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## Send to the LOCATION group
connection.primaryGroup = LOCATION
## Receive objects from PICK and AMPLITUDE groups
connection.subscriptions = PICK, AMPLITUDE
## max. permissible RMS for a location to be reported
#autoloc.maxRMS = 3.5
## max. individual residual (unweighted) for a pick to
## be used in location
#autoloc.maxResidual = 7.0
## Max. secondary azimuth gap for an origin to be reported by.
## Default is 360 degrees, i.e. no restriction based on this parameter.
#autoloc.maxSGAP = 360
## Arrivals with exceptionally large amplitudes may be
## flagged as XXL, allowing (in future) faster, preliminary
## "heads-up" alerts.
#autoloc.thresholdXXL = 10000.
#autoloc.maxStationDistance = 180
#autoloc.maxDistanceXXL = 10
#autoloc.minPhaseCount = 6
#autoloc.minPhaseCountXXL = 4
## If the station count for stations at < 105 degrees
## distance exceeds this number, no picks at > 105 degrees will be
## used in location. They will be loosely associated, though.
#autoloc.minStaCountIgnorePKP = 30
## Clean-up interval for removing old/unused objects, in seconds
## Don't change.
#autoloc.cleanupInterval = 3600
## max. age for objects kept in memory, in seconds
## Default is 6 hours - don't change.
#autoloc.maxAge = 21600
## Don't change.
#autoloc.wakeupInterval = 5
## Grid configuration
#autoloc.grid = @DATADIR@/scautoloc/grid.conf
## Station configuration
#autoloc.stationConfig = @DATADIR@/scautoloc/station.conf
## This is only relevant in offline/testing mode
#locator.stationLocations = @DATADIR@/scautoloc/station-locations.conf
## Manual picks/origins can be fed back into autoloc for two purposes:
## * passive association to a solution from a "trusted" source so that we
## avoid fake or wrong locations due to events outside our area of interest
## * use the manual origins in further processing, especially the manual picks.
## Possibly also honor an operator specified fixed depth.
## Currently we only permit use of manual picks which are then used
## instead of the corresponding automatic picks (if existing)
# autoloc.useManualPicks = false
## Log all picks received by scautoloc to this file
autoloc.pickLog = @LOGDIR@/autoloc-picklog
# Amplitude type to be used as SNR amplitude
# Don't change unless you know exactly what you are doing.
autoloc.amplTypeSNR = snr
# Amplitude type to be used as absolute amplitude
# Don't change unless you know exactly what you are doing.
autoloc.amplTypeAbs = mb
# Use manual origins from our own agency. Essentially it means to
# use manual picks from manual origins, which is assumed to be
# better than using only automatic picks.
autoloc.useManualOrigins = false
# NOTE: If you set the above to true, then make sure to add the
# LOCATION group to connection.subscriptions!
# If autoloc.useManualOrigins is true, adopt the depth from manual
# origins, which is especially important if it was fixed by the analyst.
autoloc.adoptManualDepth = false