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.. highlight:: rst
.. _scheli:
**Real-time helicorder view for one stream.**
:program:`scheli` visualizes waveforms from a single stream or multiple stations
mimicking a drum-recorder plot (see :ref:`fig-scheli`):
* :program:`scheli` plots one configurable trace in helicorder style in the
:term:`GUI` (:ref:`GUI mode <scheli-show>`).
* Configurable GUI: trace colors, visualized time spans, number of rows, data filtering,
amplitude ranges and much more.
* Automatic image capturing: Capture helicorder images at configurable time intervals
of one trace in :ref:`GUI mode<scheli-show>` or a set of multiple channels in
:ref:`capture mode<scheli-capture>`.
The images can be used, e.g. for showing data images on web sites.
.. _fig-scheli:
.. figure:: media/scheli.png
:width: 16cm
:align: center
scheli in GUI mode
.. _scheli-show:
1. **GUI mode - Simple helicorder window:**
* Learn about the plenty command-line options for :program:`scheli`: ::
scheli -h
* Start :program:`scheli` with the configured values and informative debug output: ::
scheli --debug
* Let :program:`scheli` show data from the CX station PB01 for the previous 5 hours
overriding configuration by command-line paramaters:
.. code-block:: sh
scheli --stream CX.PB01..HHZ --rows 10
* Define the data request window by end time and duration; scale traces to the
maximum amplitude per row: ::
scheli --stream IU.TSUM.00.BHZ --end-time "2021-04-22 14:00:00" --time-span 600 --amp-scaling row
.. _scheli-capture:
2. **Capture mode - Image capturing:**
Capture the helicorder plot for 3 stations in intervals of 10 seconds.
The data is retrieved using seedlink and the plots are stored as PNG images.
The image files are named according to network, station, stream and location codes
of the requested stations. Command-line parameters override the module configuration.
.. code-block:: sh
scheli capture --stream CX.PB01..HHZ --stream CX.PB02..HHZ --stream CX.PB04..HHZ --interval 10 -o "/tmp/heli_%N_%S_%L_%C.png" -H localhost -I slink://localhost
The output file names will be generated based on network code (%N), station code (%S),
location code (%L) and stream code (%C): ::
Specifc :program:`scheli` parameters are adjusted in the :ref:`module configuration <scheli_configuration>`.
Colors of traces etc. can be adjusted by setting the *scheme* parameters in
the global configuration of scheli. For alternating colors between the traces
set the parameters scheme.colors.records.foreground and
scheme.colors.records.alternateForeground in :file:`scheli.cfg`:
.. code-block:: sh
# The general color of records/traces.
scheme.colors.records.foreground = 4286F4
# A general trace color of the alternate trace (eg scheli).
scheme.colors.records.alternateForeground = B72D0E
.. _scheli_configuration:
Module Configuration
| :file:`etc/defaults/global.cfg`
| :file:`etc/defaults/scheli.cfg`
| :file:`etc/global.cfg`
| :file:`etc/scheli.cfg`
| :file:`~/.seiscomp/global.cfg`
| :file:`~/.seiscomp/scheli.cfg`
scheli inherits :ref:`global options<global-configuration>`.
.. confval:: heli.streams
Type: *list:string*
List of stream codes to be plotted \(net.sta.loc.cha\).
If not in capture mode only the first stream is shown.
When using a list, the first entry is considered.
Use commas for separating streams.
Example: GR.MOX..BHZ
.. confval:: heli.filter
Type: *string*
Filter to be applied on the data.
.. confval:: heli.numberOfRows
Default: ``48``
Type: *integer*
Filter to be applied on the data.
.. confval:: heli.rowTimeSpan
Default: ``1800``
Type: *double*
Unit: *s*
Length of data per trace.
.. confval:: heli.timeFormat
Default: ``%F``
Type: *string*
The time format used to print the start and end time of the
whole plot \(upper right corner\). The format specification is
the one used in the strftime function \(man strftime\).
.. confval:: heli.recordTime
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Set current time to last data sample.
.. confval:: heli.lineWidth
Default: ``1``
Type: *integer*
Unit: *px*
Line width of traces.
.. confval:: heli.colors
Default: ``FF0000, 0000FF``
Type: *list:string*
A list of alternating row colors cycled through for painting
.. confval:: heli.antialiasing
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Use anti aliasing to plot the traces. The default uses the
settings from scheme.records.antiAliasing
.. confval::
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Add stream description to traces.
.. note::
*Gain-corrected amplitudes given in units of the sensor.*
*For example: m/s.*
.. confval:: heli.amplitudeRange.scaling
Default: ``minmax``
Type: *string*
Define the method to scale traces within rows. Possible
values are:
minmax: Scale all rows to configured minimum and maximum
amplitudes configured by amplitudeRange.min and
row: Scale each row to the maximum within this row.
.. confval:: heli.amplitudeRange.min
Default: ``-0.00001``
Type: *double*
Unit: *unit of input data*
Minimum amplitude to show in trace. Requires
amplitudeRange.scale \= \"minmax\".
.. confval:: heli.amplitudeRange.max
Default: ``0.00001``
Type: *double*
Unit: *unit of input data*
Minimum amplitude to show in trace. Requires
amplitudeRange.scale \= \"minmax\".
.. note::
*Control dumping of PNG images.*
*Execute "scheli capture" for image generation in*
*the background without the graphics.*
.. confval:: heli.dump.interval
Default: ``-1``
Type: *integer*
Unit: *s*
Image creation interval. Negative values disable image
If enabled, images are generated at the configured
.. confval:: heli.dump.outputFile
Default: ``/tmp/heli_%N_%S_%L_%C.png``
Type: *string*
Name of output file.
The filename can contain placeholders
that are replaced by the corresponding streamID parts:
%N : network code
%S : station code
%L : location code
%C : channel code
Placeholders are important if more than one stream
is given and capture mode is active.
.. confval:: heli.dump.dpi
Default: ``300``
Type: *integer*
Unit: *dpi*
Image resolution.
.. confval:: heli.dump.xres
Default: ``1024``
Type: *integer*
Unit: *px*
Number of pixels horizontally.
.. confval:: heli.dump.yres
Default: ``768``
Type: *integer*
Unit: *px*
Number of pixels vertically.
.. confval:: scripts.postprocessing
Type: *path*
Define the path to a script that is called whenever an image
has been captured and written to disc. The only parameter is
the path to the generated image.
Command-Line Options
.. program:: scheli
:program:`scheli [options]`
.. option:: -h, --help
Show help message.
.. option:: -V, --version
Show version information.
.. option:: --config-file arg
Use alternative configuration file. When this option is
used the loading of all stages is disabled. Only the
given configuration file is parsed and used. To use
another name for the configuration create a symbolic
link of the application or copy it. Example:
scautopick \-> scautopick2.
.. option:: --plugins arg
Load given plugins.
.. option:: -D, --daemon
Run as daemon. This means the application will fork itself
and doesn't need to be started with \&.
.. option:: --auto-shutdown arg
Enable\/disable self\-shutdown because a master module shutdown.
This only works when messaging is enabled and the master
module sends a shutdown message \(enabled with \-\-start\-stop\-msg
for the master module\).
.. option:: --shutdown-master-module arg
Set the name of the master\-module used for auto\-shutdown.
This is the application name of the module actually
started. If symlinks are used, then it is the name of
the symlinked application.
.. option:: --shutdown-master-username arg
Set the name of the master\-username of the messaging
used for auto\-shutdown. If \"shutdown\-master\-module\" is
given as well, this parameter is ignored.
.. option:: --verbosity arg
Verbosity level [0..4]. 0:quiet, 1:error, 2:warning, 3:info,
.. option:: -v, --v
Increase verbosity level \(may be repeated, eg. \-vv\).
.. option:: -q, --quiet
Quiet mode: no logging output.
.. option:: --component arg
Limit the logging to a certain component. This option can
be given more than once.
.. option:: -s, --syslog
Use syslog logging backend. The output usually goes to
.. option:: -l, --lockfile arg
Path to lock file.
.. option:: --console arg
Send log output to stdout.
.. option:: --debug
Execute in debug mode.
Equivalent to \-\-verbosity\=4 \-\-console\=1 .
.. option:: --log-file arg
Use alternative log file.
.. option:: --print-component arg
For each log entry print the component right after the
log level. By default the component output is enabled
for file output but disabled for console output.
.. option:: --trace
Execute in trace mode.
Equivalent to \-\-verbosity\=4 \-\-console\=1 \-\-print\-component\=1
\-\-print\-context\=1 .
.. option:: -u, --user arg
Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.username`.
.. option:: -H, --host arg
Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.server`.
.. option:: -t, --timeout arg
Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.timeout`.
.. option:: -g, --primary-group arg
Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.primaryGroup`.
.. option:: -S, --subscribe-group arg
A group to subscribe to.
This option can be given more than once.
.. option:: --content-type arg
Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.contentType`.
.. option:: --start-stop-msg arg
Set sending of a start and a stop message.
.. option:: --db-driver-list
List all supported database drivers.
.. option:: -d, --database arg
The database connection string, format:
\"service\" is the name of the database driver which
can be queried with \"\-\-db\-driver\-list\".
.. option:: --config-module arg
The config module to use.
.. option:: --inventory-db arg
Load the inventory from the given database or file, format:
[service:\/\/]location .
.. option:: --config-db arg
Load the configuration from the given database or file,
format: [service:\/\/]location .
.. option:: --record-driver-list
List all supported record stream drivers.
.. option:: -I, --record-url arg
The recordstream source URL, format:
\"service\" is the name of the recordstream driver
which can be queried with \"\-\-record\-driver\-list\".
If \"service\" is not given, \"file:\/\/\" is
.. option:: --record-file arg
Specify a file as record source.
.. option:: --record-type arg
Specify a type for the records being read.
User interface
.. option:: -F, --full-screen
Start the application filling the entire screen.
This only works with GUI applications.
.. option:: -N, --non-interactive
Use non\-interactive presentation mode. This only works with
GUI applications.
.. option:: --offline
Do not connect to a messaging server and do not use the
.. option:: --end-time arg
Set the acquisition end time, e.g. '2017\-09\-08 13:30:00',
default: 'gmt'
.. option:: --stream arg
The record stream that should be displayed. Can be used
multiple times for multiple streams.
Example: GR.MOX..BHZ \(net.sta.loc.cha\)
.. option:: --filter arg
The filter to apply
.. option:: --gain arg
Gain applied to the data before plotting
.. option:: --amp-scaling arg
Lower bound of amplitude range per row. Possible values:
minmax: Scale all rows to configured minimum and maximum
row: Scale each row to the maximum within this row.
.. option:: --amp-range-min arg
Lower bound of amplitude range per row
.. option:: --amp-range-max arg
Upper bound of amplitude range per row
.. option:: --amp-range arg
Arround zero bound of amplitude range per row
.. option:: --record-time arg
Do the last row always contain the last record received
.. option:: --desc arg
Enable\/disable the display of a station description
.. option:: --rows arg
Configure the number of rows to display
.. option:: --time-span arg
Configure the time\-span \(in secs\) per row. Unit: seconds.
.. option:: --aa arg
Set antialiasing for rendering the traces
.. option:: --xres arg
Output x resolution when generating images. Unit: dpi.
.. option:: --yres arg
Output y resolution when generating images. Unit: dpi.
.. option:: --dpi arg
Output dpi when generating postscript. Unit:dpi.
.. option:: -o arg
Output filename. Placeholders are %N,%S,%L,%C for network
code, station code, location code, channel code.
.. option:: --interval arg
Snapshot interval \(less than 0 disables timed snapshots\).
Unit: seconds.