/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2016 by gempa GmbH * * * * All Rights Reserved. * * * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains * * the property of gempa GmbH and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual * * and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to gempa GmbH * * and its suppliers. * * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material * * is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained * * from gempa GmbH. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef GEMPA_CAPS_PLUGINPACKET_H #define GEMPA_CAPS_PLUGINPACKET_H #include "mseed/encoder.h" namespace Gempa { namespace CAPS { struct Packet { Packet() : timingQuality(-1) {} Packet(DataRecordPtr rec, const std::string &networkCode, const std::string &stationCode, const std::string &locationCode, const std::string &channelCode) : record(rec), networkCode(networkCode), stationCode(stationCode), locationCode(locationCode), channelCode(channelCode), timingQuality(-1) { streamID = networkCode + "." + stationCode + "." + locationCode + "." + channelCode; } Packet* clone() { Packet *packet = new Packet(record, networkCode, stationCode, locationCode, channelCode); packet->buffer = buffer; packet->dt_us = dt_us; packet->streamID = streamID; return packet; } typedef std::vector Buffer; typedef boost::shared_ptr BufferPtr; BufferPtr buffer; // PacketDataHeader, PacketHeader[V1|V2], Data DataRecordPtr record; std::string networkCode; std::string stationCode; std::string locationCode; std::string channelCode; std::string streamID; DataType dataType; #if !defined(CAPS_FEATURES_BACKFILLING) || CAPS_FEATURES_BACKFILLING int64_t dt_us; // Length of one sample in microseconds #endif std::string uom; int timingQuality; size_t size() const { return buffer->size(); } }; typedef boost::shared_ptr PacketPtr; } } #endif