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#include <seiscomp/core/interfacefactory.h>
#include <seiscomp/processing/timewindowprocessor.h>
#include <seiscomp/math/filter/seismometers.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/origin.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/sensorlocation.h>
#include <seiscomp/client.h>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
namespace Seiscomp {
namespace Geo {
class GeoFeature;
namespace Processing {
class SC_SYSTEM_CLIENT_API AmplitudeProcessor : public TimeWindowProcessor {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Amplitude calculation capabilities
enum Capability {
//! No supported capabilities
NoCapability = 0x0000,
//! Supports different amplitude measure types
MeasureType = 0x0001,
//! Supports different amplitude combiner if
//! the amplitude is measured on different
//! components
Combiner = 0x0002,
//! Configuration structure to store processing dependent
//! settings
struct Config {
double noiseBegin; /* default: -35 */
double noiseEnd; /* default: -5 */
double signalBegin; /* default: -5 */
double signalEnd; /* default: 30 */
double snrMin; /* default: 3 */
double minimumDistance; /* default: 0 */
double maximumDistance; /* default: 180 */
double minimumDepth; /* default: 0 */
double maximumDepth; /* default: 700 */
double respTaper;
double respMinFreq;
double respMaxFreq;
Math::SeismometerResponse::WoodAnderson::Config woodAndersonResponse;
struct Locale : Config {
enum Check {
std::string name;
const Geo::GeoFeature *feature;
Check check;
Core::BaseObjectPtr extra;
struct Environment {
const DataModel::Origin *hypocenter;
const DataModel::SensorLocation *receiver;
const DataModel::Pick *pick;
const Locale *locale;
struct AmplitudeIndex {
double index;
double begin;
double end;
struct AmplitudeTime {
AmplitudeTime() : begin(0), end(0) {}
AmplitudeTime(const Core::Time &ref)
: reference(ref), begin(0), end(0) {}
Core::Time reference;
double begin;
double end;
struct AmplitudeValue {
double value;
OPT(double) lowerUncertainty;
OPT(double) upperUncertainty;
struct Result {
StreamComponent component;
const Record *record;
AmplitudeValue amplitude;
AmplitudeTime time;
double period;
double snr;
typedef std::vector<std::string> IDList;
typedef boost::function<void (const AmplitudeProcessor*,
const Result &)> PublishFunc;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! C'tor
AmplitudeProcessor(const std::string &type);
AmplitudeProcessor(const Core::Time &trigger);
AmplitudeProcessor(const Core::Time &trigger, const std::string &type);
//! D'tor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configuration Interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Set the start of the noise window relative to the trigger
void setNoiseStart(double start) { _config.noiseBegin = start; }
//! Set the end of the noise window relative to the trigger
void setNoiseEnd(double end) { _config.noiseEnd = end; }
//! Set the start of the signal window relative to the trigger
void setSignalStart(double start) { _config.signalBegin = start; }
//! Set the end of the signal window relative to the trigger
void setSignalEnd(double end) { _config.signalEnd = end; }
void setMinSNR(double snr) { _config.snrMin = snr; }
//! Sets the minimum distance to calculate amplitudes for
void setMinDist(double dist) { _config.minimumDistance = dist; }
//! Sets the maximum distance to calculate amplitudes for
void setMaxDist(double dist) { _config.maximumDistance = dist; }
//! Sets the minimum depth to calculate amplitudes for
void setMinDepth(double depth) { _config.minimumDepth = depth; }
//! Sets the maximum depth to calculate amplitudes for
void setMaxDepth(double depth) { _config.maximumDepth = depth; }
//! Sets a configuration
void setConfig(const Config &config) { _config = config; }
//! Returns the current configuration
const Config &config() const { return _config; }
* @brief Sets the environment for the amplitude processor. Basically
* it is the hypocenter, the receiver and the pick made. The
* pick time must correspond to the trigger time set.
* This method was added with API 12.
* @param hypocenter The hypocenter
* @param receiver The receiver
* @param pick The pick
virtual void setEnvironment(const DataModel::Origin *hypocenter,
const DataModel::SensorLocation *receiver,
const DataModel::Pick *pick);
const Environment &environment() const { return _environment; }
//! Sets whether amplitude updates are enabled or not
void setUpdateEnabled(bool);
bool isUpdateEnabled() const;
void setReferencingPickID(const std::string&);
const std::string& referencingPickID() const;
void setPick(const DataModel::Pick *pick);
const DataModel::Pick *pick() const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Query interface
// This interface is important to be implemented for interactive
// analysis.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Returns a child processor for a specific component. The
//! returned pointer must not be deleted. The default
//! implementation returns 'this' if comp matched the usedComponent.
virtual const AmplitudeProcessor *componentProcessor(Component comp) const;
//! Returns the internally processed data which is used to
//! measure the amplitude.
//! The default implementation returns
//! TimeWindowProcessor::continuousData.
//! The returned pointer must not be managed by a smartpointer or
//! deleted. It points to a static member of this class.
virtual const DoubleArray *processedData(Component comp) const;
//! Returns the implementations capabilities
//! The default implementation returns NoCapability (0)
virtual int capabilities() const;
//! Queries for a capability.
bool supports(Capability capability) const;
//! Returns a list of tokens valid for a certain capability
//! The default implementation returns an empty list
virtual IDList capabilityParameters(Capability cap) const;
//! Sets a processing parameter. Value must be part of the
//! list returned by capabilityParameters(cap).
//! The default implementation returns always false.
virtual bool setParameter(Capability cap, const std::string &value);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public Interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual bool initLocale(Locale *locale, const Settings &settings);
//! Reprocesses the current data chunk and searches for amplitudes
//! only in the given optional time window relative to trigger time
//! (if supported by the implementation).
virtual void reprocess(OPT(double) searchBegin = Core::None,
OPT(double) searchEnd = Core::None);
//! Resets the amplitude processor and deletes all data
//! and noise amplitudes
virtual void reset() override;
//! This method has to be called when all configuration
//! settings have been set to calculate the timewindow
virtual void computeTimeWindow() override;
//! Sets up the amplitude processor. By default it reads whether
//! to use response information or not.
virtual bool setup(const Settings &settings) override;
//! Sets the trigger used to compute the timewindow to calculate
//! the amplitude
//! Once a trigger has been set all succeeding calls will fail.
virtual void setTrigger(const Core::Time& trigger);
Core::Time trigger() const;
* @brief Allows to finalize an amplitude object as created by
* client code.
* This method will usually be called right before the amplitude will
* be stored or sent and inside the emit handler. It allows processors
* to set specific attributes or to add comments.
* The default implementation does nothing.
* @param amplitude The amplitude to be finalized
virtual void finalizeAmplitude(DataModel::Amplitude *amplitude) const;
void setPublishFunction(const PublishFunc &func);
//! Returns the computed noise offset
OPT(double) noiseOffset() const;
//! Returns the computed noise amplitude
OPT(double) noiseAmplitude() const;
//! Returns the type of amplitude to be calculated
const std::string &type() const;
//! Returns the unit of amplitude to be calculated
const std::string& unit() const;
void setHint(ProcessingHint hint, double value) override;
//! Dumps the record data into an ascii file
void writeData() const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected Interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Sets the unit of the computed amplitude.
void setUnit(const std::string &unit);
virtual void process(const Record *record);
virtual bool handleGap(Filter *filter, const Core::TimeSpan&,
double lastSample, double nextSample,
size_t missingSamples) override;
//! Method to prepare the available data just before the noise
//! and amplitude calculation takes place. This method can be
//! reimplemented to convert the data into velocity if the input
//! signal unit is e.g. meter per second squared.
virtual void prepareData(DoubleArray &data);
//! Deconvolve the data using the sensor response. The default
//! implementation simply calls:
//! resp->deconvolveFFT(data, _fsamp, 60.0, 0.00833333, 0, numberOfIntegrations)
//! which corresponds to a period lowpass (freq highpass) filter
//! of 120 seconds.
virtual bool deconvolveData(Response *resp, DoubleArray &data,
int numberOfIntegrations);
//! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Computes the amplitude of data in the range[i1, i2].
//! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Input:
//! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! - data: the waveform data
//! - offset: the computed noise offset
//! - i1: start index in data (trigger + config.signalBegin)
//! - i2: end index in data (trigger + config.signalEnd)
//! - si1: start index of the amplitude search window
//! - si2: end index of the amplitude search window
//! NOTE: si1 and si2 are guaranteed to be in range [i1,i2] if
//! the default AmplitudeProcessor::process method is called (especially
//! when reimplemented).
//! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Output:
//! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! - dt: the picked data index (can be a subindex if required)
//! the dt.begin and dt.end are the begin/end of the timewindow
//! in samples relativ to the picked index. dt.begin and dt.end
//! do not need to be in order, they are ordered afterwards
//! automatically. The default values for begin/end are 0.
//! - amplitude: the picked amplitude value with optional uncertainties.
//! - period: the period in samples and not seconds (-1 if not calculated)
//! - snr: signal-to-noise ratio
//! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual bool computeAmplitude(const DoubleArray &data,
size_t i1, size_t i2,
size_t si1, size_t si2,
double offset,
AmplitudeIndex *dt,
AmplitudeValue *amplitude,
double *period, double *snr) = 0;
//! Computes the noise of data in the range [i1,i2] and returns the offset and
//! the amplitude in 'offset' and 'amplitude'
//! The default implementation takes the median of the data as offset and
//! twice the rms regarding the offset as amplitude
virtual bool computeNoise(const DoubleArray &data, int i1, int i2, double *offset, double *amplitude);
//! Computes the timewindow length when a distance hint has been set.
//! The default implementation return _config.signalEnd
virtual double timeWindowLength(double distance) const;
//! This method gets called when an amplitude has to be published
void emitAmplitude(const Result &result);
bool readLocale(Locale *locale,
const Settings &settings,
const std::string &configPrefix);
void init();
bool initRegionalization(const Settings &settings);
void process(const Record *record, const DoubleArray &filteredData) override;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected Members
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Core::Time _trigger;
// User defined amplitude search window
OPT(double) _searchBegin, _searchEnd;
// pre-arrival offset and rms
OPT(double) _noiseOffset, _noiseAmplitude, _lastAmplitude;
double _snrMax, _snrRMS;
bool _enableUpdates;
bool _enableResponses;
// config
Config _config;
Environment _environment;
std::string _type;
std::string _unit;
std::string _pickID;
bool _responseApplied;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private Members
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
PublishFunc _func;
inline AmplitudeProcessor::Environment::Environment()
: hypocenter(nullptr), receiver(nullptr), pick(nullptr) {}
inline const DataModel::Pick *AmplitudeProcessor::pick() const {
return _environment.pick;
Seiscomp::Core::Generic::InterfaceFactory<Seiscomp::Processing::AmplitudeProcessor, Class> __##Class##InterfaceFactory__(Service)