You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

246 lines
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# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
# Version 4.0.2
# Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
# the SWIG interface file instead.
from sys import version_info as _swig_python_version_info
if _swig_python_version_info < (2, 7, 0):
raise RuntimeError("Python 2.7 or later required")
# Import the low-level C/C++ module
if __package__ or "." in __name__:
from . import _utils
import _utils
import builtins as __builtin__
except ImportError:
import __builtin__
def _swig_repr(self):
strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__()
except __builtin__.Exception:
strthis = ""
return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)
def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_instance_variable(set):
def set_instance_attr(self, name, value):
if name == "thisown":
elif name == "this":
set(self, name, value)
elif hasattr(self, name) and isinstance(getattr(type(self), name), property):
set(self, name, value)
raise AttributeError("You cannot add instance attributes to %s" % self)
return set_instance_attr
def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(set):
def set_class_attr(cls, name, value):
if hasattr(cls, name) and not isinstance(getattr(cls, name), property):
set(cls, name, value)
raise AttributeError("You cannot add class attributes to %s" % cls)
return set_class_attr
def _swig_add_metaclass(metaclass):
"""Class decorator for adding a metaclass to a SWIG wrapped class - a slimmed down version of six.add_metaclass"""
def wrapper(cls):
return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__.copy())
return wrapper
class _SwigNonDynamicMeta(type):
"""Meta class to enforce nondynamic attributes (no new attributes) for a class"""
__setattr__ = _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(type.__setattr__)
class SwigPyIterator(object):
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise AttributeError("No constructor defined - class is abstract")
__repr__ = _swig_repr
__swig_destroy__ = _utils.delete_SwigPyIterator
def value(self):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator_value(self)
def incr(self, n=1):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator_incr(self, n)
def decr(self, n=1):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator_decr(self, n)
def distance(self, x):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator_distance(self, x)
def equal(self, x):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator_equal(self, x)
def copy(self):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator_copy(self)
def next(self):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator_next(self)
def __next__(self):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator___next__(self)
def previous(self):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator_previous(self)
def advance(self, n):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator_advance(self, n)
def __eq__(self, x):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator___eq__(self, x)
def __ne__(self, x):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator___ne__(self, x)
def __iadd__(self, n):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator___iadd__(self, n)
def __isub__(self, n):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator___isub__(self, n)
def __add__(self, n):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator___add__(self, n)
def __sub__(self, *args):
return _utils.SwigPyIterator___sub__(self, *args)
def __iter__(self):
return self
# Register SwigPyIterator in _utils:
def basename(name):
return _utils.basename(name)
def fileExists(file):
return _utils.fileExists(file)
def pathExists(path):
return _utils.pathExists(path)
def createPath(path):
return _utils.createPath(path)
def removeExtension(name):
return _utils.removeExtension(name)
def bytesToStreambuf(data, n):
return _utils.bytesToStreambuf(data, n)
def stringToStreambuf(str):
return _utils.stringToStreambuf(str)
def file2ostream(fn):
return _utils.file2ostream(fn)
def file2istream(fn):
return _utils.file2istream(fn)
class StopWatch(object):
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, *args):
_utils.StopWatch_swiginit(self, _utils.new_StopWatch(*args))
def restart(self):
return _utils.StopWatch_restart(self)
def reset(self):
return _utils.StopWatch_reset(self)
def isActive(self):
return _utils.StopWatch_isActive(self)
def elapsed(self):
return _utils.StopWatch_elapsed(self)
__swig_destroy__ = _utils.delete_StopWatch
# Register StopWatch in _utils:
class Timer(object):
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, timeoutseconds=0):
_utils.Timer_swiginit(self, _utils.new_Timer(timeoutseconds))
__swig_destroy__ = _utils.delete_Timer
def setTimeout(self, seconds):
return _utils.Timer_setTimeout(self, seconds)
def setTimeout2(self, seconds, nanoseconds):
return _utils.Timer_setTimeout2(self, seconds, nanoseconds)
def setCallback(self, arg2):
return _utils.Timer_setCallback(self, arg2)
def setSingleShot(self, arg2):
return _utils.Timer_setSingleShot(self, arg2)
def start(self):
return _utils.Timer_start(self)
def stop(self):
return _utils.Timer_stop(self)
def disable(self):
return _utils.Timer_disable(self)
def isActive(self):
return _utils.Timer_isActive(self)
# Register Timer in _utils:
class UnitConversion(object):
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, *args):
_utils.UnitConversion_swiginit(self, _utils.new_UnitConversion(*args))
fromUnit = property(_utils.UnitConversion_fromUnit_get, _utils.UnitConversion_fromUnit_set)
toUnit = property(_utils.UnitConversion_toUnit_get, _utils.UnitConversion_toUnit_set)
toQMLUnit = property(_utils.UnitConversion_toQMLUnit_get, _utils.UnitConversion_toQMLUnit_set)
toSEEDUnit = property(_utils.UnitConversion_toSEEDUnit_get, _utils.UnitConversion_toSEEDUnit_set)
scale = property(_utils.UnitConversion_scale_get, _utils.UnitConversion_scale_set)
__swig_destroy__ = _utils.delete_UnitConversion
# Register UnitConversion in _utils:
class UnitConverter(object):
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def get(fromUnit):
return _utils.UnitConverter_get(fromUnit)
def __init__(self):
_utils.UnitConverter_swiginit(self, _utils.new_UnitConverter())
__swig_destroy__ = _utils.delete_UnitConverter
# Register UnitConverter in _utils:
def UnitConverter_get(fromUnit):
return _utils.UnitConverter_get(fromUnit)