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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scart" category="Utilities" standalone="true">
Import/export MiniSEED data to/from SDS archives.
scart [options] {archive-dir}
The last option has to be the archive directory when dump mode is enabled.
When no archive directory is explicitly given,
$SEISCOMP_ROOT/var/lib/archive or the current directory
is used depending on whether $SEISCOMP_ROOT has been set or not.
The default operation mode is import. That means that a multiplexed
MiniSEED file or another record source such as ArcLink is used to import
records into a SDS structure.
<group name="Verbosity">
<option flag="v" long-flag="verbose">
Verbose mode.
<option flag="h" long-flag="help">
Display a help message.
<group name="Mode">
<option flag="" long-flag="check">
Check mode. Check all files
in the given directory for erroneous miniSEED records.
All sub-directories are included.
If no directory is given, the default SDS archive is scanned.
<option flag="d" long-flag="dump">
Set export (dump) mode. Records are retrieved from an archive and
written to standard output.
<option flag="I">
Import mode: Specify the recordstream URL when in import mode.
When using another recordstream than a file (like ArcLink) a stream
list file is required. Default: file://- (stdin).
<group name="Output">
<option flag="c" argument="channels">
Specify the channel filter for the dumped streams as regular
expression. Default: (B|S|M|H)(L|H)(Z|N|E). To dump only
BHZ, BHN and BHE streams use BH(Z|N|E).
<option flag="E">
Sort records according to their end time. Default: start time.
<option long-flag="files" argument="count">
Specify the number of file handles to cache. Default: 100.
<option flag="l" long-flag="list" argument="file">
Uses a stream list file instead of defined networks and channels
(-n and -c are ignored). The list can be generated from events
by scevetstreams. One line per stream.
Line format: starttime;endtime;streamID.
The time format is the same as described in option '-t'.
2019-07-17 02:00:00;2019-07-17 02:10:00;GR.CLL..BH?
<option flag="" long-flag="nslc" argument="file">
Uses a stream list file instead of defined networks and
channels (-n and -c are ignored). In dump mode only. The
time window must be provided separately. Wild cards may be
used. The list can be generated from bindings by scdumpcfg
or from inventory by scinv. Use one line per stream. Line
format: NET.STA.LOC.CHA.
<option flag="m" long-flag="modify">
Modify the record time for real time playback when in export mode.
The first record time is NOW. The relative time of successive records
to the first one are kept.
<option flag="n" argument="networks">
List of network codes to dump (comma separated). Default: *.
<option flag="s" long-flag="sort">
Sort records by [start-]time. To sort records by their endtime use -E.
<option long-flag="speed">
Specify the speed to dump the records. A value of 0 means no delay
otherwise speed is a multiplier of the real time difference between
the records. When feeding the records directly into the replay pipe
a value of 1 (real time) is recommended.
<option long-flag="stdout">
Write to stdout if import mode is used instead of creating a
SDS archive.
<option long-flag="print-streams">
Print stream information only and exit. Works in import, dump
and check mode. Output: NET.STA.LOC.CHA StartTime EndTime.
<option long-flag="test">
Test only, no record output. This switch is useful
for debugging.
<option flag="t" argument="timeWindow">
Specify the time window (as one properly quoted string) to dump
records for. Times are UTC and separated by a tilde &quot;~&quot;.
To dump one hour of waveform data between 2008/01/01 00:00:00 and
2008/01/01 01:00:00 use
&lt;-t &quot;2008-01-01 00:00:00~2008-01-01 01:00:00&quot;&gt;.
<option flag="" long-flag="with-filecheck">
Check all accessed files after import. Unsorted or
unreadable files are reported to stderr.
<option flag="" long-flag="with-filename">
Print all accessed files to stdout after import.