You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

132 lines
4.3 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scbulletin" category="Utilities">
Create bulletins from SCML.
scbulletin [options]
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Database">
<group name="Input">
<option flag="f" long-flag="format" argument="arg">
Input format to use (xml [default], zxml (zipped xml), binary).
<option flag="i" long-flag="input" argument="arg">
The input file. Default is stdin.
<group name="Dump">
<option flag="E" long-flag="event" argument="arg">
ID of event that is read from database and transformed into
a bulletin. Separate multiple IDs by comma."
<option flag="O" long-flag="origin" argument="arg">
ID of origin that is read from database and transformed into
a bulletin. Separate multiple IDs by comma.
<option flag="1" long-flag="autoloc1">
Use autoloc1 format for output. This is default.
<option flag="3" long-flag="autoloc3">
Use autoloc3 format for output.
<option flag="x" long-flag="extra">
Use a specially detailed autoloc3 format. This options works
only in combination with the autoloc3-flag.
<option flag="e" long-flag="enhanced">
Enhanced output with higher precision. Times: milliseconds,
distances: meter. Use for bulletins of local earthquakes.
<option long-flag="event-agency-id">
Use the agency ID of the event instead of the preferred origin.
<option long-flag="fdsnws">
Dump in FDSNWS event text format, e.g., for generating catalogs.
<option long-flag="first-only">
Convert only the first event/origin to bulletin. Otherwise
all events or origins will be converted to single bulletins
which will be concatenated.
<option flag="k" long-flag="dist-in-km">
Plot distances in km instead of degree.
<option flag="p" long-flag="polarities">
Dump onset polarities.
<option flag="w" long-flag="weight" argument="arg">
Weight threshold for printed and counted picks.
<option flag="x" long-flag="extra">
Use a specially detailed autoloc3 format. This options works only
in combination with the autoloc3-flag.