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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scmv" category="GUI">
<description>Map view</description>
<parameter name="displaymode" type="string">
Start scmv in one of the available display modes:
groundmotion or qualitycontrol
and without tabs and menus as walldisplay.
<parameter name="groundMotionRecordLifeSpan" type="int" default="300" unit="s">
Set the maximum latency in seconds of the ground motion records
to be valid.
<parameter name="removeEventDataOlderThan" type="double" default="43200" unit="s">
Set the time span in seconds to keep events.
<parameter name="readEventsNotOlderThan" type="double" default="0" unit="s">
Set the time span in seconds to read events initially from
<parameter name="centerOrigins" type="boolean" default="false">
If a new origin/event is set/selected this option defines if the
map is centered or not at the origin location.
<parameter name="eventActivityLifeSpan" type="double" default="900" unit="s">
Time span of which an event is active after origin time to
show blinking associated stations.
<parameter name="expiredEventsInterval" type="double" default="0" unit="s">
A positive value (greater than zero) defines the interval to check
for expired events. A negative or zero value disables the interval
check and expired events are only removed when a new event is declared
or an existing event is updated.
<parameter name="annotations" type="boolean" default="false">
Enable/disable drawing of station annotations at startup.
<parameter name="annotationsWithChannels" type="boolean" default="true">
Enable/disable drawing of station annotations with
location/channel codes.
<parameter name="mapLegendPosition" type="string" default="topleft">
Set the location of the map symbol legend (QC, ground motion).
Use either: topleft, topright, bottomright or bottomleft.
<parameter name="eventLegendPosition" type="string" default="bottomleft">
Set the location of the event symbol legend. Use either:
topleft, topright, bottomright or bottomleft.
<group name="eventTable">
<parameter name="visible" type="boolean" default="false">
Whether to show the event table initially or not.
<parameter name="columns" type="list:string">
The columns that are visible in the table. If nothing
is specified then all columns are visible. Valid column names are:
&quot;Event&quot;, &quot;Origin Time&quot;, &quot;Magnitude&quot;,
&quot;Magnitude Type&quot;, &quot;Region&quot;, &quot;Latitude&quot;,
&quot;Longitude&quot;, &quot;Depth&quot;.
<group name="stations">
<parameter name="groundMotionFilter" type="string" default="&quot;RMHP(50)>>ITAPER(20)>>BW(2,0.04,2)&quot;">
The filter applied to waveforms for measuring ground motion.
<group name="display">
Allow to define an initial rectangular region for the map.
<parameter name="latmin" type="double" default="-90" unit="deg">
Minimum latitude in degrees.
<parameter name="lonmin" type="double" default="-180" unit="deg">
<description>Minimum longitude in degrees.</description>
<parameter name="latmax" type="double" default="90" unit="deg">
<description>Maximum latitude in degrees.</description>
<parameter name="lonmax" type="double" default="180" unit="deg">
<description>Maximum longitude in degrees.</description>
scmv [options]
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Messaging">
<group name="Database">
<group name="Records">
<group name="Cities">
<group name="User interface">
<group name="Mapview">
<option flag="" long-flag="displaymode" argument="arg">
Start scmv as walldisplay.
Modes: groundmotion, qualitycontrol
<option flag="" long-flag="with-legend" argument="">
Show the map legend if started as walldisplay.