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201 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="slinktool" category="Acquisition" standalone="true">
<description>SeedLink query interface module</description>
slinktool [OPTION]... [host][:][port]
Address ([host][:][port]) is a required argument. It specifies the address
of the SeedLink server in host:port format. Either the host, port or both
can be omitted. If host is omitted then localhost is assumed,
i.e. ':18000' implies 'localhost:18000'. If the port is omitted,
then 18000 is assumed, i.e. 'localhost' implies 'localhost:18000'.
If only ':' is specified, 'localhost:18000' is assumed.
<group name="General program options">
<option flag="V">
<description>Print program version and exit.</description>
<option flag="h">
<description>Print program usage and exit.</description>
<option flag="v">
Be more verbose. This flag can be used multiple times (&quot;-v -v&quot; or &quot;-vv&quot;)
for more verbosity. One flag: report basic handshaking (link configuration) details and
briefly report each packet received. Two flags: report the details of the handshaking,
each packet received and detailed connection diagnostics.
<option flag="P">
Ping the server, report the server ID and exit.
<option flag="p">
Print details of received Mini-SEED data records. This flag can be used multiple times
(&quot;-p -p&quot; or &quot;-pp&quot;) for more detail. One flag: a single summary line
for each data packet received. Two flags: details of the Mini-SEED data records received,
including information from fixed header and 100/1000/1001 blockettes.
<option flag="u">
Print unpacked samples of data packets.
<option flag="nd" argument="delay" unit="s" default="30">
The network reconnect delay for the connection to the SeedLink server.
If the connection breaks for any reason this will govern how soon a reconnection should
be attempted.
<option flag="nt" argument="timeout">
The network timeout (in seconds) for the connection to the SeedLink server. If no data
[or keep alive packets?] are received in this time range the connection is closed and
re-established (after the reconnect delay has expired). The default value is 600 seconds.
A value of 0 disables the timeout.
<option flag="k" argument="interval" unit="s">
Interval at which keepalive (heartbeat) packets are sent to the server.
Keepalive packets are only sent if nothing is received within the interval.
<option flag="x" argument="sfile[:interval]">
Save/restore stream state information to this file.
During client shutdown the last received sequence numbers and time stamps (start times)
for each data stream will be saved in this file. If this file exists upon startup the information
will be used to resume the data streams from the point at which they were stopped. In this way the
client can be stopped and started without data loss, assuming the data are still available on the
server. If an interval is specified the state will be saved every interval in that packets are
received. Otherwise the state will be saved only on normal program termination.
<option flag="d">
Configure the connection in "dial-up" mode. The remote server will close the connection when
it has sent all of the data in its buffers for the selected data streams. This is opposed to
the normal behavior of waiting indefinitely for data.
<option flag="b">
Configure the connection in &quot;batch&quot; mode.
<group name="Data stream selection">
<option flag="s" argument="selector">
Selectors for uni-station or default for multi-station mode
<option flag="l" argument="listfile">
Read a stream list from this file for multi-station mode
<option flag="S" argument="streams">
Define a stream list for multi-station mode.
'streams' = 'stream1[:selectors1],stream2[:selectors2],...'
'stream' is in NET_STA format, for example:
<option flag="tw" argument="begin:[end]">
Specify a time window in year,month,day,hour,min,sec format.
Example: -tw 2002,08,05,14,00,00:2002,08,05,14,15,00
The end time is optional, but the colon must be present.
<group name="Data saving options">
<option flag="o" argument="dumpfile">
Write all received records to this file
<option flag="A" argument="format">
If specified, all received packets (Mini-SEED records) will be appended to a directory/file
structure defined by format. All directories implied in the format string will be created if
<option flag="SDS" argument="SDSdir">
If specified, all received packets (Mini-SEED records) will be saved into a Simple Data
Structure (SDS) dir/file structure starting at the specified directory. This directory and
all subdirectories will be created if necessary. This option is a preset of the '-A' option.
The SDS dir/file structure is:
<option flag="BUD" argument="BUDdir">
If specified, all received waveform data packets (Mini-SEED data records) will be saved into
a Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) dir/file structure starting at the specified directory.
This directory and all subdirectories will be created if necessary. This option is a preset
of the '-A' option. The BUD dir/file structure is:
<group name="Data server">
<option flag="i" argument="type">
Send info request, type is one of the following:
The returned raw XML is displayed when using this option.
<option flag="I">
Print formatted server id and version
<option flag="L">
Print formatted station list (if supported by server)
<option flag="Q">
Print formatted stream list (if supported by server)
<option flag="G">
Print formatted gap list (if supported by server)
<option flag="C">
Print formatted connection list (if supported by server)