You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

315 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright (C) gempa GmbH *
* All rights reserved. *
* Contact: gempa GmbH ( *
* *
* GNU Affero General Public License Usage *
* This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation *
* and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this *
* file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: *
* *
* *
* Other Usage *
* Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and *
* conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and *
* gempa GmbH. *
#include <seiscomp/core/message.h>
#include <seiscomp/messaging/protocol.h>
#include <seiscomp/utils/timer.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <functional>
namespace Seiscomp {
namespace Client {
* @brief The Connection class implements the high level connection to a
* messaging backend. It requires a protocol implementation and
* parses the message from the wire into an object tree.
* @code
* ConnectionPtr c = new Connection;
* if ( c->setSource("scmp://app@localhost/testing") != OK ) {
* cerr << "Invalid source" <<endl;
* exit(1);
* }
* if ( c->connect() != OK ) {
* cerr << "Could not open connection" <<endl;
* exit(1);
* }
* cout << "Connected as " << c->clientName() << endl;
* Message *nmsg;
* while ( msg = c->receive(&nmsg) ) {
* cout << "Received message from " << nmsg->sender << endl;
* }
* c->close();
* @endcode
class SC_SYSTEM_CLIENT_API Connection : public Core::BaseObject {
typedef std::list<Connection*> Connections;
typedef std::function<void (const Core::Time &, std::ostream&)> InfoCallback;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! C'tor
Connection(Protocol *proto = nullptr);
//! D'tor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Sets the default content encoding passed to the final
* implementation of \ref Protocol.sendMessage.
* This is taken as a hint and implementations can or cannot respect
* it. The default encoding is deflate.
* @param enc The content encoding
void setContentEncoding(Protocol::ContentEncoding enc);
* @brief Sets the default content type passed to the final
* implementation of \ref Protocol.sendMessage.
* This is taken as a hint and implementations can or cannot respect
* it. The default type is binary.
* @param type The content type
void setContentType(Protocol::ContentType type);
* @brief Creates a connection to the given URL.
* The protocol implementation is created from the given protocol.
* The default is 'scmp' and can be omitted: 'localhost/testing' and
* 'scmp://localhost/testing' are equal.
* If a username is passed then it will be required for registration
* otherwise a random username (clientname) will be created and
* assigned to the connection.
* Only the protocol implementation will be instantiated and the
* address will be saved. A real connection attempt isn't being
* made at this point.
* If a protocol has been set already in the constructor then it will
* be used if the protocol is omitted in the URL. Otherwise it will be
* replaced by the given protocol.
* @param url The URL in format proto://user@host/queue
* @return An unmanaged connection pointer or nullptr in case of error.
Result setSource(const char *URL);
Result setSource(const std::string &URL);
//! Returns the configured source
const std::string &source() const;
* @brief Sets whether membership info of clients should be received.
* This information informs about when another client enters
* one of the groups this connection is subscribed to, when
* another clients leaves one of the groups this connection is
* subscribed to and when a client disconnects from the
* broker.
* This method has to be called prior to connect and after
* setSource to have an affect.
* @param enable true if membership info should be received, false
* otherwise.
Result setMembershipInfo(bool enable);
* @brief Attempts to connect to the messaging backend located at the
* given source (@setSource).
* @param clientName An optional clientname.
* @param primaryGroup The primary messaging group. If empty then the
* connection is treated as read-only connection.
* @param timeoutMs The handshake timeout in milliseconds. If zero then
* no timeout is being used.
* @return Result code
Result connect(const std::string &clientName,
const std::string &primaryGroup,
unsigned int timeoutMs = 3000);
//! Disconnects from the backend
Result disconnect();
//! Returns whether a connection is established or not
bool isConnected() const;
* @brief Reconnects the last established connection.
* If the connection is still established then it will disconnect
* first.
* @return Result code
Result reconnect();
//! Closes the connection to the backend the hard way
Result close();
* @brief Sets the read timeout for receiving a message. If the
* timeout hits then TimeoutError is returned.
* @param milliseconds The timeout in milliseconds. Zero or a negative
* value disabled the timeout.
* @return Result code
Result setTimeout(int milliseconds);
Result subscribe(const char *group);
Result subscribe(const std::string &group);
Result unsubscribe(const char *group);
Result unsubscribe(const std::string &group);
* @brief Waits for a new message to arrive so that a subsequent call
* to \ref recv() will return immediately.
* @return Result code
Result fetchInbox();
* @brief Synchronizes the outbox with the remote server.
* See Protocol::syncOutbox().
* @return Result code
Result syncOutbox();
* @brief Reads a message from the backend. If no message is available
* locally the call will block until a message arrives.
* @param packet An optional storage pointer to the transmitted packet
* from which the message has been created. The ownership
* goes to the caller.
* @param status An optional status storage which holds the result of
* the operation.
* @return The message pointer. nullptr is returned if either an error
* occurred or a system packet was received. This requires a
* package storage pointer to be passed.
Core::Message *recv(Packet **packet = nullptr, Result *status = nullptr);
Core::Message *recv(PacketPtr &packet, Result *status = nullptr);
Result sendMessage(const Core::Message *msg);
Result sendMessage(const std::string &targetGroup, const Core::Message *msg);
//! The following three functions are actually convenience wrapper for
//! backward compatibility
bool send(const Core::Message *msg);
bool send(const std::string &targetGroup, const Core::Message *msg);
size_t inboxSize() const;
const Protocol::State *state() const;
Result lastError() const;
const std::string lastErrorMessage() const;
Protocol *protocol() const;
void setInfoCallback(InfoCallback);
void getInfo(const Core::Time &timestamp, std::ostream &os);
Result setCertificate(const std::string &cert);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Query functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Returns the client name. Either the one given during connect
* or the one assigned by the server.
* @return The client name
const std::string &clientName() const;
* @brief Returns the schema version supported by the remote end.
* This requires a successfull connection to be valid.
* @return The version of the remote schema
Core::Version schemaVersion() const;
// See Protocoll::configurationParameters
const Protocol::KeyValueStore *extendedParameters() const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void registerConnection(Connection *con);
static void unregisterConnection(Connection *con);
ProtocolPtr _protocol;
Protocol::ContentEncoding _defaultContentEncoding;
Protocol::ContentType _defaultContentType;
std::string _address;
std::string _clientName;
std::string _primaryGroup;
unsigned int _timeoutMs;
Result _lastError;
InfoCallback _infoCallback;
Connections::iterator _poolIterator;
inline Result Connection::lastError() const {
return _lastError;
inline const std::string &Connection::source() const {
return _address;
inline bool Connection::send(const Core::Message *msg) {
return sendMessage(msg) == OK;
inline bool Connection::send(const std::string &targetGroup, const Core::Message *msg) {
return sendMessage(targetGroup, msg) == OK;