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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="screloc" category="Processing">
<description>Automatic relocator.</description>
<group name="reloc">
<parameter name="locator" type="string">
Defines the locator to be used such as NonLinLoc.
<parameter name="profile" type="string">
The locator profile to use.
<parameter name="ignoreRejectedOrigins" type="boolean" default="false">
Ignores origins with status REJECTED.
<parameter name="allowPreliminaryOrigins" type="boolean" default="false">
Triggers processing also on origins with status PRELIMINARY.
<parameter name="allowManualOrigins" type="boolean" default="false">
Triggers processing also on origins with mode MANUAL. Otherwise
only origins with mode AUTOMATIC are considered.
<parameter name="useWeight" type="boolean" default="false">
Whether to use the weight of the picks associated with the
input origin as defined in the input origin as input for
the locator or not. If false then all picks associated with
the input origin will be forwarded to the locator with full
<parameter name="adoptFixedDepth" type="boolean" default="false">
If the input origin's depth is fixed then it will be fixed
during the relocation process as well.
<parameter name="storeSourceOriginID" type="boolean" default="false">
Whether to store the ID of the input origin as comment in the
relocated origin or not.
<parameter name="originIDSuffix" type="string">
Suffix appended to the publicID of the origin to be relocated
to form the new publicID. This
helps to identify pairs of origins before and after relocation.
However, new publicIDs are unrelated to the time of creation.
If not defined, a new publicID will be generated automatically.
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Messaging">
<group name="Database">
<group name="Mode">
<option long-flag="test">
<description>Test mode, do not send any message</description>
<group name="Input">
<option flag="O" long-flag="origin-id" argument="arg">
<description>Reprocess the origin and send a message unless test mode is activated</description>
<option long-flag="locator" argument="arg">
<description>The locator type to use</description>
<option long-flag="use-weight" argument="arg" default="0">
<description>Use current picks weight</description>
<option long-flag="evaluation-mode" argument="arg">
<description>set origin evaluation mode: &quot;AUTOMATIC&quot; or &quot;MANUAL&quot;</description>
<option long-flag="ep" argument="file">
Defines an event parameters XML file to be read and processed. This
implies offline mode and only processes all origins contained
in that file. Each relocated origin is appended to the list
of origins unless --replace is given.
<option long-flag="replace">
Used in combination with --ep. If given then each origin for
that an output has been generated is replaced by the result
of relocation. In other words: two LocSAT origins in, two
NonLinLoc origins out. All other objects are passed through.
<group name="Profiling">
<option long-flag="measure-relocation-time">
<description>Measure the time spent in a single relocation</description>
<option long-flag="repeated-relocations" argument="arg">
<description>improve measurement of relocation time by running each relocation multiple times. Specify the number of relocations, e.g. 100.</description>