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* Copyright (C) gempa GmbH *
* All rights reserved. *
* Contact: gempa GmbH ( *
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* GNU Affero General Public License Usage *
* This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation *
* and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this *
* file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: *
* *
* *
* Other Usage *
* Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and *
* conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and *
* gempa GmbH. *
#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
#include <seiscomp/gui/core/maps.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/map/projection.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/map/legend.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/map/imagetree.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/map/layers/citieslayer.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/map/layers/gridlayer.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/map/layers/geofeaturelayer.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/map/layers/symbollayer.h>
#include <seiscomp/math/coord.h>
#include <seiscomp/geo/feature.h>
#include <seiscomp/utils/timer.h>
#include <QHash>
#include <QObject>
#include <QPolygon>
class QMouseEvent;
class QMenu;
namespace Seiscomp {
namespace Gui {
namespace Map {
class Layer;
// For backward compatibility
typedef SymbolLayer SymbolCollection;
class SC_GUI_API Canvas : public QObject {
Canvas(const MapsDesc &);
Canvas(ImageTree *mapTree);
void setFont(QFont f);
QFont font() const { return _font; }
void setBackgroundColor(QColor c);
bool setProjectionByName(const char *name);
const std::string &projectionName() const { return _projectionName; }
void setSize(int w, int h);
QSize size() const { return _buffer.size(); }
int width() const { return _buffer.width(); }
int height() const { return _buffer.height(); }
* @brief Sets the margin of the legend area with respect to the
* canvas border. The default value is 10 pixels. This methods
* was added with API 11.
* @param margin The margin in pixels.
void setLegendMargin(int margin);
* @brief Returns the margin of the legend area with respect to the
* canvas border. This methods was added with API 11.
* @return The margin in pixels
int legendMargin() const { return _margin; }
void setGrayScale(bool);
bool isGrayScale() const;
* @brief Sets bilinear filtering for map tile interpolation. This is
* only used if not in preview mode.
* @param enable Boolean flag
void setBilinearFilter(bool enable);
* @brief Enables the preview mode. The preview mode is meant to be
* used for fast rendering the map, e.g. with antialiasing
* switched of. This is mainly used while dragging the map.
* @param enable Boolean flag
void setPreviewMode(bool enable);
* @brief Returns whether the canvas rendering is currently in preview
* mode or not.
* @return A boolean flag
bool previewMode() const;
void setDrawGrid(bool);
bool isDrawGridEnabled() const;
void setDrawLayers(bool);
bool isDrawLayersEnabled() const;
void setDrawCities(bool);
bool isDrawCitiesEnabled() const;
bool isDrawLegendsEnabled() const;
void setImageFilter(bool);
bool isImageFilterEnabled() const;
bool displayRect(const QRectF& rect);
void setMapCenter(QPointF c);
const QPointF& mapCenter() const;
bool setZoomLevel(float);
float zoomLevel() const;
float pixelPerDegree() const;
void setView(QPoint c, float zoom);
void setView(QPointF c, float zoom);
* @brief Sets the minimum pixel distance of two adjacent vertices
* to be rendered as a line when rendering GeoFeatures and polylines.
* Or in other words, if the pixel distance of two adjacent vertices is
* less than the given distance, both vertices collapse into a single
* vertex. The greater the distance the less details the rendered shape
* will have.
* @param pixel The distance in pixels
void setPolygonRoughness(uint pixel);
uint polygonRoughness() const;
* @brief Sets the polygon clip hint.
* The hint might or might not be interpreted by projections. If the
* clipHint is DoClip then polygons are clipped against the viewport
* before rendering them. This will reduce the number of vertices
* significantly but also increases processing time. The default
* is DoClip.
* @param hint The clipping hint
void setPolygonClipHint(ClipHint hint);
ClipHint polygonClipHint() const;
Map::Projection *projection() const { return _projection; }
bool isVisible(double lon, double lat) const;
void setSelectedCity(const Math::Geo::CityD*);
//! Draws a geometric line (great circle) given in geographical coordinates (lon, lat)
//! Returns the distance in degree of the line
double drawLine(QPainter &painter, const QPointF &start, const QPointF &end) const;
//! Draws a polyline in geographical coordinates (lon, lat).
//! Returns number of line segments drawn.
//! Does not check for clipping
size_t drawPolyline(QPainter &painter, size_t n, const Geo::GeoCoordinate *line,
bool isClosedPolygon, bool interpolate = false,
int roughness = -1) const;
//! Does not check for clipping
size_t drawPolygon(QPainter &painter, size_t n, const Geo::GeoCoordinate *line,
bool isClosedPolygon = true, int roughness = -1,
ClipHint clipHint = DoClip) const;
//! Draws a GeoFeature as either polyline or filled polygon and
//! checks for clipping
size_t drawFeature(QPainter &painter, const Geo::GeoFeature *feature,
bool filled = false, int roughness = -1,
ClipHint clipHint = DoClip) const;
* @brief Draws an image onto the current map buffer. If this function
* is called *after* @drawImageLayer then it does not have an
* effect because the map buffer has been rendered already onto
* the painter device.
* @param geoReference The geo reference of the image.
* @param image The image to be rendered.
* @param compositionMode The composition mode which will be used to
* combine the current base layer (tiles) with
* the image.
* @param filterMode The filter mode used to render the image.
void drawImage(const QRectF &geoReference, const QImage &image,
CompositionMode compositionMode = CompositionMode_Default,
FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode_Auto);
void draw(QPainter &p);
void centerMap(const QPoint &centerPnt);
void translate(const QPoint &delta);
void translate(const QPointF &delta);
void drawImageLayer(QPainter &painter);
void drawVectorLayer(QPainter &painter);
void drawLayers(QPainter &painter);
void updateBuffer();
void setBuffer(QImage buffer) { _buffer = buffer; }
QImage &buffer() { return _buffer; }
//! Returns the number of layers
int layerCount() const { return _layers.count(); }
//! Returns the i-th layer if the index is valid
Layer* layer(int i) const {
if ( i < 0 || i >= _layers.count() ) return nullptr;
return _layers[i];
//! Canvas does take ownership of layer if the layer does not
//! have a parent at the time of appending or prepending.
bool prependLayer(Layer*);
bool addLayer(Layer*);
bool insertLayerBefore(const Layer*, Layer*);
void removeLayer(Layer*);
void lower(Layer*);
void raise(Layer*);
Layer *hoverLayer() const;
bool filterContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*, QWidget*);
bool filterKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
bool filterKeyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
bool filterMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*);
bool filterMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*);
bool filterMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
bool filterMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*);
QMenu* menu(QMenu*) const;
//! Returns whether the rendering is complete or if there are
//! still some updates in the pipeline that updated later. If this
//! function return false, the signal renderingCompleted() is emitted
//! once it is done.
//! This function was introduced in API 1.1.
bool renderingComplete() const;
GridLayer *gridLayer();
const GridLayer *gridLayer() const;
CitiesLayer *citiesLayer();
const CitiesLayer *citiesLayer() const;
GeoFeatureLayer *geoFeatureLayer();
const GeoFeatureLayer *geoFeatureLayer() const;
SymbolLayer *symbolCollection();
const SymbolLayer *symbolCollection() const;
public slots:
//! Reloads all tiles and empties the texture cache
//! This slot was introduced in API 1.1.
void reload();
//! This slot was added in API 11
void setDrawLegends(bool);
//! This slot was added in API 11
void showLegends();
//! This slot was added in API 11
void hideLegends();
* @brief Enables/disables legend stacking.
* If legend stacking is enabled then two toggle buttons will be
* rendered in the legends title bar to swap the visible legend. If
* stacking is disabled then all legends of a particular edge will
* be rendered next to each other. This slot was added in API 11.
void setLegendStacking(bool);
void bringToFront(Seiscomp::Gui::Map::Legend*);
void setLegendEnabled(Seiscomp::Gui::Map::Legend*, bool);
* @brief This handler is called when a new legend is
* added to a layer.
* This slot was introduced with API XX
* @param legend The legend
void onLegendAdded(Legend *legend);
* @brief This handler is called when a legend is removed
* from a layer.
* This slot was introduced with API XX
* @param legend
void onLegendRemoved(Legend *legend);
//! This signal is emitted if draw() caused asynchronous data requests
//! and when those requests are finished.
//! This signal was introduced with API 1.1.
void renderingCompleted();
void bufferUpdated();
void projectionChanged(Seiscomp::Gui::Map::Projection*);
void legendVisibilityChanged(bool);
void updateRequested();
void customLayer(QPainter*);
void init();
void drawCity(QPainter &painter, const Math::Geo::CityD &,
QVector< QList<QRect> > &grid,
QFont &font, QFontMetrics &fontMetrics,
int rowHeight,
bool &lastUnderline, bool &lastBold);
void drawLegends(QPainter &painter);
void setupLayer(Layer *layer);
private slots:
void updatedTiles();
void completeTiles();
void updateLayer(const Layer::UpdateHints&);
struct LegendItem {
LegendItem() : legend(0), dirty(true) {}
LegendItem(Legend *legend) : legend(legend), dirty(true) {}
Legend *legend;
bool dirty;
typedef QVector<LegendItem> Legends;
struct LegendArea : public Legends {
LegendArea() : currentIndex(-1) {}
int find(Legend *legend) const {
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); ++i ) {
if ( at(i).legend == legend )
return i;
return -1;
bool hasIndex(int index) {
return ( index >= 0 && index < count() );
bool mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
bool mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
int findNext(bool forward = true) const;
QRect header;
QRect decorationRects[2];
int currentIndex;
typedef QHash<Qt::Alignment, LegendArea> LegendAreas;
typedef QList<Layer*> Layers;
typedef QList<LayerPtr> CustomLayers;
QFont _font;
Projection* _projection;
ImageTreePtr _maptree;
std::string _projectionName;
QImage _buffer;
QColor _backgroundColor{Qt::lightGray};
uint _polygonRoughness;
double _maxZoom;
QPointF _center;
float _zoomLevel{1.0f};
bool _grayScale{false};
bool _filterMap;
bool _dirtyRasterLayer{true};
bool _dirtyVectorLayers{true};
bool _previewMode{false};
bool _stackLegends{true};
Layers _layers;
Layer *_hoverLayer{nullptr};
CustomLayers _customLayers;
CitiesLayer _citiesLayer;
GridLayer _gridLayer;
GeoFeatureLayer _geoFeatureLayer;
SymbolLayer _symbolLayer;
LegendAreas _legendAreas;
int _margin{10};
bool _isDrawLegendsEnabled{true};
Util::StopWatch _tileUpdateTimer;
inline bool Canvas::previewMode() const {
return _previewMode;
inline Layer *Canvas::hoverLayer() const {
return _hoverLayer;
inline GridLayer *Canvas::gridLayer() {
return &_gridLayer;
inline const GridLayer *Canvas::gridLayer() const {
return &_gridLayer;
inline CitiesLayer *Canvas::citiesLayer() {
return &_citiesLayer;
inline const CitiesLayer *Canvas::citiesLayer() const {
return &_citiesLayer;
inline GeoFeatureLayer *Canvas::geoFeatureLayer() {
return &_geoFeatureLayer;
inline const GeoFeatureLayer *Canvas::geoFeatureLayer() const {
return &_geoFeatureLayer;
inline SymbolLayer *Canvas::symbolCollection() {
return &_symbolLayer;
inline const SymbolLayer *Canvas::symbolCollection() const {
return &_symbolLayer;
inline uint Canvas::polygonRoughness() const {
return _polygonRoughness;
inline void Canvas::setPolygonRoughness(uint pixel) {
_polygonRoughness = pixel;