import os import glob import sys class CAPSProfile: def __init__(self): self.streams = [] # List of strings, e.g. XY.ABCD.*.* self.stations = [] # List of network, station tuples, e.g. (XY,ABCD) self.oldStates = [] # Content of old state file ''' Plugin handler for the CAPS plugin. ''' class SeedlinkPluginHandler: # Create defaults def __init__(self): self.profiles = {} def push(self, seedlink): try: maxTimeDiff = float(seedlink._get('plugins.caps.maxTimeDiff', False)) except: maxTimeDiff = 86400 inOrder = "" try: if seedlink._get('plugins.caps.inOrder', False): inOrder = " --in-order" except: pass # Check and set defaults try: address = seedlink.param('sources.caps.address') except KeyError: address = "localhost:18002" try: streams = [chaId.strip() for chaId in seedlink.param( 'sources.caps.streams').split(',')] except KeyError: seedlink.setParam('sources.caps.streams', "*.*") streams = ["*.*"] try: seedlink.param('sources.caps.encoding') except KeyError: seedlink.setParam('sources.caps.encoding', "STEIM2") try: seedlink.param('sources.caps.proc') except KeyError: seedlink.setParam('sources.caps.proc', "") # parse address URL and create capsId of form: # host[.port][_user] addressFormatError = "Error: invalid address format, expected " \ "[[caps|capss]://][user:pass@]host[:port]" # protocol toks = address.split("://") if len(toks) > 2: raise Exception(addressFormatError) elif len(toks) == 2: protocol = toks[0] address = toks[1] if protocol != "caps" and protocol != "capss": raise Exception(addressFormatError) else: protocol = "caps" # authentication toks = address.split("@") if len(toks) > 2: raise Exception(addressFormatError) elif len(toks) == 2: capsId = "%s_%s" % (toks[1].replace( ":", "."), toks[0].split(":")[0]) else: capsId = address.replace(":", ".") address = "%s://%s" % (protocol, address) if capsId not in self.profiles: profile = CAPSProfile() self.profiles[capsId] = profile else: profile = self.profiles[capsId] for chaId in streams: toks = chaId.split('.') if len(toks) != 2: raise Exception( "Error: invalid stream format, expected [LOC.CHA]") streamID = + "." + seedlink.sta + "." + chaId profile.streams.append(streamID) profile.stations.append((, seedlink.sta)) log = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, "caps2sl.%s.state" % capsId) streamsFile = os.path.join( seedlink.config_dir, "caps2sl.%s.req" % capsId) seedlink.setParam('sources.caps.address', address) seedlink.setParam('sources.caps.log', log) seedlink.setParam('sources.caps.streamsFile', streamsFile) seedlink.setParam('sources.caps.maxTimeDiff', maxTimeDiff) seedlink.setParam('sources.caps.inOrder', inOrder) seedlink.setParam('', capsId) return capsId def flush(self, seedlink): # Populate request file per address for id, profile in self.profiles.items(): caps2slreq = os.path.join( seedlink.config_dir, "caps2sl.%s.req" % id) fd = open(caps2slreq, "w") for streamId in profile.streams: fd.write("%s\n" % streamId) fd.close() try: caps2slstate = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, "caps2sl.%s.state" % id) # Read existing state file fd = open(caps2slstate, "r") profile.oldStates = [line.strip() for line in fd.readlines()] except: pass # Delete all existing state files for fl in glob.glob(os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, "caps2sl.*.state")): try: os.remove(fl) except: sys.stderr.write("Failed to remove old state file: %s\n" % str(fl)) # Clean up state file to contain only configured stations for id, profile in self.profiles.items(): caps2slstate = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, "caps2sl.%s.state" % id) newStates = [] for (net, sta) in profile.stations: for line in profile.oldStates: if line.startswith(net + "." + sta + "."): newStates.append(line) if len(newStates) > 0: fd = open(caps2slstate, "w") for line in newStates: fd.write(line + "\n") fd.close()