from __future__ import print_function import seiscomp.datamodel, seiscomp.core, seiscomp.config from .helpers import parsers import datetime import sys class sc3(object): def _fillSc3(self, obj, att): commentNum = 0 for (k, p) in att.items(): try: if k == 'Comment': # print('DEBUG: Adding comment', p) if p.startswith('Grant'): # 2020: These belong in DOI metadata, not here. continue c = seiscomp.datamodel.Comment() c.setText(p) c.setId(str(commentNum)) commentNum += 1 obj.add(c) continue if k == 'Pid': # print('DEBUG: Adding Pid as comment', p) c = seiscomp.datamodel.Comment() (typ, val) = p.split(':', 1) s = '{"type":"%s", "value":"%s"}' % (typ.upper(), val) c.setText(s) c.setId('FDSNXML:Identifier/' + str(commentNum)) commentNum += 1 obj.add(c) continue w = 'set' + k p = self.sc3Valid['attributes'][k]['validator'](p) getattr(obj, w)(p) except Exception as e: print("[Error] %s = %s (%s)" % (k, p, e), file=sys.stderr) @staticmethod def getBool(val): if val == "True" or val == 1: return True elif val == "False" or val == 0: return False else: raise Exception("Invalid Boolean Value") @staticmethod def getString(data): return data.strip() @staticmethod def getRealArray(data): RA = seiscomp.datamodel.RealArray() for r in map(float, data): RA.content().push_back(r) return RA @staticmethod def getComplexArray(data): CA = seiscomp.datamodel.ComplexArray() for (r,i) in data: CA.content().push_back(complex(float(r),float(i))) return CA @staticmethod def getDate(value): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return seiscomp.core.Time(*(value.timetuple()[:6])) elif isinstance(value, str): value = parsers.parseDate(value) return seiscomp.core.Time(*(value.timetuple()[:6])) return value @staticmethod def getBlob(value): b = seiscomp.datamodel.Blob() b.setContent(value) return b @staticmethod def getStationGroupType(val): if val == "ARRAY": return seiscomp.datamodel.ARRAY elif val == "DEPLOYMENT": return seiscomp.datamodel.DEPLOYMENT else: raise Exception("Invalid station group type") @staticmethod def _findValidOnes(mode): valid = { 'dataloggerCalibration': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.DataloggerCalibration, 'attributes': { 'SerialNumber': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Channel': { 'validator': int }, 'Start': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'End': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'Gain': { 'validator': float }, 'GainFrequency': { 'validator': float }, 'Remark': { 'validator': sc3.getBlob } } }, 'sensorCalibration': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.SensorCalibration, 'attributes': { 'SerialNumber': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Channel': { 'validator': int }, 'Start': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'End': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'Gain': { 'validator': float }, 'GainFrequency': { 'validator': float }, 'Remark': { 'validator': sc3.getBlob } } }, 'channel': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.Stream_Create, 'attributes': { 'Code': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Start': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'End': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'Datalogger': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'DataloggerSerialNumber': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'DataloggerChannel': { 'validator': int }, 'Sensor': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'SensorSerialNumber': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'SensorChannel': { 'validator': int }, 'ClockSerialNumber': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'SampleRateNumerator': { 'validator': int }, 'SampleRateDenominator': { 'validator': int }, 'Depth': { 'validator': float }, 'Azimuth': { 'validator': float }, 'Dip': { 'validator': float }, 'Gain': { 'validator': float }, 'GainFrequency': { 'validator': float }, 'GainUnit': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Format': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Flags': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Restricted': { 'validator': sc3.getBool }, 'Shared': { 'validator': sc3.getBool } } }, 'location': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.SensorLocation_Create, 'attributes': { 'Code': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Start': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'End': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, "Latitude": { 'validator': float }, "Longitude": { 'validator': float }, "Elevation": { 'validator': float } } }, 'station': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.Station_Create, 'attributes': { 'Code': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Start': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'End': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'Description': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Latitude': { 'validator': float }, 'Longitude': { 'validator': float }, 'Elevation': { 'validator': float }, 'Place': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Country': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Affiliation': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Type': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'ArchiveNetworkCode': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Archive': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Restricted': { 'validator': sc3.getBool }, 'Shared': { 'validator': sc3.getBool }, 'Remark': { 'validator': sc3.getBlob } } }, 'network': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.Network_Create, 'attributes': { 'Code': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Start': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'End': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'Description': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Institutions': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Region': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Type': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'NetClass': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Archive': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Comment': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Pid': { 'validator': sc3.getBlob }, 'Restricted': { 'validator': sc3.getBool }, 'Shared': { 'validator': sc3.getBool }, 'Remark': { 'validator': sc3.getBlob } } }, 'stationGroup': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.StationGroup_Create, 'attributes': { 'Code': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Start': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'End': { 'validator': sc3.getDate }, 'Description': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Type': { 'validator': sc3.getStationGroupType }, 'Latitude': { 'validator': float }, 'Longitude': { 'validator': float }, 'Elevation': { 'validator': float }, } }, 'stationReference': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.StationReference, 'attributes': { 'StationID': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, } }, 'datalogger': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.Datalogger_Create, 'attributes': { 'Name': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Description': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'DigitizerModel': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'DigitizerManufacturer': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'RecorderModel': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'RecorderManufacturer': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'ClockModel': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'ClockManufacturer': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'ClockType': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Gain': { 'validator': float }, 'MaxClockDrift': { 'validator': float }, 'Remark': { 'validator': sc3.getBlob } } }, 'decimation': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.Decimation, 'attributes': { 'SampleRateNumerator': { 'validator': int }, 'SampleRateDenominator': { 'validator': int }, 'AnalogueFilterChain': { 'validator': sc3.getBlob }, 'DigitalFilterChain': { 'validator': sc3.getBlob } } }, 'fir': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.ResponseFIR_Create, 'attributes': { "Name": { 'validator': sc3.getString }, "Gain": { 'validator': float }, "DecimationFactor": { 'validator': int }, "Delay": { 'validator': float }, "Correction": { 'validator': float }, "NumberOfCoefficients": { 'validator': int }, "Symmetry": { 'validator': sc3.getString }, "Coefficients": { 'validator': sc3.getRealArray }, "Remarks": { 'validator': sc3.getBlob } } }, 'paz': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.ResponsePAZ_Create, 'attributes': { 'Name': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Description': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Type': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Gain': { 'validator': float }, 'GainFrequency': { 'validator': float }, 'NormalizationFactor': { 'validator': float }, 'NormalizationFrequency': { 'validator': float }, 'NumberOfZeros': { 'validator': int }, 'NumberOfPoles': { 'validator': int }, 'Zeros': { 'validator': sc3.getComplexArray }, 'Poles': { 'validator': sc3.getComplexArray }, 'Remark': { 'validator': sc3.getBlob } } }, 'sensor': { 'creator': seiscomp.datamodel.Sensor_Create, 'attributes': { 'Name': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Description': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Model': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Manufacturer': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Type': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Unit': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'LowFrequency': { 'validator': float }, 'HighFrequency': { 'validator': float }, 'Response': { 'validator': sc3.getString }, 'Remark': { 'validator': sc3.getBlob } } } } return(valid.get(mode)) def __init__(self, mode, child=[]): self.sc3Mode = mode self.sc3obj = None self.sc3Valid = sc3._findValidOnes(mode) self._sc3Childs = child def _create(self): if not self.sc3Valid: raise Exception("Class without a type defined.") return self.sc3Valid['creator']() def sc3Att(self): """ This is the heart. You should return an dictionary of attributes to be setted on the sc3 object. This dictionary will be used by the _fillSc3 method. """ raise Exception("Not Implemented !") def sc3ValidKey(self, key): if not self.sc3Valid: raise Exception("Class without a type defined.") return (key in self.sc3Valid['attributes']) def sc3Resolv(self, inventory): """ In this method you should be able to resolv all the references in your self object. """ pass def sc3Derived(self, inventory): """ This method should generate and collect all the derived objects (child on the inventory sense) that should be attributed to the self object. By default on this virtual method is returns an empty array. """ objs = [] for obj in self._sc3Childs: objs.append(obj.sc3Obj(inventory)) return objs def sc3ID(self, inventory): obj = self.sc3Obj(inventory) return obj.publicID() def sc3Obj(self, inventory): if not self.sc3obj: # Get a new object obj = self._create() # try to resolve REFERENCES to PUBLIC ID self.sc3Resolv(inventory) # Add the derived objects in for dobj in self.sc3Derived(inventory): obj.add(dobj) # Fill the Attributes in self._fillSc3(obj, self.sc3Att()) # # Only want to see Networks: # if (('Code' in self.sc3Att().keys()) # and ('ArchiveNetworkCode' not in self.sc3Att().keys()) # and ('Azimuth' not in self.sc3Att().keys()) # ): # print('DEBUG sc3Obj:', self, self.sc3Att()) # Set as created self.sc3obj = obj # return the obj return self.sc3obj