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from __future__ import print_function
import os, glob
Plugin handler for the chain plugin. The plugin handler needs
to support two methods: push and flush.
push Pushes a Seedlink station binding. Can be used to either
create configuration files immediately or to manage the
information until flush is called.
flush Flush the configuration and return a unique key for this
station that is used by seedlink to group eg templates for
class SeedlinkPluginHandler:
# Create defaults
def __init__(self):
self.chain_group = {}
self.activeDialupConnections = 0
self.stations = {}
# Generates the group tag
def generateGroupTag(self, seedlink, source_address):
try: maxDialupConnections = int(seedlink.param('plugins.chain.dialupConnections', False))
except: maxDialupConnections = 0
dialup = seedlink._get('sources.chain.dialup.enable').lower() in ("yes", "true", "1")
status_file = source_address
group_tag = \
' <group address="%s"\n' % source_address + \
' seqfile="%s/#status_file#.seq"\n' % seedlink.run_dir + \
' lockfile="%s/' % seedlink.run_dir
if not dialup or maxDialupConnections <= 0:
group_tag += '"'
group_tag += '"' % self.activeDialupConnections
self.activeDialupConnections += 1
if self.activeDialupConnections >= maxDialupConnections:
self.activeDialupConnections = 0
group_tag += '\n' + \
' overlap_removal="%s"' % seedlink.param('sources.chain.overlapRemoval')
except: pass
if seedlink.param('sources.chain.batchmode').lower() in ("yes", "true", "1"):
batchmode = "yes"
batchmode = "no"
# Default batchmode is "yes"
batchmode = "yes"
group_tag += '\n' + \
' batchmode="%s"' % batchmode
if dialup:
status_file += ".dial"
group_tag += '\n' + \
' uptime="%s"\n' % seedlink._get('sources.chain.dialup.uptime') + \
' schedule="%s"' % seedlink._get('sources.chain.dialup.schedule')
group_tag += '\n' + \
' ifup="%s"' % seedlink.param('sources.chain.dialup.ifup')
except: pass
group_tag += '\n' + \
' ifdown="%s"' % seedlink.param('sources.chain.dialup.ifdown')
except: pass
group_tag += '>\n'
return group_tag, status_file
# Generates the station tag, child of <group>
def generateStationTag(self, seedlink):
# Create station XML tag
id = seedlink._get('')
station_tpl = " <station id=\"%s\"" % id
# set station override if configured
try: sta = seedlink.param("sources.chain.station")
except: sta = seedlink.sta
station_tpl += " name=\"%s\"" % sta
# set out name to match the stations code if sta is not equal to
# configured station code
if sta != seedlink.sta:
station_tpl += " out_name=\"%s\"" % seedlink.sta
# set network override if configured
try: net = seedlink.param("")
except: net =
station_tpl += " network=\"%s\"" % net
# set out network to match the stations network if net is not equal to
# configured network code
if net !=
station_tpl += " out_network=\"%s\"" %
station_tpl += " selectors=\"%s\"" % seedlink._get("sources.chain.selectors").replace(',', ' ')
renameMap = []
unpackMap = []
# Read and parse channel rename map
if seedlink._get('sources.chain.channels.rename'):
renameItems = [x.strip() for x in seedlink._get('sources.chain.channels.rename').split(',')]
for item in renameItems:
mapping = [x.strip() for x in item.split(':')]
if len(mapping) != 2:
raise Exception("Error: invalid rename mapping '%s' in %s" % (item, seedlink.station_config_file))
if not mapping[0] or not mapping[1]:
raise Exception("Error: invalid rename mapping '%s' in %s" % (item, seedlink.station_config_file))
# Read and parse channel unpack map
if seedlink._get('sources.chain.channels.unpack'):
unpackItems = [x.strip() for x in seedlink._get('sources.chain.channels.unpack').split(',')]
for item in unpackItems:
mapping = [x.strip() for x in item.split(':')]
if len(mapping) != 2 and len(mapping) != 3:
raise Exception("Error: invalid unpack definition '%s' in %s" % (item, seedlink.station_config_file))
if not mapping[0] or not mapping[1]:
raise Exception("Error: invalid unpack definition '%s' in %s" % (item, seedlink.station_config_file))
# If double_rate is not enabled, remove the last item
if len(mapping) == 3 and mapping[2] != "1":
if len(renameMap) == 0 and len(unpackMap) == 0:
# Close tag
station_tpl += "/>\n"
station_tpl += ">\n"
for mapping in renameMap:
station_tpl += ' <rename from="%s" to="%s"/>\n' % (mapping[0], mapping[1])
for mapping in unpackMap:
station_tpl += ' <unpack src="%s" dest="%s"' % (mapping[0], mapping[1])
if len(mapping) == 3:
station_tpl += ' double_rate="yes"'
station_tpl += '/>\n'
station_tpl += " </station>\n"
return station_tpl
# Store the information internally and create chain.xml and
# the seedlink.ini configuration when flush is called
def push(self, seedlink):
try: host = seedlink.param('sources.chain.address')
host = ""
seedlink.setParam('sources.chain.address', host)
try: port = seedlink.param('sources.chain.port')
port = "18000"
seedlink.setParam('sources.chain.port', port)
try: dialuptime = seedlink.param('sources.chain.dialup.uptime')
except: seedlink.setParam('sources.chain.dialup.uptime', 600)
try: dialuptime = seedlink.param('sources.chain.dialup.schedule')
except: seedlink.setParam('sources.chain.dialup.schedule', '0,30 * * * *')
# The default grouping behaviour is enabled
try: group = seedlink.param('')
except: group = ""
group = group.replace(' ', '_')\
.replace("$STA", seedlink.sta)
source_address = host + ":" + port
group_tag, status_file = self.generateGroupTag(seedlink, source_address)
if group: status_file += "." + group
chain_key = (group_tag, status_file)
# Find out what chain.xml instance to use
sta = seedlink.param("sources.chain.station")
except: sta = seedlink.sta
station_key = + "." + sta
chain_instance = 0
if station_key in self.stations:
chain_instance = self.stations[station_key]+1
self.stations[station_key] = chain_instance
# Register the new chainX.xml instance
if chain_instance not in self.chain_group:
self.chain_group[chain_instance] = {}
chain_group = self.chain_group[chain_instance]
if not chain_key in chain_group:
chain_group[chain_key] = group_tag
station_tpl = self.generateStationTag(seedlink)
# Register tag to be flushed when flush is called
chain_group[chain_key] += station_tpl
# Set the name of the current chainX.xml file
seedlink._set("", chain_instance, False)
return chain_instance
# Create chain.xml and return the plugin commands for all
# chain plugins
def flush(self, seedlink):
status_map = {}
# Create chainX.xml
chains = {}
for x in self.chain_group.keys():
chainxmlbase = "chain%d.xml" % x
chainxml = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, chainxmlbase)
chain_group = self.chain_group[x]
if chain_group:
# Mark this file as used
chains[chainxml] = 1
fd = open(chainxml, "w")
if seedlink.param('plugins.chain.loadTimeTable', False).lower() in ("yes", "true", "1"):
loadTimeTable = True
loadTimeTable = False
except: loadTimeTable = True
if loadTimeTable:
fd.write(seedlink._process_template("chain_head.tpl", "chain", False))
fd.write(seedlink._process_template("chain_head_notimetable.tpl", "chain", False))
first = True
for ((g,s),i) in sorted(chain_group.items()):
if not first: fd.write('\n')
if s in status_map:
status_map[s] += 1
s += ".%d" % status_map[s]
status_map[s] = 0
fd.write(i.replace("#status_file#", s))
fd.write(" </group>\n")
first = False
# If no groups are configured, delete chainX.xml
try: os.remove(chainxml)
except: print("Warning: %s could not be removed" % chainxml)
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, "chain*"))
for f in files:
if f in chains: continue
try: os.remove(f)
except: print("Warning: %s could not be removed" % f)