You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3704 lines
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.. _global_gui:
The GUI configuration plugin extends the configuration of
graphical user interfaces to various options to adjust the look
and feel.
All |scname| graphical user interfaces are based on a common libraries.
This chapter describes what configuration and styling options are available for
all GUI applications. The GUI specific configuration options are additional to
the standard application options. Setup the e.g., messaging connection and database
is equal to the CLI (command line interface) applications.
.. _sec-gui_styles:
To adjust the look-and-feel to the host desktop system and the personal taste
several styling options are available. Since all GUI applications are using the
Qt4 or QT5 library, the tool "qtconfig-qt4" can used to adjust the widget theme and the
colors. If KDE is used as desktop system, the same style is used since KDE
bases on Qt as well.
The style options supported by |scname| (and not covered by the general Qt setup)
have to be given in the applications (or global) configuration file. The
parameters are configured with the *scheme.* parameters.
In case of :ref:`map layers defined by geo feature files <sec-gui_layers>` the
parameters may also be defined by :file:`map.cfg` in the directory of the geo
feature file.
.. _sec-gui_syntax:
Configuration syntax
Beside the usual integer, float, boolean and string parameters GUI applications
support also :ref:`color <sec-gui_color>`, :ref:`color gradient <sec-gui_colorgradient>`,
:ref:`pen <sec-gui_pen>`, :ref:`brush <sec-gui_brush>`, :ref:`font <sec-gui_font>`
and :ref:`symbol <sec-gui_symbol>` parameters. The syntax is explained below:
.. _sec-gui_color:
.. code-block:: sh
color = red | RRGGBBAA | "rgb(red,green,blue)" | "rgba(red,green,blue,alpha)"
Colors are specified either by :term:`color keyword names <color keyword name>`,
in a hexadecimal notation or in a rgb(a) notation. When using the rgb(a)
notation it should be quoted. Otherwise the configuration
parser would tokenize the value into 3 or 4 strings due to the comma.
.. _sec-gui_colorgradient:
Color gradients
.. code-block:: sh
gradient = 1:FF0000, 2:00FF00, 3:0000FF
This defines a gradient from red through green to blue for the nodes 1, 2 and 3.
Values out of range are clipped to the lower or upper bound.
.. _sec-gui_font:
.. code-block:: sh
# The font family = "Arial"
# Point size
font.size = 12
# Bold?
# Default: false
font.bold = false
# Italic?
# Default: false
font.italic = false
# Underline?
# Default: false
font.underline = false
# Overline?
# Default: false
font.overline = false
An example to configure the SC3 base font:
.. code-block:: sh = "Arial"
scheme.fonts.base.size = 10
.. _sec-gui_pen:
Pens are used in the vector layer configuration. Pens have three attributes:
color, style and width. Color follows the described :ref:`color definition <sec-gui_color>`, width
is a double and the styles are:
| .. figure:: media/gui/pen-no.png | .. figure:: media/gui/pen-solid.png | .. figure:: media/gui/pen-dot.png |
| nopen | solidline | dotline |
| .. figure:: media/gui/pen-dash.png | .. figure:: media/gui/pen-dashdot.png | .. figure:: media/gui/pen-dashdotdot.png |
| dashline | dashdotline | dashdotdotline |
| *Images from Qt 4.1 documentation:* |
.. code-block:: properties
# Blue dotted pen
pen.color = 0000ff = dotline
.. _sec-gui_brush:
Brushes are also used in the vector layer configuration. Brushes are used to
fill a polygon. They have two attributes: color and style. Color follows the
described :ref:`color definition <sec-gui_color>` and styles are:
.. figure:: media/gui/brush-patterns.png
.. code-block:: sh
# Red solid brush
brush.color = ff0000 = solid
.. _sec-gui_symbol:
Symbols configured by the :confval:`symbol.*` parameters can be plotted on coordinate
points defined by :ref:`geo feature files <sec-gui_layers>` or by :confval:`symbol.icon.hotspot.x`
and :confval:`symbol.icon.hotspot.y`. The symbols can be shapes (:confval:`symbol.shape`)
or icons from a file (:confval:`symbol.icon`).
.. _sec-gui_legend:
Legends are plotted on maps describing :ref:`map vector layers <sec-gui_layers>`.
Styles are:
.. csv-table::
:header: "Name", "Description", "Example"
:widths: 1, 3, 3
":confval:`title`", "Title", "title = Faults"
":confval:`orientation`", "Orientation: vertical, horizontal", "orientation = vertical"
":confval:`legendArea`", "Position: topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright", "legendArea = topleft"
.. _sec-gui_layers:
Map Layers
Additional features may be added to maps using configurable layers:
* :ref:`sec-gui_layers-vector`, e.g., points, polylines, polygons from FEP, BNA
or GeoJSON files. Files in BNA and GeoJSON format can be generated from other
formats by many GIS programs or web sites. BNA and GeoJSON are described below.
* :ref:`sec-gui_layers-others`, e.g., cities, grids, events, custom layers.
:ref:`sec-gui_layers-vector` are loaded and may be visualized together with
:ref:`other layers <sec-gui_layers-others>`. The order of the drawing is defined
by :confval:`map.layers`.
The map layers can be explained on the maps by :ref:`configurable legends <sec-gui_legend>`
and selected interactively by their :ref:`configurable category <sec-gui_layers-config>`.
.. figure:: media/gui/map-layers.png
:align: center
:width: 18cm
Map with layers defined by polygons, cities and legends.
.. _sec-gui_layers-vector:
Vector layers
.. admonition:: Deprecation warning
:class: warning
The old directories :file:`@DATADIR@/bna` or :file:`@CONFIGDIR@/bna`
are still supported but superseded by :file:`@DATADIR@/spatial/vector` or
:file:`@CONFIGDIR@/spatial/vector`. The latter directories have higher priority.
If one of the old directories has been found, a warning will be logged.
|scname| supports arbitrary polygons, polylines or points for drawing as layers
on maps or for using by other :term:`modules <plugin>` and :term:`plugins <plugin>`.
The polygons, polylines and points can be customized by the
:ref:`available attributes <sec-gui_syntax>`. Currently supported data types
* FEP (Flinn-Engdahl polygons):
* used for visualization of event regions and for setting the region name of
the event by :ref:`scevent`.
* stored in directories: :file:`@DATADIR@/fep` or :file:`@CONFIGDIR@/fep`
* file name extension: *.fep*
* file format example with one polygon:
.. code-block:: none
longitude1 latitude1
longitude2 latitude2
longitude3 latitude3
99.0 99.0 length
L name
where the coordinates, *length* and *name* are to be replaced by actual values,
* visibility and style can be controlled by :ref:`configuration <sec-gui_layers-config>`
and :confval:`map.layers.fep.visible`.
* BNA polygons:
* used for visualization, e.g., points, polylines, polygons for faults or
districts, respectively, and even symbols or images on maps. Some objects,
like closed lines, can be evaluated by other modules and plugins, e.g,. the
:ref:`region check <scevent_regioncheck>` plugin for :ref:`scevent`.
* stored in directories or sub-directories of: :file:`$SEISCOMP_ROOT/share/spatial/vector`
or :file:`~/.seiscomp/spatial/vector`
* file name extension: *.bna*
* properties are controlled as described in the section
* for closed polygons the list of coordinates does not need to end on start
* file format example for one polygon/polyline:
.. code-block:: none
"name 1","rank 1",type/length
where the coordinates, *name* and *type/length* are to be replaced by actual values.
For polylines (open polygons) set type/length to the negative number of points defining
the line, e.g., -10. Positive numbers, e.g., 10, define closed polygons. Such
polygons are automatically closed between their end points. Thus, the end points
do not need to be identical.
The BNA file format also supports multiple vertices per line and the definition
of islands. Please refer to
for more format specifications.
.. note ::
* All |scname| map applications support the drawing of polygons and a subsequent
export to the BNA format.
* An extension of the header entries is possible. The extra entries can be
used by other modules or plugins, e.g., the :ref:`region check <scevent_regioncheck>`
plugin. Example ::
"coal","rank 1","eventType: mining explosion, minDepth: -5, maxDepth: 10",6
* The name is extracted from the first part of the header.
* The rank is extracted from the second part of the header if it has the
form "rank VALUE", e.g., rank 12.
* visibility and style can be controlled by
:ref:`configuration in map.cfg<sec-gui_layers-config>`.
* GeoJSON features:
* used for visualization, e.g., points, polylines, polygons for faults or
districts, respectively, and even symbols or images on maps.
* stored in directories or sub-directories of:
:file:`$SEISCOMP_ROOT/share/spatial/vector` or
* file name extension: *.geojson*
* file format:
* properties are controlled as described in the section
:ref:`sec-gui_layers-config`. Other module-specific properties can be added
like the extra entries for BNA files (see above). They are evaluated by the
specific application.
* for closed polygons the list of coordinates must end on the start point.
Otherwise polylines are drawn.
.. note ::
Currently the geometry type GeometryCollection is not supported. The name
of the feature is derived from the `name` property of a feature and the
rank can be provided in a `rank` property with an integer value.
* file format example with two polygons and one point:
.. code-block:: properties
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"name": "polygon 1",
"rank" : 1,
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[ 10.0, -15.0 ],
[ 13.0, -15.0 ],
[ 13.0, -12.0 ],
[ 10.0, -12.0 ],
[ 10.0, -15.0 ]
}, {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"name": "polygon 2",
"rank" : 1,
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[ 0.0, -5.0 ],
[ 3.0, -5.0 ],
[ 3.0, -2.0 ],
[ 0.0, -2.0 ],
[ 0.0, -5.0 ]
}, {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"name": "point 1",
"rank" : 1,
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
[ 13.0, 52.0 ]
.. _sec-gui_layers-config:
Layer configuration
Layers may be grouped into categories and form a hierarchy. The categories of the
geo feature data are derived from the feature directory structure, i.e. the names
of the directories below the feature directory, e.g., :file:`@DATADIR@/spatial/vector`.
Feature data directly located within the feature directory have no special category.
The FEP data set is assigned to the fep category.
The depth of the feature directory tree is arbitrary and subfolders form
sub-categories. E.g., the directory tree
:file:`$SEISCOMP_ROOT/share/spatial/vector/coastline/europe/germany` will generate
the categories *coastline*, *coastline.europe* and *coastline.europe.germany* which
all may be configured individually. Every undefined property is inherited from
the parent category.
The layer properties can be configured either by
* Global module configuration parameters or
* Layer-specific configuration files (:file:`map.cfg`).
.. note ::
The parameters in the global configuration of modules override the configurations
in :file:`map.cfg` allowing a specific configuration per application.
All data set directories and sub-directories in the feature directory are
scanned for an optional :file:`map.cfg` configuration file defining default
drawing options. Parameters found in the lowest sub-directory take priority.
This allows easy distribution of data sets and drawing properties without the
need to change application configuration files.
The available map layer configuration parameters are described further below.
The default drawing options may be overridden in the global or application
configuration file using the format *prefix.category.param*. If global layer
properties are configured, then just use *prefix.param*. The prefix for layer
configuration is *map.layers*. Due to its recursive structure the configuration
options are not available through :ref:`scconfig`.
The example below shows files and directories for plotting fault lines with
specific configurations. The geo features are defined in :file:`data.bna` or
:file:`data.geojson`, configurations are in :file:`map.cfg`:
.. code-block:: none
├── maps.cfg
├── faults/
| ├── map.cfg
| ├── reverse/
| | ├── map.cfg
| | ├── data.bna
| | ├── data.geojson
| ├── normal/
| | ├── map.cfg
| | ├── data.bna
| | ├── data.geojson
| ├── strike-slip/
| | ├── map.cfg
| | ├── data.bna
| | ├── data.geojson
├── others/
| ├── maps.cfg
| ├── data.bna
| ├── data.geojson
Configuration examples for plotting the fault lines based on the example above:
* Legend control in :file:`@DATADIR@/spatial/vector/faults/map.cfg`
.. code-block:: properties
# title of legend for all legend entries
title = "Faults"
# plot the legend vertically
orientation = vertical
# plot the legend in the top-right corner
legendArea = topright
* Polygon property control in :file:`@DATADIR@/spatical/vector/faults/strike-slip/map.cfg`
common to all polygons in this directory. You may generate
different sub-directories with different parameters inheriting the legend and other
properties. Put this file, e.g., in the strike-slip directory.
.. code-block:: properties
# make the layer visible
visible = true
# do not draw the name of the polygon
drawName = false
# draw a solid line = solidline
# set the pen with to 1 px
pen.width = 1
# set the pen line to blue
pen.color = blue
# label to be shown in legend
label = "strike-slip"
Instead of using :file:`map.cfg`, the same properties can also be set per layer
category by global parameters in module configurations, e.g., for the layer *strike-slip*
below *faults* (:file:`global.cfg`):
.. code-block:: properties
map.layers.faults.title = "Faults"
map.layers.faults.orientation = vertical
map.layers.faults.legendArea = topright
map.layers.faults.strike-slip.visible = true
map.layers.faults.strike-slip.drawName = false = solidline
map.layers.faults.strike-slip.pen.width = 1
map.layers.faults.strike-slip.pen.color = blue
map.layers.faults.strike-slip.label = "strike-slip"
Available map layer configuration parameters for each category are:
.. confval:: visible
Type: *boolean*
Show/hide the layer
Default is ``true``.
.. confval:: title
Type: *string*
Title of the legend for this directory. If the title is empty
then no legend will be created. A legend will show the label
of its own directory and all its subdirectories.
.. confval:: label
Type: *string*
The legend label for this directory.
.. confval:: index
Type: *int*
The index of the label in the legend. All labels will be
sorted by their index in ascending order.
Default is ``0``.
.. confval:: legendArea
Type: *string*
The area in the map where the legend will be displayed.
Valid values are *topleft*, *topright*, *bottomleft* and
Default is ``topleft``.
.. confval:: orientation
The orientation of the legend, either *vertical* or *horizontal*.
Default is ``vertical``.
.. confval:: drawName
Type: *boolean*
Draws the segment name in the center of the bounding box.
Default is ``false``.
.. confval:: rank
Type: *int*
Set or override the rank of the segment. The rank defines
the zoom level at which drawing of the segment starts.
Default is ``1``.
.. confval:: roughness
Type: *int*
Sets the roughness of a polyline or polygon while zooming. The roughness
is somehow defined in pixels and removes successive vertices if the distance
in pixel is less than roughness. The higher the value the less vertices
a rendered polyline or polygon will finally have and the faster the rendering.
If set to 0 then the feature is disabled.
Default is ``3``.
.. confval:: symbol.size
Type: *int*
In case of single points, this specifies the size of the symbol in pixels.
Default is ``8``.
.. confval:: symbol.shape
Type: *string*
In case of single points, this specifies the shape of the symbol. Valid
values are *circle* and *square*.
Default is ``circle``.
.. confval:: symbol.icon
Type: *string*
In case of single points this specifies the path to an image used as
icon to represent the map location. The image is scaled to :confval:`symbol.size`
if it is larger than zero otherwise the origin size is being used.
.. confval:: symbol.icon.hotspot.x
Type: *int*
The X coordinate of the symbol image which is rendered at the map
location longitude. This coordinate is in unscaled image space.
Default is ``0``.
.. confval:: symbol.icon.hotspot.y
Type: *int*
The Y coordinate of the symbol image which is rendered at the map
location latitude. This coordinate is in unscaled image space
starting at top.
Default is ``0``.
.. confval:: debug
Type: *boolean*
If enabled, the bounding box of the segment is drawn.
Default is ``false``.
.. confval:: pen.width
Type: *double*
Pen width.
Default is ``1.0``.
.. confval:: pen.color
Type: *color*
Pen color.
Default is ``000000ff``.
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Line style. Supported values are: dashdotdotline, dashdotline, dashline,
dotline, nopen and solidline.
Default is ``solidline``.
.. confval:: brush.color
Type: *color*
Fill color.
Default is ``000000ff``.
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Fill style. Supported values are:
nobrush, solid, dense1, dense2, dense3, dense4,
dense5, dense6, dense7, horizontal, vertical,
cross, bdiag, fdiag and diagcross.
Default is ``nobrush``.
.. confval:: font.size
Type: *int*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
.. confval:: font.bold
Type: *boolean*
.. confval:: font.italic
Type: *boolean*
.. confval:: font.underline
Type: *boolean*
.. confval:: font.overline
Type: *boolean*
.. confval:: composition
The image composition mode. Valid values are
*src-in*, *dst-in*, *src-out*, *dst-out*, *src-atop*,
*dst-atop*, *xor*, *plus*, *multiply*, *screen*,
*overlay*, *darken*, *lighten*, *color-dodge*,
*color-burn*, *hard-light*, *soft-light*, *difference*,
*exclusion*, *src-or-dst*, *src-and-dst*, *src-xor-dst*,
*not-src-and-not-dst*, *not-src-or-not-dst*,
*not-src-xor-dst*, *not-src*, *not-src-and-dst* and
An explanation can be found at the Qt
developer documentation, e.g.
Default is ``src-over``.
.. _sec-gui_layers-others:
Other Layers
Other layers may be displayed on maps depending on the application.
* Events layer:
Event symbols are shown as an extra layer, e.g., in the Location tab of :ref:`scolv`.
Activate in the global module configuration by :confval:``.
* Cities layer:
Cities are plotted based on the XML file :file:`@DATADIR@/cities.xml`. Custom
XML files, e.g., for multi-language support are provided by :confval:`cityXML`.
Properties are configured in various global module parameters :confval:`*`
and :confval:`scheme.colors.*`.
* Grid layer:
The latitude/longitude grid plotted on top of maps. Properties are configured
in the global module parameters :confval:`*`.
* Custom layers:
Additional custom layers may be added which can be loaded and displayed by specific
modules or plugins. They are added by :confval:`map.customLayers`.
.. _global_gui_configuration:
Module Configuration
.. note::
*Configures the target messaging groups for various object types.*
*These parameters should only be touched if you know what you*
*are doing.*
.. confval:: groups.pick
Default: ``PICK``
Type: *string*
Defines the target messaging group for manual picks, e.g.
made in scolv.
.. confval:: groups.amplitude
Default: ``AMPLITUDE``
Type: *string*
Defines the target messaging group for amplitudes, e.g.
computed in scolv.
.. confval:: groups.magnitude
Default: ``MAGNITUDE``
Type: *string*
Defines the target messaging group for magnitudes. scolv does
not use this group but sends magnitudes together with the
origin to the origin group.
.. confval:: groups.location
Default: ``LOCATION``
Type: *string*
Defines the target messaging group for origins created in
e.g. scolv.
.. confval:: groups.focalMechanism
Default: ``FOCMECH``
Type: *string*
Defines the target messaging group for focal mechanisms created in
e.g. scolv.
.. confval:: groups.event
Default: ``EVENT``
Type: *string*
Defines the target messaging group for events and event
journal entries.
.. confval:: map.location
Default: ``@DATADIR@/maps/world%s.png``
Type: *string*
Specified the location and the structure of the map tiles to be used. This
path is composed of zero or more directives and must include at least one
conversion specification which starts with is introduced by the character %
followed by a conversion specifier. Valid specifiers are s \(replaced by
tile ID\), l \(tile level\), c \(tile column\) and r \(tile row\). An example for
using the OpenStreetMap file structure is \/path\/to\/maps\/%l\/%c\/%r.png.
.. confval:: map.format
Default: ``rectangular``
Type: *string*
Projection of the map tiles. Supported formats are: rectangular and mercator.
.. confval:: map.cacheSize
Default: ``0``
Type: *int*
Unit: *bytes*
Cache size of the map tiles. If 0 is specified a default
cache size of 32mb is used. The higher the cache size
the better the performance in higher resolutions. A
higher cache size causes less image loader calls but
requires more client memory.
.. confval:: map.type
Type: *string*
Used to distinguish tile store implementations provided by plug\-ins.
.. confval:: map.customLayers
Type: *list:string*
Allows to add custom layers that are included via plugins.
This is a list of layer names. A plugin must implement
the layer interface and register itself with the
name used in this list. The order of layers is the
default order. The custom layers are prepended to
the maps defaults layers such as the grid and the cities.
.. confval:: map.layers
Type: *string*
Defines the order of all configured layers. This
includes the standard layers \(grid, cities\) as
well as custom layers. The name of the grid layer
is \"grid\" and the name of the cities
layer is \"cities\".
.. note::
*Configuration options for the events layer that*
*shows all events on the map that are loaded in the*
*event list.*
.. confval::
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Show the events layer on maps. Currently only supported
by scolv.
.. note::
*Configuration for the fep layer showing the polygons*
*of FEP (FLinn-Engdahl-Polygon) files on maps if they*
*exist in @DATADIR@/fep or @CONFIGDIR@/fep.*
.. confval:: map.layers.fep.visible
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Show the fep layer on maps.
.. confval:: map.layers.cities.topPopulatedPlaces
Default: ``-1``
Type: *int*
Maximum number of cities to be rendered. If
cityPopulationWeight is less or equal than 0 then
all cities are rendered ordered by population count,
highest first.
To show the N most populated places in the visible
map region, set
\"\" to 0
and set this parameter to N.
.. confval:: map.zoom.sensitivity
Default: ``0.5``
Type: *double*
Zoom sensitivity of the map
.. note::
*This group defines various options for color, pen, brush, font, etc. for SeisComP*
*graphical user interfaces. There are various conventions to*
*define colors, fonts and gradients.*
*Colors are defined in HTML*
*convention, e.g. as rgb values, hexadecimal numbers or color*
*keyword names defined by W3C. If rgb or rgba is used, it must*
*be quoted because the comma is handled as list separator by*
*the configuration.*
*Examples: "rgb(255,0,0)", FF00FF40, green.*
*Gradients are configured as lists of tuples where each tuple*
*is colon separated in the form value:color. Value is either*
*int or double and color is again a color definition.*
*Example: 0:yellow,10:red*
.. confval:: scheme.showMenu
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Show menu bar.
.. confval:: scheme.showStatusBar
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Show status bar.
.. confval:: scheme.tabPosition
Type: *string*
Set position if tab bar. An unset value lets the application
decide where to place the tab bar. This option might not be
supported by all applications. Valid positions are: off, north,
south, east, west
.. confval::
Default: ``8``
Type: *int*
Unit: *px*
The station symbol size \(e.g. in scmv\).
.. confval::
Default: ``9``
Type: *int*
Unit: *px*
The origin symbol minimum size. The formula to compute the
size of the origin symbol is: 4.9\*\(M\-1.2\).
.. confval::
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Apply antialiasing to map layers.
This improves the visual quality but decreases performance.
.. confval::
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Apply bilinear filtering to maps.
The bilinear filter improves the visual quality but decreases
performance slightly. It is only used for static map images.
Not while dragging.
.. confval::
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Display the latitude\/longitude grid on maps
.. confval::
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Show cities defined in \"citiesXML\" on maps
.. confval::
Default: ``150``
Type: *int*
Controls at which zoom level a city will be visible. The
following formula is used:
screen_width \(km\) \* weight >\= population
.. confval::
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Show custom layers on maps
.. confval::
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Show map legends initially. Some applications provide
controls to toggle the visibility in addition to this
.. confval::
Default: ``Rectangular``
Type: *string*
SeisComP ships with the rectangular projection built\-in.
Other projections may be provided through plugins.
.. confval::
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Converts map colors from RGB color scheme to BGR.
.. confval::
Default: ``3``
Type: *int*
Unit: *px*
Minimum screen distance to plot a polygon or polyline line segment.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.background
Type: *color*
A general application background color. Can be used to give
each application a different background color. An unset value
lets Qt decide.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.agencies
Type: *list:string-tuples*
Sets desired colors for particular agencyIDs. It depends on the
applications if they honor this setting or not. The event list
will render the agencyID string with the defined colors.
This is a list of tuples \(AGENCY:COLOR\),
e.g. \"GEOFON:black, USGS:blue\".
.. confval::
Type: *color*
The color of lines in the map \(e.g. lines
connecting the origin and a station\).
.. confval::
Type: *color*
The color of station outlines in the map.
.. confval::
Type: *color*
The color of station annotations.
.. confval::
Type: *color*
The color of city labels.
.. confval::
Type: *color*
The color of city outlines.
.. confval::
Type: *color*
The color of a capital.
.. confval::
Type: *color*
The color of a \"normal\" city.
.. note::
*Defines the pen of the latitude/longitude grid of the map.*
.. confval::
Default: ``FFFFFF``
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Default: ``DotLine``
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are: NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval::
Default: ``1``
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Appearance of map annotations including a text*
*color (pen), a border color (pen) and a background*
*color (brush).*
.. confval::
Default: ``9``
Type: *int*
Unit: *pt*
Font point size of the label text.
.. note::
*Text pen for non highlighted annotations.*
.. confval::
Default: ``c0c0c0``
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Default: ``SolidLine``
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are:
NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval::
Default: ``1``
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Border pen for non highlighted annotations.*
.. confval::
Default: ``a0a0a4``
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Default: ``SolidLine``
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are:
NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval::
Default: ``1``
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Background brush for non highlighted annotations.*
.. confval::
Default: ``202020c0``
Type: *color*
The color of the brush.
.. confval::
Default: ``solid``
Type: *string*
The style of the brush. Supported values are, e.g.:
solid, dense1, dense7, horizontal, vertical,
cross, bdiag, fdiag, diagcross.
.. note::
*Text pen for highlighted annotations.*
.. confval::
Default: ``000000``
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Default: ``SolidLine``
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are:
NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval::
Default: ``1``
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Border pen for highlighted annotations.*
.. confval::
Default: ``a0a0a4``
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Default: ``SolidLine``
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are:
NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval::
Default: ``1``
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Background brush for highlighted annotations.*
.. confval::
Default: ``ffffffa0``
Type: *color*
The color of the brush.
.. confval::
Default: ``solid``
Type: *string*
The style of the brush. Supported values are, e.g.:
solid, dense1, dense7, horizontal, vertical,
cross, bdiag, fdiag, diagcross.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.foreground
Default: ``808080``
Type: *color*
The general color of records\/traces.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.alternateForeground
Default: ``808080``
Type: *color*
A general trace color of the alternate trace \(eg scheli\).
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.background
Type: *color*
The general background color of records\/traces.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.alternateBackground
Type: *color*
A general background color of the alternate trace.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.spectrogram
Default: ``000000``
Type: *color*
The trace color used on top of a spectrogram.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.gaps
Default: ``FFFF0040``
Type: *color*
The color of data gaps in trace views.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.overlaps
Default: ``FF00FF40``
Type: *color*
The color of data overlaps in trace views.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.alignment
Default: ``FF0000``
Type: *color*
The color of the alignment marker in trace views.
.. note::
*Properties of record borders*
.. note::
*Standard properties*
.. note::
*Defines the pen of the border line.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.borders.standard.pen.color
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are:
NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.borders.standard.pen.width
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Defines the brush of the enlcosed area.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.borders.standard.brush.color
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Type: *string*
The style of the brush. Supported values are, e.g.:
solid, dense1, dense7, horizontal, vertical,
cross, bdiag, fdiag, diagcross.
.. note::
*Properties for records with valid signatures*
.. note::
*Defines the pen of the border line.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.borders.signatureValid.pen.color
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are:
NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.borders.signatureValid.pen.width
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Defines the brush of the enlcosed area.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.borders.signatureValid.brush.color
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are, e.g.:
solid, dense1, dense7, horizontal, vertical,
cross, bdiag, fdiag, diagcross.
.. note::
*Properties for records with invalid signatures*
.. note::
*Defines the pen of the border line.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.borders.signatureInvalid.pen.color
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are:
NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.borders.signatureInvalid.pen.width
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Defines the brush of the enlcosed area.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.borders.signatureInvalid.brush.color
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are, e.g.:
solid, dense1, dense7, horizontal, vertical,
cross, bdiag, fdiag, diagcross.
.. note::
*Defines the pen of the record offset line.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.offset.color
Default: ``C0C0FF``
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Default: ``SolidLine``
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are: NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.offset.width
Default: ``0.0``
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Defines the pen of the record grid.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.gridPen.color
Default: ``00000020``
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Default: ``DashLine``
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are: NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.gridPen.width
Default: ``1.0``
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Defines the pen of the secondary record grid.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.subGridPen.color
Default: ``00000000``
Type: *color*
The color of the pen.
.. confval::
Default: ``DotLine``
Type: *string*
The style of the pen. Supported values are: NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.subGridPen.width
Default: ``1.0``
Type: *double*
Unit: *px*
The width of the pen.
.. note::
*Defines the background color of records depending on their state.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.states.unrequested
Default: ``00000080``
Type: *color*
Additional data which was not requested.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.states.requested
Default: ``ffff0080``
Type: *color*
Requested data Background color of requested data.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.states.inProgress
Default: ``00ff0010``
Type: *color*
Data currently loading.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.records.states.notAvailable
Default: ``ff000080``
Type: *color*
Data which was requested but is not available.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.picks.manual
Default: ``00FF00``
Type: *color*
The color of manual picks.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.picks.automatic
Default: ``FF0000``
Type: *color*
The color of automatic picks.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.picks.undefined
Default: ``A0A0A4``
Type: *color*
The color of picks with undefined state.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.picks.disabled
Default: ``A0A0A4``
Type: *color*
The color of disabled picks.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.arrivals.manual
Default: ``00A000``
Type: *color*
The color of manual arrivals \(arrivals that bind manual picks,
e.g. residual plot of scolv, manual picker, ...\)
.. confval:: scheme.colors.arrivals.automatic
Default: ``A00000``
Type: *color*
The color of automatic arrivals,
.. confval:: scheme.colors.arrivals.theoretical
Default: ``0000A0``
Type: *color*
The color of theoretical arrivals.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.arrivals.undefined
Default: ``A00000``
Type: *color*
The color of arrivals binding picks with undefined state.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.arrivals.disabled
Default: ``A0A0A4``
Type: *color*
The color of disabled arrivals.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.arrivals.residuals
Type: *gradient*
The gradient of arrivals residuals. A gradient is defined as
a list of tuples separated by colon where the first item is
the value and the second is the color. Colors can be given in
rgb notation or hexadecimal. When rgb is used double quotes are needed to
protect the comma inside the rgb definition, e.g.
\-8:\"rgb\(0,0,100\)\", \-4:\"rgb\(0,0,255\)\", \-3:\"rgb\(100,100,255\)\", ...
.. confval:: scheme.colors.magnitudes.set
Default: ``00A000``
Type: *color*
The color of active magnitudes.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.magnitudes.unset
Default: ``000000``
Type: *color*
The color of inactive magnitudes.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.magnitudes.disabled
Default: ``A0A0A4``
Type: *color*
The color of disabled magnitudes.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.magnitudes.residuals
Type: *gradient*
The gradient of magnitude residuals.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.stations.text
Default: ``ffffff``
Type: *color*
The color of the station name.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.stations.associated
Default: ``82AD58``
Type: *color*
The color of associated stations \(e.g. in scmv\).
.. confval:: scheme.colors.stations.triggering
Type: *color*
The color of triggered stations.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.stations.triggered0
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.stations.triggered1
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.stations.triggered2
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.stations.disabled
Type: *color*
The color of disabled stations.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.stations.idle
Type: *color*
The color of idle stations.
.. note::
*The color of QC.delay thresholds in scmv.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.delay0
Default: ``00ffff``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.delay1
Default: ``00ff00``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.delay2
Default: ``fffd00``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.delay3
Default: ``ff6633``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.delay4
Default: ``ff0000``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.delay5
Default: ``cccccc``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.delay6
Default: ``999999``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.delay7
Default: ``666666``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.qcWarning
Default: ``ffff00``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.qcError
Default: ``ff0000``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.qcOk
Default: ``00ff00``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.qc.qcNotSet
Default: ``000000``
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. note::
*The color of ground motion amplitudes in scmv.*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval::
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.recordView.selectedTraceZoom
Default: ``C0C0FFC0``
Type: *color*
The color of the selected zoom area \(e.g. manual picker\).
.. confval:: scheme.colors.legend.background
Type: *color*
The map legend background color.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.legend.border
Type: *color*
The map legend border color.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.legend.text
Type: *color*
The map legend text color.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.legend.headerText
Type: *color*
The map legend header color.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.originSymbol.classic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.originSymbol.depth.gradient
Default: ``0:FF0000,50:ffA500,100:FFFF00,250:00FF00,600:0000FF``
Type: *gradient*
The depth gradient.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.originSymbol.depth.discrete
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Setting this parameter to true will not interpolate between
the depth steps and the color for a depth <\= input is used.
.. note::
*The origin status colors (e.g. in event list).*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.originStatus.automatic
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.originStatus.manual
Type: *color*
*No description available*
.. note::
*Defines colors used in the splash screen shown at application startup.*
.. confval:: scheme.colors.splash.message
Default: ``808080``
Type: *color*
Text color of the message string.
.. confval:: scheme.colors.splash.version
Default: ``02589e``
Type: *color*
Text color of the version string.
.. confval:: scheme.marker.lineWidth
Type: *int*
Unit: *px*
The line width of the marker \(e.g. picks of manual picker\).
.. confval:: scheme.records.lineWidth
Default: ``1``
Type: *int*
Unit: *px*
The line width of the records \/ traces.
.. confval:: scheme.records.antiAliasing
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Configures antialiasing of records \/ traces. Antialiasing
needs more two times to storage space as non antialiasing
but it improves visual quality.
.. confval:: scheme.records.optimize
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Configures optimization of trace polylines. If activated
then lines on the same pixel line or same pixel row
collapse into single lines.
.. confval:: scheme.records.borders.drawMode
Default: ``box``
Type: *string*
Mode for drawing record borders as box or line on top or
Supported values: \"topline\",\"box\",\"bottomline\"
.. note::
*The general base font of an application. This overrides*
*the default Qt4 application font.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.base.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.base.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.base.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.base.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.base.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. note::
*The smallest available font. If undefined the point size is 2 points smaller than the base font.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.small.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.small.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.small.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.small.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.small.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. note::
*The default text font. If undefined the point size is 2 points larger than the base font.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.normal.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.normal.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.normal.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.normal.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.normal.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. note::
*The largest text font. If undefined the point size is 6 points larger than the base font.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.large.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.large.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.large.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.large.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.large.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. note::
*Font used to highlight text. If undefined it equals the normal font except for a bold font face.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.highlight.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.highlight.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.highlight.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.highlight.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.highlight.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. note::
*The largest heading font. If undefined it uses a bold font face and a font size twice as large as the normal font.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading1.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading1.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading1.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading1.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading1.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. note::
*The second largest heading font. If undefined it uses a bold font face and a font size twice as large as the base font.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading2.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading2.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading2.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading2.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading2.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. note::
*The smallest heading font. If undefined it uses a bold font face and a font size 4 points larger than the base font.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading3.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading3.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading3.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading3.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.heading3.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. note::
*Font used for city labels. If undefined it equals the base font.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.cityLabels.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.cityLabels.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.cityLabels.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.cityLabels.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.cityLabels.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. note::
*Font used for version string in the splash dialog shown at application startup. If undefined it equals the base font with a bold font face and a font size of 12.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.splashVersion.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.splashVersion.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.splashVersion.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.splashVersion.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.splashVersion.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. note::
*Font used for the message text in the splash dialog shown at application startup. If undefined it equals the base font with a font size of 12.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Sets the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name.
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.splashMessage.size
Type: *int*
Defines the point size of the font
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.splashMessage.bold
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.splashMessage.italic
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.splashMessage.underline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.fonts.splashMessage.overline
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
*No description available*
.. confval:: scheme.precision.depth
Default: ``0``
Type: *int*
The precision of depth values.
.. confval:: scheme.precision.distance
Default: ``1``
Type: *int*
The precision of distance values.
.. confval:: scheme.precision.location
Default: ``2``
Type: *int*
The precision of lat\/lon values.
.. confval:: scheme.precision.magnitude
Default: ``1``
Type: *int*
The precision of magnitude values.
.. confval:: scheme.precision.originTime
Default: ``0``
Type: *int*
The precision of origin times.
.. confval:: scheme.precision.pickTime
Default: ``1``
Type: *int*
The precision of pick times.
.. confval:: scheme.precision.traceValues
Default: ``1``
Type: *int*
Precision of displayed offset\/amp in all trace widgets.
.. confval:: scheme.precision.rms
Default: ``1``
Type: *int*
Precision of RMS values.
.. confval:: scheme.precision.uncertainties
Default: ``0``
Type: *int*
Precision of uncertainty values, e.g. latitude errors.
.. confval:: scheme.unit.distanceInKM
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Display distances in km?
.. confval:: scheme.dateTime.useLocalTime
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Display times in localtime or UTC \(default\).
.. note::
*Defines the appearance of the splash screen shown at application startup.*
.. note::
*Position of the message text.*
.. confval:: scheme.splash.message.align
Default: ``44``
Type: *int*
Qt::Alignment bit mask. Default: AlignHCenter \| AlignBottom
.. note::
*Position in screen coordinates.*
.. confval:: scheme.splash.message.pos.x
Default: ``200``
Type: *int*
Unit: *px*
Horizontal position.
.. confval:: scheme.splash.message.pos.y
Default: ``260``
Type: *int*
Unit: *px*
Vertical position.
.. note::
*Position of the version string*
.. confval:: scheme.splash.version.align
Default: ``34``
Type: *int*
Qt::Alignment bit mask. Default: AlignRight \| AlignBottom
.. note::
*Position in screen coordinates.*
.. confval:: scheme.splash.version.pos.x
Default: ``362``
Type: *int*
Unit: *px*
Horizontal position.
.. confval:: scheme.splash.version.pos.y
Default: ``190``
Type: *int*
Unit: *px*
Vertical position.
.. note::
*Defines maximum age of events to load. The value of all parameters are aggregated.*
.. confval:: events.timeAgo.days
Default: ``1``
Type: *int*
Unit: *d*
Age in days.
.. confval:: events.timeAgo.hours
Default: ``0``
Type: *int*
Unit: *h*
Age in hours.
.. confval:: events.timeAgo.minutes
Default: ``0``
Type: *int*
Unit: *m*
Age in minutes.
.. confval:: events.timeAgo.seconds
Default: ``0``
Type: *int*
Unit: *s*
Age in seconds.
.. note::
*Configuration of special applications modes.*
.. confval:: mode.interactive
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Defines if application interaction is allowed.
.. confval:: mode.fullscreen
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Defines if the application should be launched in fullscreen
mode hiding title bar, main menu and status bar.
.. confval:: picker.filters
Default: ``"BP 0.1 - 1 Hz 3rd order;RMHP(10)>>ITAPER(30)>>BW(3,0.1,1)", "BP 0.1 - 2 Hz 3rd order;RMHP(10)>>ITAPER(30)>>BW(3,0.1,2)", "BP 1 - 3 Hz 3rd order;RMHP(10)>>ITAPER(30)>>BW(3,1.0,3)", "BP 0.4 - 1 Hz 3rd order;RMHP(10)>>ITAPER(30)>>BW(3,0.4,1)", "@BP 0.7 - 2 Hz 3rd order;RMHP(10)>>ITAPER(30)>>BW(3,0.7,2)", "BP 2 - 4 Hz 3rd order;RMHP(5)>>ITAPER(10)>>BW(3,2.0,4)", "BP 3 - 6 Hz 3rd order;RMHP(5)>>ITAPER(10)>>BW(3,3.0,6)", "BP 4 - 8 Hz 3rd order;RMHP(5)>>ITAPER(10)>>BW(3,4.0,8)", "BP 1 - 5 Hz 3rd order;RMHP(5)>>ITAPER(10)>>BW(3,1.0,5)", "HP 3 Hz 3rd order;RMHP(1)>>ITAPER(2)>>BW_HP(3,3)", "BP 0.7 - 2 Hz + STA/LTA(1,50);RMHP(10)->ITAPER(30)->BW(3,0.7,2)->STALTA(1,50)"``
Type: *list:string*
Configures the default filters selectable in manual picker.
The entry with a leading \"\@\" is selected as default filter.
.. note::
*Control the Events tab, e.g. in scolv, showing the list of loaded events.*
.. confval:: eventlist.visibleColumns
Default: ``M, TP, Phases, RMS, Lat, Lon, Depth, Stat, Agency, Region, ID``
Type: *list:string*
Configure the columns of the event list that are visible initially.
The first column containing the origin time is always visible and cannot
be hidden. Possible values are: Type, M, TP, Phases, Lat, Lon, Depth, DType, Stat, AzGap, FM, Origins, Agency, Author, Region, ID.
.. note::
*Custom column showing origin or event comments.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Name of the custom column to be shown in the column
.. confval:: eventlist.customColumn.originCommentID
Type: *string*
ID of the origin comment to look up.
.. confval:: eventlist.customColumn.eventCommentID
Type: *string*
ID of the event comment to look up.
.. confval:: eventlist.customColumn.pos
Default: ``-1``
Type: *int*
Position of the column. If the configured position is less than 0 or if it
exceeds the total number of columns then the column is appended to the right.
.. confval:: eventlist.customColumn.default
Type: *string*
Default value to display if the specified origin or event comment id was not found.
.. confval:: eventlist.customColumn.colors
Type: *list:string*
Mapping of comment values to colors used as text color. E.g. \"foo:#000,bar:red\".
.. note::
*Custom columns showing parameters extracted by scripts e.g.*
*from origins or events.*
.. confval:: eventlist.scripts.columns
Type: *list:string*
Name of custom column profiles to be registered. Comma separated list.
.. note::
*Definition of custom column profiles for creating custom*
*event list columns whose values are filled by external scripts.*
*The scolv documentation provides an example script.*
.. note::
$name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`eventlist.scripts.profiles` to become active.
.. code-block:: sh
eventlist.scripts.profiles = a,b
eventlist.scripts.column.a.value1 = ...
eventlist.scripts.column.b.value1 = ...
# c is not active because it has not been added
# to the list of eventlist.scripts.profiles
eventlist.scripts.column.c.value1 = ...
.. confval:: eventlist.scripts.column.$name.script
Type: *path*
External script to invoke for each event list entry. The object represented by the
list entry is serialized to XML and passed to the script on stdin. If the return
code of the script is 0 \('success'\) then the script result is read from stdout and
displayed in the corresponding event list cell.
.. confval:: eventlist.scripts.column.$name.pos
Default: ``-1``
Type: *int*
Position of the column. If the configured position is less than 0 or if it
exceeds the total number of columns then the column is appended to the right.
.. confval:: eventlist.scripts.column.$name.label
Type: *string*
Column name shown in header of event list table.
.. confval:: eventlist.scripts.column.$name.types
Type: *list:string*
Object types this script should be invoked for.
Supported values are 'Event' and 'Origin'.
.. note::
*Filter the loaded event list by agency ID.*
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.agencies.label
Default: ``Show only own events``
Type: *string*
Defines the text of the option \"Show only own events\".
Use double quotes '\"' around the string if it contains spaces.
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.agencies.whitelist
Type: *list:string*
Sets a list of preferred agencies. Events from preferred
agencies are defined as \"own\" events.
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.agencies.type
Default: ``events``
Type: *string*
Sets the type of the filter. If type is \"events\" the agency
of the preferred origin of the event is checked.
If type is \"origins\" the agency of all origins of
an event is checked and if at least one origins agency is part
of the whitelist it will pass the filter. Or in other words,
the event is hidden if no origin is from a preferred agency.
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.agencies.enabled
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Sets the default state of the \"Show only own events\"
.. note::
*Filter the loaded event list by region within or outside a*
*bounding box. Register the profile name in the regions parameter.*
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.regions.profiles
Type: *list:string*
Add the defined region profiles separated by comma.
The order determines the ocurrence in the filter menu.
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.regions.enabled
Default: ``false``
Type: *boolean*
Hide events by the defined region by default.
.. note::
*Define a rectangular region to filter the loaded event list.*
$name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`eventlist.filter.regions.profiles` to become active.
.. code-block:: sh
eventlist.filter.regions.profiles = a,b
eventlist.filter.regions.region.a.value1 = ...
eventlist.filter.regions.region.b.value1 = ...
# c is not active because it has not been added
# to the list of eventlist.filter.regions.profiles
eventlist.filter.regions.region.c.value1 = ...
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.regions.region.$
Type: *string*
Defines the name of the region that shows up in the
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.regions.region.$name.rect
Type: *list:double*
Defines a rectangular region with a list of 4 values:
latmin, lonmin, latmax, lonmax.
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.regions.region.$name.poly
Type: *string*
Defines the name of the polygon for the region check.
If defined then the rect region has no effect.
The configured polygon name is being search for
in the global FEP regions and the spatial
vector layer. The first polygon found with
the given name will be taken.
.. note::
*Filter the loaded event list by event types.*
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.types.label
Default: ``"Hide other/fake events"``
Type: *string*
Defines the text of the option \"Hide other\/fake events\".
Use double quotes '\"' around the string if it contains spaces.
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.types.blacklist
Default: ``"not existing"``
Type: *list:string*
List of event type to be hidden if the \"Hide other\/fake events\"
option is ticked.
Use double quotes '\"' around the string if it contains spaces.
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.types.enabled
Default: ``true``
Type: *boolean*
Sets the default state of the \"Hide other\/fake events\"
.. note::
*Pre-set options to filter a database request to load events*
*into the event list.*
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.database.minlat
Type: *double*
Unit: *deg*
Minimum latitude
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.database.maxlat
Type: *double*
Unit: *deg*
Maximum latitude
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.database.minlon
Type: *double*
Unit: *deg*
Minimum longitude
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.database.maxlon
Type: *double*
Unit: *deg*
Maximum longitude
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.database.mindepth
Type: *double*
Unit: *km*
Minimum depth
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.database.maxdepth
Type: *double*
Unit: *km*
Maximum depth
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.database.minmag
Type: *double*
Minimum magnitude
.. confval:: eventlist.filter.database.maxmag
Type: *double*
Maximum magnitude
.. note::
*Control the Event tab, e.g. in scolv, showing origins and*
*focal mechanisms of a selected event.*
.. confval:: eventedit.origin.visibleColumns
Default: ``Phases, Lat, Lon, Depth, DType, RMS, Stat, Method, Agency, Author, Region``
Type: *list:string*
Configure the columns of the event edit origin table
that are visible initially.
Possible values are: Phases, Lat, Lon, Depth, DType, RMS, Stat,
Method, Agency, Author, Region
.. note::
*Custom column showing origin comments.*
.. confval::
Type: *string*
Name of the custom column to be shown in the column
.. confval:: eventedit.origin.customColumn.originCommentID
Type: *string*
ID of the origin comment to look up.
.. confval:: eventedit.origin.customColumn.pos
Default: ``-1``
Type: *int*
Position of the column. If the configured position is less than 0 or if it
exceeds the total number of columns then the column is appended to the right.
.. confval:: eventedit.origin.customColumn.default
Type: *string*
Default value to display if the specified origin or event comment id was not found.
.. confval:: eventedit.origin.customColumn.colors
Type: *list:string*
Mapping of comment values to colors used as text color. E.g. \"foo:#000,bar:red\".
.. confval::
Default: ``Depth, M, Count, Misfit, STDR, AzGap, Stat, DC, CLVD, ISO, S1, D1, R1, S2, D2, R2, Agency, Author``
Type: *list:string*
Configure the columns of the event edit focal mechanism
tab that are visible initially.
Possible values are: Depth, M, Count, Misfit, STDR,
AzGap, Stat, DC, CLVD, ISO, S1,
D1, R1, S2, D2, R2, Agency, Author
.. note::
*Parameters controlling the event summary view used e.g. in scolv.*
.. confval:: eventsummary.alertTimer.commentId
Type: *string*
Set an alert for every event comment that ID matches
the specified regular expression, e.g. \"alert_.\*\".
.. confval:: eventsummary.alertTimer.commentBlacklist
Type: *list:string*
List of comments to ignore, e.g. \"nil\".
.. confval:: eventsummary.alertTimer.alertGradient
Type: *list:string*
Unit: *s:color*
Discrete mapping of time values in seconds to colors used as
text color in case of an active alert. E.g. \"0:00FF00,900:FF0000\".
.. confval:: eventsummary.alertTimer.textSize
Type: *int*
Unit: *pt*
The text size of the time ago label in case of an active alert.