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#include <gempa/caps/mseedpacket.h>
#include <string>
namespace Gempa {
namespace CAPS {
template<typename T> struct MSEEDEncoderPacket {
MSEEDEncoderPacket(): record(NULL), data(NULL), datalen(0) {}
MSEEDEncoderPacket(MSEEDDataRecord *rec, unsigned int size_init,
void *data_init, unsigned short datalen_init)
: record(rec), data(static_cast<T*>(data_init)),
datalen(datalen_init) {}
~MSEEDEncoderPacket() {}
void reset() { record = NULL; data = NULL; datalen = 0; }
bool valid() const { return record != NULL; }
MSEEDDataRecord *record;
T *data;
unsigned short datalen;