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.. _global_nonlinloc:
NonLinLoc locator wrapper plugin for SeisComP.
NonLinLoc was written by Anthony Lomax (
Funded by `SED/ETH Zurich <>`_, developed by `gempa GmbH <>`_.
This plugin is available from SeisComP version Release Potsdam 2010 and later.
The `NonLinLoc (NLL) <>`_ locator algorithm has been
implemented into SeisComP through the plugin mechanism. A new plugin locnll
contains the LocatorInterface implementation for NonLinLoc.
The implementation bundles the NonLinLoc source files required to use the library
function calls. The following source files are included:
.. code-block:: sh
Error measures
After running NonLinLoc the output is converted into a SeisComP (QuakeML) origin
object including all available error measures. The following table shows how
the NLL error measures are mapped to the SeisComP data model:
========================================================= =====================================================
SeisComP NLL
========================================================= =====================================================
Origin.latitude.uncertainty sqrt(phypo->cov.yy)
Origin.longitude.uncertainty sqrt(phypo->cov.xx)
Origin.depth.uncertainty sqrt(phypo->cov.zz)
Origin.originQuality.standardError phypo->rms
Origin.originQuality.secondaryAzimuthalGap phypo->gap_secondary
Origin.originQuality.usedStationCount phypo->usedStationCount
Origin.originQuality.associatedStationCount phypo->associatedStationCount
Origin.originQuality.associatedPhaseCount phypo->associatedPhaseCount
Origin.originQuality.usedPhaseCount phypo->nreadings
Origin.originQuality.depthPhaseCount phypo->depthPhaseCount
Origin.originQuality.minimumDistance km2deg(phypo->minimumDistance)
Origin.originQuality.maximumDistance km2deg(phypo->maximumDistance)
Origin.originQuality.medianDistance km2deg(phypo->medianDistance)
Origin.originQuality.groundTruthLevel phypo->groundTruthLevel
Origin.originUncertainty.horizontalUncertainty phypo->ellipse.len2
Origin.originUncertainty.minHorizontalUncertainty phypo->ellipse.len1
Origin.originUncertainty.maxHorizontalUncertainty phypo->ellipse.len2
Origin.originUncertainty.azimuthMaxHorizontalUncertainty phypo->ellipse.az1 + 90
ConfidenceEllipsoid.semiMajorAxisLength phypo->ellipsoid.len3
ConfidenceEllipsoid.semiMinorAxisLength phypo->ellipsoid.len1
ConfidenceEllipsoid.semiIntermediateAxisLength phypo->ellipsoid.len2
ConfidenceEllipsoid.majorAxisPlunge (phypo->ellipsoid.axis1 x phypo->ellipsoid.axis2).dip
ConfidenceEllipsoid.majorAxisAzimuth (phypo->ellipsoid.axis1 x phypo->ellipsoid.axis2).az
ConfidenceEllipsoid.majorAxisRotation T.B.D.
========================================================= =====================================================
The NonLinLoc plugin is installed under :file:`share/plugins/`.
It provides a new implementation of the LocatorInterface with the name NonLinLoc.
To add the plugin to a module add it to the modules configuration, either
:file:`modulename.cfg` or :file:`global.cfg`:
.. code-block:: sh
plugins = ${plugins}, locnll
Basically it can be used by two modules: :ref:`screloc` and :ref:`scolv`.
All output is stored in the configured :confval:`NonLinLoc.outputPath`.
The file prefix for a location is the originID (:confval:`NonLinLoc.publicID`).
The following file are stored:
- Input observations (.obs)
- Input configuration (.conf)
- NLL location (.loc.hyp)
- NLL 3D grid header (.loc.hdr)
- NLL octree (.loc.octree)
- NLL scatter file (.loc.scat)
In addition to the native NLL output a SeisComP origin object is created and
returned to the calling instance. Usually this object is then sent via messaging.
Configuration example
To add the plugin to an application such as scolv or screloc, add the plugin
name to the list of plugins that are loaded (e.g. :file:`scolv.cfg`):
.. code-block:: sh
plugins = ${plugins}, locnll
Futhermore add the plugin configuration (e.g. :file:`scolv.cfg`):
.. code-block:: sh
################ NonLinLoc configuration################
NLLROOT = ${HOME}/nll/data
NonLinLoc.outputPath = ${NLLROOT}/output/
# Define the default control file if no profile specific
# control file is defined.
NonLinLoc.controlFile = ${NLLROOT}/NLL.default.conf
# Set the default pick error in seconds passed to NonLinLoc
# if no SeisComP pick uncertainty is available.
NonLinLoc.defaultPickError = 0.1
# Define the available NonLinLoc location profiles. The order
# implicitly defines the priority for overlapping regions
#NonLinLoc.profiles = swiss_3d, swiss_1d, global
NonLinLoc.profiles = swiss_3d, global
# The earthModelID is copied to earthModelID attribute of the
# resulting origin
NonLinLoc.profile.swiss_1d.earthModelID = "swiss regional 1D"
# Specify the velocity model table path as used by NonLinLoc
NonLinLoc.profile.swiss_1d.tablePath = ${NLLROOT}/time_1d_regio/regio
# Specify the region valid for this profile
# Without this parameter the plugin will add an additional
# TRANS GLOBAL statement in the NLL control file
NonLinLoc.profile.swiss_1d.region = 41.2, 3.8, 50.1, 16.8
# The NonLinLoc control file to use for this profile
NonLinLoc.profile.swiss_1d.controlFile = ${NLLROOT}/NLL.swiss_1d.conf
# Configure the swiss_3d profile
NonLinLoc.profile.swiss_3d.earthModelID = "swiss regional 3D"
NonLinLoc.profile.swiss_3d.tablePath = ${NLLROOT}/time_3d/ch
NonLinLoc.profile.swiss_3d.region = 45.15, 5.7, 48.3, 11.0
NonLinLoc.profile.swiss_3d.controlFile = ${NLLROOT}/NLL.swiss_3d.conf
# And the global profile = iaspei91 = ${NLLROOT}/iasp91/iasp91 = ${NLLROOT}/
An example of a NonLinLoc control file configuration that contains all the
required statements, but it must be adapted to the specific use case. The
missing statements are generated by the plugin (LOCFILES, LOCHYPOUT, LOCSRCE):
.. code-block:: sh
# -1 = no logs, useful for playback with screloc --ep option
CONTROL -1 123456
# This must be the same TRANS used for generating the grid files
TRANS SDC 46.51036987 8.47575546 0.0
LOCSIG Swiss Seismological Service, ETHZ
LOCCOM location using my local velocity model
LOCSEARCH OCT 20 20 20 0.001 10000 1000
# This grid origin is relative to the TRANS statement. The grid
# must be wholly contained in the grid files
LOCGRID 101 101 101 -0.5 -0.5 -1.8 0.01 0.01 0.01 PROB_DENSITY SAVE
LOCMETH EDT_OT_WT 9999.0 4 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 1
LOCGAU 0.001 0.0
LOCQUAL2ERR 0.025 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.400 99999.9
Stations names
When generating the grid files the station names used in the GTSRCE statement
must match the rule set in the plugin configuration. E.g.
.. code-block:: sh
# Format of the station name used to select the right travel time table (grid)
# file for a station. By default only the station code is used (e.g.
# tablePath.P.@STA@.time.*), but that doesn't allow to distinguish between
# multiple network codes or location codes that use the same station code. To
# overcome this limitation this parameter could be set in a more general way,
# for example @NET@_@STA@_@LOC@. In this way NonLinLoc will look for travel
# time table (grid) files of the form: tablePath.P.@NET@_@STA@_@LOC@.time.*
# Where @NET@ @STA@ @LOC@ are just placeholder for the actual codes
NonLinLoc.profile.MYPROFILE.stationNameFormat = @NET@_@STA@_@LOC@
Given the above plugin configuration, the GTSRCE statement should be something
like this:
.. code-block:: sh
GTSRCE CH_STA01_ LATLON 46.519 8.474 0.0 1.295
GTSRCE CH_STA02_01 LATLON 46.456 8.474 0.0 1.323
GTSRCE CH_STA03_AA LATLON 46.784 8.474 0.0 1.292
Alternatively the names could just contain the station code:
.. code-block:: sh
NonLinLoc.profile.MYPROFILE.stationNameFormat = @STA@
.. code-block:: sh
GTSRCE STA01 LATLON 46.519 8.474 0.0 1.295
GTSRCE STA02 LATLON 46.456 8.474 0.0 1.323
GTSRCE STA03 LATLON 46.784 8.474 0.0 1.292
The usage of the new NLL plugin is straight forward. Once loaded successfully the
new locator shows up in the lower left corners combo box.
.. figure:: media/nonlinloc/locator_selection_small.png
Select the new NonLinLoc locator and the configured profiles will be loaded into
the combo box right of it.
.. figure:: media/nonlinloc/locator_profile_selection_small.png
The NonLinLoc implementation provides a virtual profile automatic. This emulates
the complete automatic case and selects the best matching configured profiles
based on the initial location.
If an origin has been relocated the method should be set to "NonLinLoc" and
the earth model contains the string NonLinLoc.profile.[name].earthModelID
configured for the selected profile.
.. figure:: media/nonlinloc/origin_information.png
The NLL locator implementation supports to override configured settings or
control parameters for a session. Those changes are not persistent and lost if
the locator is changed to another one or the profile has been changed.
To open the settings dialog press the button right to the locator selection
combo box.
.. figure:: media/nonlinloc/locator_settings.png
Then the NLL specific parameters show up.
.. figure:: media/nonlinloc/NLL_settings.png
Seismicity Viewer
scolv provides two additional configurable buttons. To bind
`Seismicity Viewer <>`_ to the first one the
following configuration can be used:
.. code-block:: sh
button0 = "Seismicity Viewer"
scripts.script0 = @CONFIGDIR@/scripts/sv
A small wrapper script sv has been created that calls Seismicity Viewer based
on the origin ID passed to the script.
.. code-block:: sh
java -classpath $HOME/nll/bin/SeismicityViewer50.jar \
net.alomax.seismicity.Seismicity $FILE
This examples assumes that Seismicity Viewer has been installed in $HOME/nll/bin.
.. _global_nonlinloc_configuration:
Module Configuration
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.publicID
Default: ``NLL.@time/%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f@.@id@``
Type: *string*
PublicID creation pattern for an origin created by NonLinLoc.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.outputPath
Default: ``/tmp/sc3.nll``
Type: *path*
Defines the output path for all native NonLinLoc input and output files.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.saveInput
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Save input files \*.obs in outputPath for later processing.
Setting to false reduces file i\/o and saves disk space.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.saveIntermediateOutput
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Save output files in outputPath for later processing or
for viewing by the Seismicity Viewer.
Setting to false reduces file i\/o and saves disk space.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.controlFile
Type: *path*
The default NonLinLoc control file to use.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.defaultPickError
Default: ``0.5``
Type: *double*
Unit: *s*
The default pick error in seconds passed to NonLinLoc if a SeisComP pick
object does not provide pick time uncertainties.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.fixedDepthGridSpacing
Default: ``0.1``
Type: *double*
Unit: *km*
Since NLL does not support fixing the depth natively so this
feature is emulated by settings the Z grid very tight around
the depth to be fixed. This value sets the Z grid spacing.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.allowMissingStations
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Picks from stations with missing configuration will be
ignored. The origin will be relocated without that pick
if possible.
If set to false, the plug\-in throws
an excepection without locating.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.profiles
Type: *list:string*
Defines a list of active profiles to be used by the plugin.
.. note::
*Defines a regional profile that is used if a prelocation falls*
*inside the configured region.*
$name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`NonLinLoc.profiles` to become active.
.. code-block:: sh
NonLinLoc.profiles = a,b
NonLinLoc.profile.a.value1 = ...
NonLinLoc.profile.b.value1 = ...
# c is not active because it has not been added
# to the list of NonLinLoc.profiles
NonLinLoc.profile.c.value1 = ...
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.profile.$name.earthModelID
Type: *string*
earthModelID that is stored in the created origin.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.profile.$name.methodID
Default: ``NonLinLoc``
Type: *string*
methodID that is stored in the created origin.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.profile.$name.tablePath
Type: *path*
Path to travel time tables \(grids\).
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.profile.$name.stationNameFormat
Default: ``@STA@``
Type: *string*
Format of the station name used to select the right travel time table \(grid\) file
for a station.
By default only the station code is used \(e.g. tablePath.P.\@STA\@.time.\*\), but
that doesn't allow to distinguish between multiple network codes or location codes
that use the same station code.
To overcome this limitation this parameter could be set in a more general way, for
example \@NET\@_\@STA\@_\@LOC\@. In this way NonLinLoc will look for
travel time table \(grid\) files of the form: tablePath.P.\@NET\@_\@STA\@_\@LOC\@.time.\*
Where \@NET\@ \@STA\@ \@LOC\@ are just placeholder for the actual codes
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.profile.$name.controlFile
Type: *path*
Control file of the current profile. If not set, the default
control file will be used instead.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.profile.$name.transform
Default: ``GLOBAL``
Type: *string*
Transformation type of the configured region. Supported are
Default: GLOBAL is assumed.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.profile.$name.region
Type: *list:double*
Defines the 4 corner values of the epicentral region for selecting the profile.
The original epicentre must be within the region.
If transform is GLOBAL: min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon.
The values define the geographic corner coordinates. Unit is degree.
If transform is SIMPLE: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax.
The values define the region relative to the configured origin.
Unit is km.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.profile.$name.origin
Type: *list:double*
Unit: *deg*
Only used for transformation SIMPLE. Expects 2 values: latitude, longitude.
The value define the geographic origin of the area spanned by region.
Unit is degree.
.. confval:: NonLinLoc.profile.$name.rotation
Type: *double*
Unit: *deg*
Only used for transformation SIMPLE. Defines the rotation around the
origin of the defined region.