import os import glob import time import sys import seiscomp.config import seiscomp.kernel import seiscomp.system import seiscomp.bindings2cfg def parseBindPort(bind): bindToks = bind.split(':') if len(bindToks) == 1: return int(bindToks[0]) elif len(bindToks) == 2: return int(bindToks[1]) else: return -1 class Module(seiscomp.kernel.Module): def __init__(self, env): seiscomp.kernel.Module.__init__(self, env, env.moduleName(__file__)) # This is a config module which synchronizes bindings with the database self.isConfigModule = True def updateConfig(self): messaging = True messagingPort = 18180 messagingProtocol = 'scmp' try: messaging = self.env.getBool("messaging.enable") except: pass # If messaging is disabled in kernel.cfg, do not do anything if not messaging: sys.stdout.write("- messaging disabled, nothing to do\n") return 0 # Load scmaster configuration and figure the bind ports of scmaster out cfg = seiscomp.config.Config() seiscomp.system.Environment.Instance().initConfig(cfg, "scmaster") # First check the unencrypted port and prefer that p = parseBindPort(cfg.getString("interface.bind")) if p > 0: messagingPort = p try: bind = self.env.getString("messaging.bind") bindToks = bind.split(':') if len(bindToks) == 1: messagingPort = int(bindToks[0]) elif len(bindToks) == 2: messagingPort = int(bindToks[1]) else: sys.stdout.write( "E invalid messaging bind parameter: %s\n" % bind) sys.stdout.write(" expected either 'port' or 'ip:port'\n") return 1 except: pass # Otherwise check if ssl is enabled else: p = parseBindPort(cfg.getString("interface.ssl.bind")) if p > 0: messagingPort = p messagingProtocol = 'scmps' # Synchronize database configuration params = [, '--console', '1', '-H', '%s://localhost:%d/production' % (messagingProtocol, messagingPort)] # Create the database update app and run it # This app implements a seiscomp.client.Application and connects # to localhost regardless of connections specified in global.cfg to # prevent updating a remote installation by accident. app = seiscomp.bindings2cfg.ConfigDBUpdater(len(params), params) app.setConnectionRetries(3) return app() def setup(self, setup_config): cfgfile = os.path.join(self.env.SEISCOMP_ROOT, "etc", "global.cfg") cfg = seiscomp.config.Config() cfg.readConfig(cfgfile) try: cfg.setString("datacenterID", setup_config.getString( "global.meta.datacenterID")) except: cfg.remove("datacenterID") try: cfg.setString("agencyID", setup_config.getString( "global.meta.agencyID")) except: cfg.remove("agencyID") try: cfg.setString("organization", setup_config.getString( "global.meta.organization")) except: cfg.remove("organization") cfg.writeConfig() return 0