import os, time ''' Plugin handler for the Scream plugin. ''' class SeedlinkPluginHandler: # Create defaults def __init__(self): self.instances = {} self.channelMap = {} self.idMap = {} def push(self, seedlink): # Check and set defaults try: host = seedlink.param('sources.scream.address') except: host = "" seedlink.setParam('sources.scream.address',host) try: port = int(seedlink.param('sources.scream.port')) except: port = 1567 seedlink.setParam('sources.scream.port',str(port)) try: if seedlink.param('sources.scream.tcp').lower() in ("yes","true","1"): seedlink.setParam('sources.scream.tcpFlag',' -tcp') else: seedlink.setParam('sources.scream.tcpFlag','') except: seedlink.setParam('sources.scream.tcpFlag','') key = (host, port, seedlink.param('sources.scream.tcpFlag')) try: screamId = self.instances[key] except KeyError: screamId = len(self.instances) self.instances[key] = screamId self.channelMap[screamId] = [] try: channelItems = [ x.strip() for x in seedlink.param('sources.scream.channels').split(',') ] map = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, "" % screamId) seedlink.setParam('sources.scream.mapFlag',map) except KeyError: try: map = seedlink.param('') if not os.path.isabs(map): map = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, map) except: map = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, '') seedlink.setParam('sources.scream.mapFlag',map) channelItems = [] for item in channelItems: mapping = [x.strip() for x in item.split(':')] if len(mapping) != 2: raise Exception("Error: invalid channel mapping '%s' in %s" % (item, seedlink.station_config_file)) if not mapping[0] or not mapping[1]: raise Exception("Error: invalid channel mapping '%s' in %s" % (item, seedlink.station_config_file)) # Prepend current station code if not explicitely given if not " " in mapping[1]: mapping[1] = seedlink._get('seedlink.station.code') + " " + mapping[1] mapping[1] = [x.strip() for x in mapping[1].split()] # Add network code mapping.insert(1, seedlink._get('')) if not mapping in self.channelMap[screamId]: self.channelMap[screamId].append(mapping) try: if not mapping[1] in self.idMap[mapping[0]]: self.idMap[mapping[0]].append(mapping[1]) except KeyError: self.idMap[mapping[0]] = [mapping[1]] return (key,map) # Flush generates the map file(s) def flush(self, seedlink): for x in self.idMap.keys(): if len(self.idMap[x]) > 1: raise Exception("Error: Scream plugin has multiple mappings for id(s) %s" % ", ".join(self.idMap.keys())) cols = [0,0,0,0] for x in self.channelMap.keys(): for c in self.channelMap[x]: vals = [c[0], c[1], c[2][0], c[2][1]] for i in range(len(vals)): if len(vals[i]) > cols[i]: cols[i] = len(vals[i]) for x in self.channelMap.keys(): mappings = self.channelMap[x] if len(mappings) == 0: continue scream2slmap = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, "" % x) fd = open(scream2slmap, "w") line_id = 1 fd.write("# Generated at %s - Do not edit!\n" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime())) for c in mappings: fd.write("ChanInfo %s%s %s%s %s%s %s%s %d\n" % (c[0], " "*(cols[0]-len(c[0])), c[1], " "*(cols[1]-len(c[1])), c[2][0], " "*(cols[2]-len(c[2][0])), c[2][1], " "*(cols[3]-len(c[2][1])), line_id)) line_id = line_id + 1 fd.close()