You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scevtstreams" category="Utilities">
Extract stream information and time windows from an event.
scevtstreams [options]
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Database">
<group name="Input">
<option flag="i" long-flag="input" argument="arg">
Input XML file name. Override reading from database.
<option flag="f" long-flag="format" argument="arg">
Input format to use (xml [default], zxml (zipped xml), binary).
Only relevant with --input.
<group name="Dump">
<option flag="E" long-flag="event" argument="arg">
<description>Specifies the event id.</description>
<option flag="m" long-flag="margin" argument="arg">
Time margin around the picked time window, default is 300.
Added before the first and after the last pick, respectively.
Use 2 comma-separted values (before,after) for asymmetric
margins. Example: 120,300.
<option flag="S" long-flag="streams" argument="arg">
Comma separated list of streams per station to add.
Example: BH,SH,HH.
<option flag="C" long-flag="all-components" argument="arg">
Specify whether to use all components (1) or just the
picked ones (0). Default: 1.
<option flag="L" long-flag="all-locations" argument="arg">
Specify whether to use all location codes (1) or just
the picked ones (0). Default: 1.
<option flag="" long-flag="all-stations" argument="">
Dump all stations from the same network. If unused, just
stations with picks are dumped.
<option flag="" long-flag="all-networks" argument="">
Dump all networks. If unused, just networks with picks are
dumped. This option implies all-stations, all-locations,
all-streams, all-components and will only provide the time
<option flag="R" long-flag="resolve-wildcards" argument="flag">
If all components are used, use inventory to resolve stream
components instead of using '?' (important when Arclink
should be used).
<option flag="" long-flag="net-sta" argument="arg">
Filter streams by network code or network and station code.
Format: NET or NET.STA
<option flag="" long-flag="caps" argument="">
Dump in capstool format (Common Acquisition Protocol Server
by gempa GmbH)
<option flag="" long-flag="fdsnws" argument="flag">
Dump in FDSN dataselect webservice POST format