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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scautopick" category="Processing" inherit-global-bindings="true">
<description>Phase detection and picking on waveforms.</description>
<parameter name="ringBufferSize" type="int" default="300" unit="s">
Defined the record ringbuffer size in seconds.
<parameter name="leadTime" type="int" default="60" unit="s">
The leadTime defines the time in seconds to start picking on
waveforms before current time.
<parameter name="playback" type="boolean" default="false">
If enabled, picks can be made on waveforms which are older than
current time - &quot;leadTime&quot;. Current time is the time
when the module was started. This allows to pick
historic data in real-time playbacks which are preserving the
record times. See e.g. the &quot;msrtsimul&quot; module.
This option deactivates &quot;leadTime&quot;. Activate only for playbacks.
<parameter name="initTime" type="int" default="60" unit="s">
The initTime defines a time span in seconds for that the picker
is blind after initialization. This time is needed to initialize
the filter and depends on it.
<parameter name="gapInterpolation" type="boolean" default="false">
Interpolate gaps linearly? This is valid for gaps shorter
than thresholds.maxGapLength.
<parameter name="useAllStreams" type="boolean" default="true">
If enabled, all streams that are received by the picker are
used for picking. This option has only effect if a
file is used as input which contains more data than the
picker requests. If connected to a waveform server such as
SeedLink, the picker will only receive the data it is
subscribed to.
<parameter name="filter" type="string" default="&quot;RMHP(10)>>ITAPER(30)>>BW(4,0.7,2)>>STALTA(2,80)&quot;">
The default filter used for making detections. Station-specific
configurations (bindings) override this value.
<parameter name="timeCorrection" type="double" default="-0.8" unit="s">
The time correction applied for a pick. Station-specific
values (bindings) override this value.
<parameter name="picker" type="string">
The re-picker to use. By default only simple detections
are emitted as picks. To enable re-picking on a time window around
the detection, an algorithm (plugin) can be defined with this parameter.
Currently available: &quot;AIC&quot;, &quot;BK&quot; or
More options may be available by plugins. Configure related
parameters in global bindings.
<parameter name="phaseHint" type="string" default="P">
Phase hint to be assigned to the pick made by the primary picker.
<parameter name="sendDetections" type="boolean" default="false">
If enabled and &quot;picker&quot; is configured, then
initial detections are sent as well. To distinguish between
detections and picks the evaluation status of the pick is
set to &quot;rejected&quot;. This is meant to be a debug
option which can be used to compare detections and picks by
their evaluation status.
<parameter name="spicker" type="string">
The secondary picker to use, e.g., for picking S-phases.
Currently available is: &quot;S-L2&quot;. More options may
be available by plugins. Configure related parameters
in global bindings.
<parameter name="killPendingSPickers" type="boolean" default="true">
If enabled, all secondary pickers that were triggered by
a previous pick will be terminated when a new detection or
pick has been found. This aims to avoid the case where an
S phase is wrongly picked as P but would also be picked as
S by the secondary picker. But suppressing the S pick can
lead to undesired results. It might be better in some
situations to have two picks (P and S) instead only a wrong P.
<parameter name="extraPickComments" type="boolean" default="false">
If enabled and &quot;picker&quot; or &quot;spicker&quot; is
configured, extra comments will be added to the resulting pick.
Supported comments:
SNR: added if SNR >= 0, comment id is &quot;SNR&quot;
<parameter name="fx" type="string">
Configures the feature extraction type to use. Currently
available: &quot;DFX&quot;. Configure related parameters
in global bindings.
When configured, the usability of the features for locating
depends on the used locator, e.g. LOCSAT. Read the
locator's documentation and configuration parameters.
<parameter name="amplitudes" type="list:string" default="MLv, mb, mB">
The amplitude types to be computed by the picker based on
<group name="thresholds">
Threshold parameters for the primary picker.
<parameter name="triggerOn" type="double" default="3">
For which value on the filtered waveforms is a pick
detected. Station specific values override this value.
<parameter name="triggerOff" type="double" default="1.5">
The value the filtered waveforms must reach to enable
detection again. Between triggerOn and triggerOff the
picker is blind and does not produce picks. Station
specific values override this value.
<parameter name="maxGapLength" type="double" default="4.5" unit="s">
The maximum gap length in seconds to handle.
Gaps larger than this will cause the picker to be reset.
<parameter name="amplMaxTimeWindow" type="double" default="10" unit="s">
The time window used to compute a maximum (snr) amplitude
on the filtered waveforms.
<parameter name="deadTime" type="double" default="30" unit="s">
The time used together with measured amplitude and
`thresholds.minAmplOffset` for scaling the amplitude below which
the picker is inactive after a P pick. Read the documentation!
<parameter name="minAmplOffset" type="double" default="3">
The amplitude used together with measured amplitude and
`thresholds.deadTime` for scaling the amplitude below which
the picker is inactive after a P pick. The value is typically
similar to the trigger threshold. Read the documentation!
<group name="amplitudes">
<parameter name="enableUpdate" type="list:string" default="" unit="">
Configure a list of magnitude types.
Update and send amplitudes for these magnitudes as soon as data are
available. Do not wait for complete time windows.
Only magnitudes computed by scautopick as given by the amplitudes parameter are considered.
This option is for rapid magnitude estimation and EEW.
WARNING: This option increases the load on the system!
<group name="connection">
<parameter name="amplitudeGroup" type="string" default="AMPLITUDE">
Message group for sending amplitudes to.
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Messaging">
<group name="Database">
<option flag="" long-flag="db-disable" argument="" publicID="database#db-disable">
<description>Do not use the database at all</description>
<group name="Records">
<group name="Mode">
<option flag="" long-flag="offline">
<description>Do not connect to a messaging server and do not use the database.</description>
<option flag="" long-flag="playback">
Switches to playback mode which does not request a particular time window from
the input data source. This implies that all records are forwarded to scautopick
if files are being used. Without this option scautopick sets the requested
start time to NOW-leadTime and therefore would not work anymore with
older datasets in offline mode or when running playbacks.
<option flag="" long-flag="ep">
Outputs an XML event parameters file containing all picks and amplitudes.
This option implies offline.
<option flag="" long-flag="amplitudes" argument="arg" default="1">
<description>Enables or disables computation of amplitudes.</description>
<option flag="" long-flag="test">
Runs the picker as usual but does not send any messages. This can be useful to
test the picker within a running system.
<option flag="" long-flag="dump-config">
Dumps the current configuration and exits. Station configuration is only read if
the picker connects to the messaging and the database. In offline mode it will
only dump the application specific setting unless a station.conf file is provided.
<option flag="" long-flag="dump-records">
This option only works in combination with :option:`--offline`. It will dump
the data of an amplitude processor if it completed processing successfully
and a new amplitude is available. The output format is a simple ASCII format.
<group name="Settings">
<option long-flag="filter" argument="filter" param-ref="filter"/>
<option long-flag="time-correction" argument="time" param-ref="timeCorrection"/>
<option long-flag="buffer-size" argument="timespan" param-ref="ringBufferSize"/>
<option long-flag="before" argument="timespan" param-ref="leadTime"/>
<option long-flag="init-time" argument="timespan" param-ref="initTime"/>
<option long-flag="trigger-on" argument="arg" param-ref="thresholds.triggerOn"/>
<option long-flag="trigger-off" argument="arg" param-ref="thresholds.triggerOff"/>
<option long-flag="trigger-dead-time" argument="arg" param-ref="thresholds.deadTime"/>
<option long-flag="ampl-max-time-window" argument="arg" param-ref="thresholds.amplMaxTimeWindow"/>
<option long-flag="min-ampl-offset" argument="arg" param-ref="thresholds.minAmplOffset"/>
<option long-flag="gap-tolerance" argument="arg" param-ref="thresholds.maxGapLength"/>
<option long-flag="gap-interpolation" argument="arg" param-ref="gapInterpolation"/>
<option long-flag="any-stream" argument="arg" param-ref="useAllStreams"/>
<option long-flag="send-detections" param-ref="sendDetections"/>
<option long-flag="extra-comments" param-ref="extraPickComments"/>
<!-- The basic binding description. This could also go into a separate file, but its integrated
into the core description to have everything in one place. -->
<binding module="scautopick">
Configures a station for picking. A station without a binding assigned
will not be picked unless the picker is in offline mode.
<parameter name="detecEnable" type="boolean" default="true">
Enables/disables picking on a station.
<parameter name="detecFilter" type="string" default="&quot;RMHP(10)>>ITAPER(30)>>BW(4,0.7,2)>>STALTA(2,80)&quot;">
Defines the filter to be used for picking.
<parameter name="trigOn" type="double" default="3">
For which value on the filtered waveform is a pick detected.
<parameter name="trigOff" type="double" default="1.5">
The value the filtered waveform must reach to
enable a detection again.
<parameter name="timeCorr" type="double" default="-0.8" unit="s">
The time correction applied to a pick.
<parameter name="sensitivityCorrection" type="boolean" default="false">
Defines whether the detector applies sensitivity correction
(applying the gain) or not in advance to filter the data.