You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

188 lines
5.6 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import xml.dom.minidom
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
from configparser import RawConfigParser
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
def readConfig(fileName):
cp = RawConfigParser()
fp = open(fileName, 'r')
if sys.version_info < (3, 2):
cp.readfp(fp) # pylint: disable=W1505
cp.read_file(fp, fileName)
return cp
def parseXMLnode(root):
Parses an XML tree starting from root node and returns a list of
tuples containing name, attributes and content of all child nodes.
nodes = []
if root.hasChildNodes():
for node in [ node for node in root.childNodes
if node.nodeType==node.ELEMENT_NODE ]:
ncn = len(node.childNodes)
if ncn==0:
content = None
elif ncn==1 and node.firstChild.nodeValue:
content = node.firstChild.nodeValue.strip()
content = parseXMLnode(node)
attrs = {}
if node.hasAttributes():
for i in range(node.attributes.length):
attr = node.attributes.item(i)
name = attr.nodeName
attrs[name] = attr.nodeValue.strip()
nodes.append((node.nodeName, attrs, content))
return nodes
def parseXMLfile(f):
root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f)
x = parseXMLnode(root)
if len(x)==1:
return x[0]
# else not 1 root element, but that's cought by xml.dom.minidom.parse()
class MyConfig(dict):
def __init__(self, filename):
if filename[-4:].lower() == ".ini":
elif filename[-4:].lower() == ".xml":
else: print("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
def readINI(self, filename):
config = readConfig(filename)
for sec in config.sections():
d = self[sec] = {}
for opt in config.options(sec):
d[opt] = config.get(sec, opt)
def readXML(self, filename):
# XXX XML support is only provided for testing.
name, attrs, content = parseXMLfile(filename)
assert name == "config"
for name, attrs, content in content:
assert "name" in attrs
sec = attrs["name"]
assert name == "section"
d = self[sec] = {}
for name, attrs, content in content:
if isinstance(content, list):
raise TypeError("<%s> elements can't have children" % name)
if name == "string":
tmp = str(content)
elif name == "int":
tmp = int(content)
elif name == "float":
tmp = float(content)
raise NameError("illegal tag '%s'" % name)
if not "name" in attrs:
raise NameError("missing 'name' attribute in <%s>" % name)
opt = attrs["name"]
d[opt] = tmp
class ConfigINI(dict):
def __init__(self, filename, mandatory=None):
if not isinstance(mandatory,list):
mandatory = []
self.mandatory = mandatory
def read(self, filename):
config = readConfig(filename)
for sec in config.sections():
d = self[sec] = {}
for opt in config.options(sec):
d[opt] = config.get(sec, opt)
def fillDefault(self, defaultSection="default"):
default = self[defaultSection]
for section in self:
if section == defaultSection:
# for missing items, use the default
for item in default:
if item not in self[section]:
self[section][item] = default[item]
# # check for items that don't appear in the default
# for item in self[section]:
# if item not in default and item not in self.mandatory:
# msg("[%s]: unmatched item '%s'" % (section, item))
for item in self.mandatory:
if item not in self[section]:
msg("[%s]: missing item '%s'" % (section, item))
# XXX this could also be treated as a fatal error
class ConfigXML(MyConfig):
def __init__(self, filename):
def read(self, filename):
# XXX XML support is only provided for testing.
name, attrs, content = parseXMLfile(filename)
assert name == "config"
for name, attrs, content in content:
assert "name" in attrs
sec = attrs["name"]
assert name == "section"
d = self[sec] = {}
for name, attrs, content in content:
if isinstance(content, list):
raise TypeError("<%s> elements can't have children" % name)
if name == "string":
tmp = str(content)
elif name == "int":
tmp = int(content)
elif name == "float":
tmp = float(content)
raise NameError("illegal tag '%s'" % name)
if not "name" in attrs:
raise NameError("missing 'name' attribute in <%s>" % name)
opt = attrs["name"]
d[opt] = tmp
if __name__ == '__main__':
for f in "test.ini", "test.xml":
print("#### filename=", f)
config = MyConfig(f)
for section in config:
print(section, config[section])