You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

630 lines
17 KiB

* Copyright (C) gempa GmbH *
* All rights reserved. *
* Contact: gempa GmbH ( *
* *
* GNU Affero General Public License Usage *
* This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation *
* and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this *
* file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: *
* *
* *
* Other Usage *
* Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and *
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* gempa GmbH. *
#include <seiscomp/gui/core/recordview.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/core/connectionstatelabel.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/core/utils.h>
#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
#include <seiscomp/io/recordfilter/iirfilter.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/databasequery.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/origin.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/pick.h>
#include <seiscomp/seismology/ttt.h>
#include <seiscomp/math/matrix3.h>
#include <seiscomp/processing/picker.h>
#include <QActionGroup>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QMovie>
#include <QSet>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QMainWindow>
namespace Seiscomp {
namespace DataModel {
class SensorLocation;
namespace Processing {
namespace Gui {
class TimeScale;
class PickerView;
class SpectrumWidget;
namespace PrivatePickerView {
class SC_GUI_API ThreeComponentTrace : public QObject {
ThreeComponentTrace() = default;
void setTransformationEnabled(bool enable);
void setL2Horizontals(bool);
void setPassThrough(int component, bool enable);
void setRecordWidget(RecordWidget *);
void reset();
void setFilter(RecordWidget::Filter *);
bool transform(int comp = -1, Seiscomp::Record *rec = nullptr);
private slots:
void widgetDestroyed(QObject *obj);
typedef IO::RecordIIRFilter<double> Filter;
// One component
struct Component {
std::string channelCode;
RecordSequence *raw{nullptr};
RecordSequence *transformed{nullptr};
Filter filter{nullptr};
RecordStreamThread *thread{nullptr};
bool passthrough{false};
Math::Matrix3d transformation;
Component traces[3];
RecordWidget *widget{nullptr};
bool enableTransformation{false};
bool enableL2Horizontals{false};
class SC_GUI_API PickerRecordLabel : public StandardRecordLabel {
PickerRecordLabel(int items=3, QWidget *parent=0, const char* name = 0);
void setConfigState(bool);
void setControlledItem(RecordViewItem *controlledItem);
RecordViewItem *controlledItem() const;
void setLinkedItem(bool sm);
void enabledExpandButton(RecordViewItem *controlledItem);
void disableExpandButton();
void unlink();
bool isLinkedItem() const;
bool isExpanded() const;
void setLabelColor(QColor);
void removeLabelColor();
void visibilityChanged(bool);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
public slots:
void extentButtonPressed();
private slots:
void enableExpandable(const Seiscomp::Record*);
bool _isLinkedItem;
bool _isExpanded;
QPushButton *_btnExpand;
RecordViewItem *_linkedItem;
bool _hasLabelColor;
QColor _labelColor;
double latitude;
double longitude;
int unit;
QString gainUnit[3];
ThreeComponentTrace data;
Math::Matrix3d orientationZNE;
Math::Matrix3d orientationZRT;
bool hasGotData;
bool isEnabledByConfig;
friend class Gui::PickerView;
class SC_GUI_API PickerMarkerActionPlugin : public QObject {
virtual ~PickerMarkerActionPlugin() {}
//! Returns the action title as added to the context menu
virtual QString title() const = 0;
virtual bool init(const DataModel::WaveformStreamID &wid,
const Core::Time &time) = 0;
//! Feed a record of the current stream (including all available
//! components)
virtual void setRecords(RecordSequence *seqZ, RecordSequence *seq1, RecordSequence *seq2) = 0;
//! Finalize the action, no more data will be fed a this point
virtual void finalize() = 0;
class SpectrumViewBase : public QWidget {
SpectrumViewBase(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0)
: QWidget(parent, f) {}
protected slots:
virtual void modeChanged(int) = 0;
virtual void windowFuncChanged(int) = 0;
virtual void windowWidthChanged(double) = 0;
class PickerViewPrivate;
class SC_GUI_API PickerView : public QMainWindow {
struct SC_GUI_API Config {
typedef QPair<QString, QString> FilterEntry;
typedef QVector<FilterEntry> FilterList;
typedef QList<QString> StringList;
typedef StringList PhaseList;
struct PhaseGroup {
QString name;
QList<PhaseGroup> childs;
typedef QList<PhaseGroup> GroupList;
typedef QPair<float, float> Uncertainty;
typedef QVector<Uncertainty> UncertaintyList;
typedef QMap<QString, UncertaintyList> UncertaintyProfiles;
typedef QPair<QString, QString> ChannelMapItem;
typedef QMultiMap<QString, ChannelMapItem> ChannelMap;
QString recordURL;
ChannelMap channelMap;
FilterList filters;
QString integrationFilter;
bool onlyApplyIntegrationFilterOnce;
GroupList phaseGroups;
PhaseList favouritePhases;
PhaseList showPhases;
UncertaintyProfiles uncertaintyProfiles;
QString uncertaintyProfile;
bool showCrossHair;
bool ignoreUnconfiguredStations;
bool ignoreDisabledStations;
bool loadAllComponents;
bool loadAllPicks;
bool loadStrongMotionData;
bool usePerStreamTimeWindows;
bool limitStations;
bool showAllComponents;
bool hideStationsWithoutData;
bool hideDisabledStations;
int limitStationCount;
double allComponentsMaximumStationDistance;
double defaultAddStationsDistance;
double defaultDepth;
bool removeAutomaticStationPicks;
bool removeAutomaticPicks;
Core::TimeSpan preOffset;
Core::TimeSpan postOffset;
Core::TimeSpan minimumTimeWindow;
double alignmentPosition;
double offsetWindowStart;
double offsetWindowEnd;
QColor timingQualityLow;
QColor timingQualityMedium;
QColor timingQualityHigh;
OPT(double) repickerSignalStart;
OPT(double) repickerSignalEnd;
void addFilter(const QString &f, const QString &n) {
filters.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>(f, n));
void addShowPhase(const QString &ph) {
void getPickPhases(StringList &phases) const;
void getPickPhases(StringList &phases, const QList<PhaseGroup> &groups) const;
//! Default c'tor
//! The mode defaults to ringbuffer with a buffer
//! size of 30 minutes
PickerView(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0);
//! Creates a RecordView using a time window
PickerView(const Seiscomp::Core::TimeWindow&,
QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0);
//! Creates a RecordView using a timespan and
//! a ringbuffer
PickerView(const Seiscomp::Core::TimeSpan&,
QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0);
bool setConfig(const Config &c, QString *error = nullptr);
void setDatabase(Seiscomp::DataModel::DatabaseQuery*);
void activateFilter(int index);
void setBroadBandCodes(const std::vector<std::string> &codes);
void setStrongMotionCodes(const std::vector<std::string> &codes);
//! Sets an origin an inserts the traces for each arrival
//! in the view.
bool setOrigin(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*,
double relTimeWindowStart,
double relTimeWindowEnd);
//! Sets an origin and keeps all available traces
bool setOrigin(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*);
bool hasModifiedPicks() const;
void getChangedPicks(ObjectChangeList<DataModel::Pick> &list) const;
void stop();
void selectTrace(const std::string &, const std::string &);
void selectTrace(const Seiscomp::DataModel::WaveformStreamID &wid);
void requestArtificialOrigin(double lat, double lon, double depth, Seiscomp::Core::Time time);
void originCreated(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*);
void arrivalChanged(int id, bool state);
void arrivalEnableStateChanged(int id, bool state);
public slots:
void setDefaultDisplay();
void applyPicks();
void changeFilter(int);
void changeRotation(int);
void changeUnit(int);
void setArrivalState(int arrivalId, bool state);
void addPick(Seiscomp::DataModel::Pick* pick);
void setStationEnabled(const std::string& networkCode,
const std::string& stationCode,
bool state);
private slots:
void receivedRecord(Seiscomp::Record*);
void updateTraceInfo(RecordViewItem*, const Seiscomp::Record*);
void currentMarkerChanged(Seiscomp::Gui::RecordMarker*);
void apply(QAction*);
void setPickPhase(QAction*);
void alignOnPhase(QAction*);
void onAddedItem(const Seiscomp::Record*, Seiscomp::Gui::RecordViewItem*);
void onSelectedTime(Seiscomp::Core::Time);
void onSelectedTime(Seiscomp::Gui::RecordWidget*, Seiscomp::Core::Time);
void setAlignment(Seiscomp::Core::Time);
void acquisitionFinished();
void handleAcquisitionError(const QString &msg);
void relocate();
void modifyOrigin();
void updateTheoreticalArrivals();
void itemSelected(RecordViewItem*, RecordViewItem*);
void updateMainCursor(RecordWidget*,int);
void updateSubCursor(RecordWidget*,int);
void updateItemLabel(RecordViewItem*, char);
void updateItemRecordState(const Seiscomp::Record*);
void updateRecordValue(Seiscomp::Core::Time);
void showTraceScaleToggled(bool);
void specLogToggled(bool);
void specSmoothToggled(bool);
void specMinValue(double);
void specMaxValue(double);
void specTimeWindow(double);
void specApply();
void limitFilterToZoomTrace(bool);
void showTheoreticalArrivals(bool);
void showUnassociatedPicks(bool);
void showSpectrogram(bool);
void showSpectrum();
void toggleFilter();
void nextFilter();
void previousFilter();
void addNewFilter(const QString&);
void scaleVisibleAmplitudes();
void zoomSelectionHandleMoved(int, double, Qt::KeyboardModifiers);
void zoomSelectionHandleMoveFinished();
void changeScale(double, double);
void changeTimeRange(double, double);
void sortAlphabetically();
void sortByDistance();
void sortByAzimuth();
void sortByResidual();
void sortByPhase(const QString&);
void showAllComponents(bool);
void showZComponent();
void showNComponent();
void showEComponent();
void alignOnOriginTime();
void alignOnPArrivals();
void alignOnSArrivals();
void pickNone(bool);
void pickP(bool);
void pickS(bool);
void scaleAmplUp();
void scaleAmplDown();
void scaleTimeUp();
void scaleTimeDown();
void scaleReset();
void scrollLeft();
void scrollFineLeft();
void scrollRight();
void scrollFineRight();
void automaticRepick();
void gotoNextMarker();
void gotoPreviousMarker();
void createPick();
void setPick();
void confirmPick();
void resetPick();
void deletePick();
void setCurrentRowEnabled(bool);
void setCurrentRowDisabled(bool);
void loadNextStations();
void showUsedStations(bool);
void moveTraces(double offset);
void move(double offset);
void zoom(float factor);
void applyTimeRange(double,double);
void sortByState();
void alignByState();
void componentByState();
void updateLayoutFromState();
void firstConnectionEstablished();
void lastConnectionClosed();
void beginWaitForRecords();
void doWaitForRecords(int value);
void endWaitForRecords();
void showFullscreen(bool);
void enableAutoScale();
void disableAutoScale();
void addStations();
void searchStation();
void search(const QString&);
void nextSearch();
void abortSearchStation();
void setPickPolarity();
void setPickUncertainty();
void openContextMenu(const QPoint &p);
void openRecordContextMenu(const QPoint &p);
void previewUncertainty(QAction *);
void previewUncertainty(double lower, double upper);
void openConnectionInfo(const QPoint &);
void destroyedSpectrumWidget(QObject *);
void ttInterfaceChanged(QString);
void ttTableChanged(QString);
void showEvent(QShowEvent* event);
RecordLabel* createLabel(RecordViewItem*) const;
void figureOutTravelTimeTable();
void init();
void initPhases();
bool fillTheoreticalArrivals();
bool fillRawPicks();
int loadPicks();
const TravelTime* findPhase(const TravelTimeList &list, const QString &phase, double delta);
RecordViewItem* addStream(const DataModel::SensorLocation *,
const DataModel::WaveformStreamID& streamID,
double distance,
const std::string& text,
bool showDisabled,
bool addTheoreticalArrivals,
const DataModel::Stream *base = nullptr);
RecordViewItem* addRawStream(const DataModel::SensorLocation *,
const DataModel::WaveformStreamID& streamID,
double distance,
const std::string& text,
bool addTheoreticalArrivals,
const DataModel::Stream *base = nullptr);
void queueStream(double dist, const DataModel::WaveformStreamID& streamID, char component);
void setupItem(const char comps[3], RecordViewItem*);
bool addTheoreticalArrivals(RecordViewItem*,
const std::string& netCode,
const std::string& staCode,
const std::string& locCode);
bool addRawPick(Seiscomp::DataModel::Pick*);
void resetState();
void alignOnPhase(const QString&, bool theoretical);
void diffStreamState(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin* oldOrigin,
Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin* newOrigin);
void updateOriginInformation();
void loadNextStations(float distance);
void setCursorText(const QString&);
void setCursorPos(const Seiscomp::Core::Time&, bool always = false);
void setTimeRange(double, double);
void acquireStreams();
bool applyFilter(RecordViewItem *item = nullptr);
bool applyRotation(RecordViewItem *item, int type);
void updateRecordAxisLabel(RecordViewItem *item);
//! Makes sure that the time range [tmin, tmax] is visible.
//! When the interval is larger than the visible area
//! the time range will be left aligned.
void ensureVisibility(double &tmin, double &tmax);
void ensureVisibility(const Seiscomp::Core::Time &time, int pixelMargin);
void updatePhaseMarker(Seiscomp::Gui::RecordWidget*, const Seiscomp::Core::Time&);
void declareArrival(Seiscomp::Gui::RecordMarker *m, const QString &phase, bool);
void updateUncertaintyHandles(RecordMarker *marker);
void updateCurrentRowState();
void setMarkerState(Seiscomp::Gui::RecordWidget*, bool);
bool setArrivalState(Seiscomp::Gui::RecordWidget* w, int arrivalId, bool state);
void fetchManualPicks(std::vector<RecordMarker*>* marker = nullptr) const;
void showComponent(char componentCode);
void fetchComponent(char componentCode);
void addArrival(Seiscomp::Gui::RecordWidget*, Seiscomp::DataModel::Arrival*, int id);
void addFilter(const QString& name, const QString& filter);
void changeFilter(int, bool force);
void closeThreads();
char currentComponent() const;
void searchByText(const QString &text);
void emitPick(const Processing::Picker *, const Processing::Picker::Result &res);
PickerViewPrivate *_d_ptr;
Seiscomp::Core::Generic::InterfaceFactory<Seiscomp::Gui::PickerMarkerActionPlugin, Class> __##Class##InterfaceFactory__(Service)