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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scdispatch" category="Utilities">
Read objects (event, origin, etc) from a SCML file and sends the objects
to the messaging system.
scdispatch [options]
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Messaging">
<group name="Database">
<group name="Dispatch">
<option flag="i" long-flag="input" argument="flag">
File to dispatch to messaging.
<option flag="O" long-flag="operation" argument="flag" default="merge">
Operation to use: add, update, remove, merge or
Merge and merge-without-remove are special operations and
require a database connection. Both will read a corresponding
object from the database and calculate the differences which
will be sent to the messaging. Merge-no-remove behaves like
merge with the exception that remove operations will be
filtered out that no objects in the database will be removed.
If add, update or remove is specified then all objects in
XML are sent with the given operation regardless of their
existence in the database or not.
<option long-flag="routingtable" argument="flag">
Specify routing table as comma separated list of object:group
pairs, e.g. &quot;Origin:LOCATION,Event:EVENT&quot;. When an
object should be routed to a group and no table entry for
that perticular class type is available, all parent objects
are checked for valid routing entries and the first found is
used. E.g. if only &quot;Origin:LOCATION&quot; is specified
but the input file contains also Arrivals which are child
objects of Origin then the routing entry of Origin is used
because of the parent-child relationship between Origin and
<option long-flag="print-objects">
Print names of routable objects.
<option long-flag="test">
Test mode. Does not send any object.
<option flag="e" long-flag="no-events">
Do not send any event object. This is a wrapper to setting a
routing table without EVENT objects