.. _global_mn: ## MN ## Nuttli magnitude for Canada and other Cratonic regions Description =========== MN is the Nuttli magnitude :cite:p:`nuttli-1973` for Canada and other Cratonic regions. It is implemented by the *nuttli* plugin according to the Geological Survey of Canada (NRCan). For measuring AMN amplitudes and for computing MN magnitudes |scname| provides regionalization. Amplitude --------- Amplitude unit in |scname|: **meter/second** (m/s) Settings ======== Add the *nuttli* plugin to the list of loaded plugins e.g. in the global module configuration: .. code-block:: sh plugins = ${plugins},nuttli Adjust MN-specific global bindings parameters in the amplitude section and set the region-specific calibration parameters in the global module configuration. scamp ----- Add the Nuttli amplitude type, **AMN**, to the range of magnitudes for which the amplitudes are to be calculated by :ref:`scamp`, e.g.: .. code-block:: sh amplitudes = AMN Adjust MN-specific global bindings parameters in the amplitude section and set the region-specific calibration parameters in the global module configuration (amplitude section). .. note:: Provide *AMN* for computing Nuttli-type amplitudes. scmag ----- Add the Nuttli magnitude type, **MN**, to the range of magnitudes to be calculated by :ref:`scmag`, e.g.: .. code-block:: sh magnitudes = MN Adjust MN-specific global bindings parameters in the magnitude section and define the region polygons in the global module configuration (magnitude section). .. _global_mn_configuration: Module Configuration ==================== .. note:: **amplitudes.MN.\*** *Amplitude control parameters for MN (Nuttli magnitude).* .. confval:: amplitudes.MN.velocityModel Default: ``iasp91`` Type: *string* The travel time table set compiled for LocSAT. The tables are located in \"share\/locsat\/tables\/[vmodel].\*\". .. note:: **magnitudes.MN.\*** *Regionalization of MN (Nuttli magnitude).* .. confval:: magnitudes.MN.region Default: ``@DATADIR@/magnitudes/MN/MN.bna`` Type: *path* The path to the BNA file which defines the valid region for the MN magnitude. Note that the entire path from source to receiver must lie entirely within the polygon\(s\).