.. _concepts_database: ******** Database ******** Scope ===== This chapter provides an overview over supported databases. Overview ======== |scname| can store and read information from a relational database management system (RDBMS). Supported are basically all existing RDBMS for which a plugin can be written. Currently, :ref:`database plugins ` are provided for .. csv-table:: :widths: 1 1 :header: Database, Plugin Name :align: left MySQL / MariaDB, *dbmysql* PostgreSQL, *dbpostgresql* SQLite3, *dbsqlite* The database used by the messaging for reading and writing is configured with :ref:`scmaster`. The read connection by :ref:`modules ` may be additionally set with :confval:`database` in :ref:`global configuration `. Read the sections :ref:`installation` and :ref:`getting-started` on the installation and the configuration of the database backend and the initial setup of the database itself, respectively. The used database schema is well defined and respected by all modules which access the database. It is similar to the SeisComML schema (:term:`SCML`, a version of XML) and the C++ / Python class hierarchy of the datamodel namespace / package. Information of the following objects can be stored in the database as set out in the :ref:`documentation of the data model `. .. csv-table:: :widths: 25, 75 :header: Object, Description :align: left :delim: ; :ref:`Config `; station bindings DataAvailability; information on continuous data records EventParameters; derived objects like picks, amplitudes, magnitudes origins, events, etc. :ref:`Inventory `; station meta data Journaling; information on commands and actions e.g. by :ref:`scevent ` QualityControl; waveform quality control parameters .. note:: The Config parameters just cover station bindings. Application/module specific configurations (all .cfg files) are not stored in the database and only kept in files. The currently supported version of the database schema can be queried by any module connecting to the data base using the option ``-V``, e.g.: :: $ scolv -V Framework: 5.0.0 Development API version: 15.0.0 Data schema version: 0.12 GIT HEAD: 9f5c26cc4 Compiler: c++ (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0 Build system: Linux 4.15.0-163-generic OS: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS / Linux Related Modules =============== * :ref:`scardac` * :ref:`scdb` * :ref:`scdbstrip` * :ref:`scdispatch` * :ref:`scquery` * :ref:`scqueryqc` * :ref:`scxmldump`