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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scardac" category="Acquisition">
<description>Waveform archive data availability collector.</description>
<parameter name="archive" type="string" default="@SEISCOMP_ROOT@/var/lib/archive">
Path to MiniSeed waveform archive where all data is stored. The SDS archive
structure is defined as
<parameter name="threads" type="int" default="1">
Number of threads scanning the archive in parallel.
<parameter name="batchSize" type="int" default="100">
Batch size of database transactions used when updating data
availability segments. Allowed range: [1,1000].
<parameter name="jitter" type="float" default="0.5">
Acceptable derivation of end time and start time of successive
records in multiples of sample time.
<parameter name="deepScan" type="boolean" default="false">
By default the last scan time of the extent is compared with
the record file modification time to read only files modified
since the list run. If deepscan is set to true all data files
are processed independ of their mtime.
<parameter name="maxSegments" type="int" default="1000000">
Maximum number of segments per stream. If the limit is reached
no more segments are added to the database and the corresponding
extent is flagged as to fragmented. Use a negative value to
disable any limit.
scardac [OPTION]...
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Collector">
<option flag="a" long-flag="archive" argument="arg" publicID="collector#archive" param-ref="archive"/>
<option long-flag="threads" argument="arg" publicID="collector#threads" param-ref="threads"/>
<option flag="b" long-flag="batch-size" argument="arg" publicID="collector#batchsize" param-ref="batchsize"/>
<option flag="j" long-flag="jitter" argument="arg" publicID="collector#jitter" param-ref="jitter"/>
<!-- Not yet implemented
<option long-flag="deep-scan" argument="" publicID="collector#deepscan" param-ref="deepScan"/>
<option long-flag="generate-test-data" argument="arg" publicID="collector#generate-test-data">
Do not scan the archive but generate test data for each
stream in the inventory. Format:
days,gaps,gapslen,overlaps,overlaplen. E.g. the following
parameter list would generate test data for 100 days
(starting from now()-100) which includes 150 gaps with a
length of 2.5s followed by 50 overlaps with an overlap of
5s: --generate-test-data=100,150,2.5,50,5