( seg->samprate == 0.0 )
seg = seg->next;
gap = (double) (seg->next->starttime - seg->endtime) / HPTMODULUS;
/* Check that any overlap is not larger than the trace coverage */
if ( gap < 0.0 )
delta = ( seg->next->samprate ) ? (1.0 / seg->next->samprate) : 0.0;
if ( (gap * -1.0) > (((double)(seg->next->endtime - seg->next->starttime)/HPTMODULUS) + delta) )
gap = -(((double)(seg->next->endtime - seg->next->starttime)/HPTMODULUS) + delta);
printflag = 1;
/* Check gap/overlap criteria */
if ( mingap )
if ( gap < *mingap )
printflag = 0;
if ( maxgap )
if ( gap > *maxgap )
printflag = 0;
if ( printflag )
nsamples = ms_dabs(gap) * seg->samprate;
if ( gap > 0.0 )
nsamples -= 1.0;
nsamples += 1.0;
/* Fix up gap display */
if ( gap >= 86400.0 || gap <= -86400.0 )
snprintf (gapstr, sizeof(gapstr), "%-3.1fd", (gap / 86400));
else if ( gap >= 3600.0 || gap <= -3600.0 )
snprintf (gapstr, sizeof(gapstr), "%-3.1fh", (gap / 3600));
else if ( gap == 0.0 )
snprintf (gapstr, sizeof(gapstr), "-0 ");
snprintf (gapstr, sizeof(gapstr), "%-4.4g", gap);
/* Create formatted time strings */
if ( timeformat == 2 )
snprintf (time1, sizeof(time1), "%.6f", (double) MS_HPTIME2EPOCH(seg->endtime) );
snprintf (time2, sizeof(time2), "%.6f", (double) MS_HPTIME2EPOCH(seg->next->starttime) );
else if ( timeformat == 1 )
if ( ms_hptime2isotimestr (seg->endtime, time1, 1) == NULL )
ms_log (2, "Cannot convert trace end time for %s\n", id->srcname);
if ( ms_hptime2isotimestr (seg->next->starttime, time2, 1) == NULL )
ms_log (2, "Cannot convert next trace start time for %s\n", id->srcname);
if ( ms_hptime2seedtimestr (seg->endtime, time1, 1) == NULL )
ms_log (2, "Cannot convert trace end time for %s\n", id->srcname);
if ( ms_hptime2seedtimestr (seg->next->starttime, time2, 1) == NULL )
ms_log (2, "Cannot convert next trace start time for %s\n", id->srcname);
ms_log (0, "%-17s %-24s %-24s %-4s %-.8g\n",
id->srcname, time1, time2, gapstr, nsamples);
seg = seg->next;
id = id->next;
ms_log (0, "Total: %d gap(s)\n", gapcnt);
} /* End of mstl_printgaplist() */