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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="ew2sc" category="Processing">
Earthworm hypo2000_arc messages importer
<group name="ew2sc3">
<parameter name="configPath" type="string">
Folder to store logs and achives of hypo2000_arc files from Earthworm export_genericer
<parameter name="senderPort" type="int">
Earthworm export_generic's socket to listen to
<parameter name="modID" type="int">
Expected Earthworm Module ID (ew2sc3 will read the message only if its ModID is correct).
Set to 0 (MOD_WILDCARD) to accept any Earthworm Module ID.
<parameter name="instID" type="int">
Expected Earthworm Institute ID (ew2sc3 will read the message only if its InstID is correct)
Set to 0 (INST_WILDCARD) to accept any Earthworm Institute ID.
<parameter name="customAgencyID" type="string">
Institute name to use when storing origin into database.
If blank, the origin will have the system AgencyID. If specified, the origin will have the given AgencyID.
<parameter name="author" type="string">
<description>Author name to use when storing origin into database.</description>
<parameter name="hostname" type="string">
Earthworm export_generic IP address to connect to
<parameter name="defaultLatitude" type="string">
Default event latitude to use if hypo2000_arc location is null (space filled)
<parameter name="defaultLongitude" type="string">
Default event longitude to use if hypo2000_arc location is null (space filled)
<parameter name="locatorProfile" type="string">
Name of the earth model used by Earthworm location process
<parameter name="enableArchiving" type="boolean">
Enable/Disable hypo2000_arc message file archiving (usefull for troobleshooting)
<parameter name="myAliveInt" type="int">
Time interval (in sec) between two heartbeats messages sent by SeisComP.
This parameter should be lower than Earthworm export_generic RcvAliveInt parameter
<parameter name="senderTimeout" type="int">
Maximum time (in millisecond) before the connection to Earthworm export_generic times out.
This parameter has to be set accordingly to Earthworm export_generic parameters
<parameter name="maxMsgSize" type="int">
Maximum message size (in char) between the Earthworm export_generic and ew2sc3.
This parameter has to be set accordingly to Earthworm export_generic MaxMsgSize parameter
<parameter name="myAliveString" type="string">
Alive string to send to Earthworm export_generic in order to keep the connection alive.
This string should be identical as Earthworm export_generic RcvAliveText string
<parameter name="senderAliveString" type="string">
Alive string expected from Earthworm export_generic in order to keep the connection alive.
This string should be identical as Earthworm export_generic SendAliveText string
<parameter name="enableUncertainties" type="boolean">
Enable/Disable uncertainties conversions.
Earthworm doesn't have uncertainties but weight from 0 to 4.
If enabled, ew2sc3 will convert pick weight to uncertainties followind a simple mapping between weight and pickerUncertainties list.
<parameter name="pickerUncertainties" type="list:double">
Uncertainty values (in sec) to use when enableUncertainties is enabled.
Refer to scolv document for syntax.
<parameter name="maxUncertainty" type="double">
Maximum weight value from Earthworm corresponding to maximum uncertainty
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Messaging">
<group name="Database">
<option flag="" long-flag="db-disable" argument="" publicID="database#db-disable">
<description>Do not use the database at all</description>