from __future__ import print_function import os import shutil import sys import subprocess import tempfile from seiscomp import config, kernel, system # Python version depended string conversion if sys.version_info[0] < 3: py3bstr = str py3ustr = str else: py3bstr = lambda s: s.encode('utf-8') py3ustr = lambda s: s.decode('utf-8', 'replace') class DBParams: def __init__(self): self.db = None self.rwuser = None self.rwpwd = None self.rouser = None self.ropwd = None self.rohost = None self.rwhost = None self.drop = False self.create = False def check_output(cmd): proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out = proc.communicate() return [py3ustr(out[0]), py3ustr(out[1]), proc.returncode] def addEntry(cfg, param, item): # Adds an item to a parameter list try: items = cfg.getStrings(param) except ValueError: items = config.VectorStr() if item not in items: items.push_back(item) cfg.setStrings(param, items) def removeEntry(cfg, param, item): # Removes an items from a parameter list try: items = cfg.getStrings(param) for i in range(items.size()): if items[i] == item: items.erase(items.begin() + i) cfg.setStrings(param, items) break except ValueError: # No parameter set, nothing to do pass # The kernel module which starts scmaster if enabled class Module(kernel.CoreModule): def __init__(self, env): kernel.CoreModule.__init__( self, env, env.moduleName(__file__)) # High priority self.order = -1 # Default values self.messaging = True self.messagingBind = None try: self.messaging = self.env.getBool("messaging.enable") except ValueError: pass try: self.messagingBind = self.env.getString("messaging.bind") except ValueError: pass # Add master port def _get_start_params(self): if self.messagingBind: return kernel.Module._get_start_params(self) + \ " --bind %s" % self.messagingBind return kernel.Module._get_start_params(self) def start(self): if not self.messaging: print("[kernel] {} is disabled by config".format(, file=sys.stderr) return 1 appConfig = system.Environment.Instance().appConfigFileName( localConfig = system.Environment.Instance().configFileName( lockFile = os.path.join(self.env.SEISCOMP_ROOT, self.env.lockFile( try: needRestart = False started = os.path.getmtime(lockFile) try: needRestart = started < os.path.getmtime(appConfig) except Exception: pass try: needRestart = started < os.path.getmtime(localConfig) except Exception: pass if needRestart: self.stop() except Exception: pass return kernel.CoreModule.start(self) def check(self): if not self.messaging: print("[kernel] {} is disabled by config".format(, file=sys.stderr) return 0 return kernel.CoreModule.check(self) def status(self, shouldRun): if not self.messaging: shouldRun = False return kernel.CoreModule.status(self, shouldRun) def readDBParams(self, params, setup_config): try: params.db = setup_config.getString( + ".database.enable.backend.db") except ValueError as err: print(err) print(" - database name not set, ignoring setup", file=sys.stderr) return False try: params.rwhost = setup_config.getString( + ".database.enable.backend.rwhost") except ValueError: print(" - database host (rw) not set, ignoring setup", file=sys.stderr) return False try: params.rwuser = setup_config.getString( + ".database.enable.backend.rwuser") except ValueError: print(" - database user (rw) not set, ignoring setup", file=sys.stderr) return False try: params.rwpwd = setup_config.getString( + ".database.enable.backend.rwpwd") except ValueError: print(" - database password (rw) not set, ignoring setup", file=sys.stderr) return False try: params.rohost = setup_config.getString( + ".database.enable.backend.rohost") except ValueError: print(" - database host (ro) not set, ignoring setup", file=sys.stderr) return False try: params.rouser = setup_config.getString( + ".database.enable.backend.rouser") except ValueError: print(" - database user (ro) not set, ignoring setup", file=sys.stderr) return False try: params.ropwd = setup_config.getString( + ".database.enable.backend.ropwd") except ValueError: print(" - database password (ro) not set, ignoring setup", file=sys.stderr) return False try: params.create = setup_config.getBool( + ".database.enable.backend.create") except ValueError: params.create = False try: params.drop = setup_config.getBool( + ".database.enable.backend.create.drop") except ValueError: params.drop = False return True def setup(self, setup_config): schemapath = os.path.join(self.env.SEISCOMP_ROOT, "share", "db") cfg = config.Config() system.Environment.Instance().initConfig(cfg, try: dbenable = setup_config.getBool( + ".database.enable") except ValueError: print(" - database.enable not set, ignoring setup", file=sys.stderr) return 0 dbBackend = None if not dbenable: removeEntry(cfg, "queues.production.plugins", "dbstore") removeEntry( cfg, "queues.production.processors.messages", "dbstore") cfg.remove("queues.production.processors.messages.dbstore.driver") cfg.remove("") cfg.remove("queues.production.processors.messages.dbstore.write") else: try: dbBackend = setup_config.getString( + ".database.enable.backend") except ValueError: print(" - database backend not set, ignoring setup", file=sys.stderr) return 1 if dbBackend == "mysql/mariadb": dbBackend = "mysql" try: rootpwd = setup_config.getString( + ".database.enable.backend.create.rootpw") except ValueError: rootpwd = "" try: runAsSuperUser = setup_config.getBool( + ".database.enable.backend.create.runAsSuperUser") except ValueError: runAsSuperUser = False params = DBParams() if not self.readDBParams(params, setup_config): return 1 cfg.setString("", "{}:{}@{}/{}" .format(params.rouser, params.ropwd, params.rohost, params.db)) cfg.setString("queues.production.processors.messages.dbstore.write", "{}:{}@{}/{}" .format(params.rwuser, params.rwpwd, params.rwhost, params.db)) if params.create: dbScript = os.path.join(schemapath, "") options = [ params.db, params.rwuser, params.rwpwd, params.rouser, params.ropwd, params.rwhost, rootpwd, str(params.drop), schemapath ] binary = os.path.join(schemapath, "") print("+ Running MySQL database setup script {}" .format(dbScript), file=sys.stderr) if runAsSuperUser: cmd = "{} seiscomp-python {} {}".format(binary, dbScript, " ".join(options)) else: cmd = "{} {}".format(dbScript, " ".join(options)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) ret = p.wait() if ret != 0: print(" - Failed to setup database", file=sys.stderr) return 1 elif dbBackend == "postgresql": dbBackend = "postgresql" params = DBParams() if not self.readDBParams(params, setup_config): return 1 cfg.setString("", "{}:{}@{}/{}" .format(params.rouser, params.ropwd, params.rohost, params.db)) cfg.setString("queues.production.processors.messages.dbstore.write", "{}:{}@{}/{}" .format(params.rwuser, params.rwpwd, params.rwhost, params.db)) if params.create: try: tmpPath = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.chmod(tmpPath, 0o755) tmpPath = os.path.join(tmpPath, "setup") try: shutil.copytree(schemapath, tmpPath) filename = os.path.join(self.env.SEISCOMP_ROOT, "bin", "seiscomp-python") shutil.copy(filename, tmpPath) except Exception as err: print(err) return 1 dbScript = os.path.join(tmpPath, "") options = [ params.db, params.rwuser, params.rwpwd, params.rouser, params.ropwd, params.rwhost, str(params.drop), tmpPath ] binary = os.path.join(schemapath, "") print("+ Running PostgreSQL database setup script {}" .format(dbScript), file=sys.stderr) cmd = "{} su postgres -c \"{}/seiscomp-python {} {}\"" \ .format(binary, tmpPath, dbScript, " ".join(options)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) ret = p.wait() if ret != 0: print(" - Failed to setup database", file=sys.stderr) return 1 finally: try: shutil.rmtree(tmpPath) except OSError: pass elif dbBackend == "sqlite3": dbBackend = "sqlite3" dbScript = os.path.join(schemapath, "") try: create = setup_config.getBool( + ".database.enable.backend.create") except BaseException: create = False try: filename = setup_config.getString( + ".database.enable.backend.filename") filename = system.Environment.Instance().absolutePath(filename) except BaseException: filename = os.path.join(self.env.SEISCOMP_ROOT, "var", "lib", "seiscomp.db") if not filename: print(" - location not set, ignoring setup", file=sys.stderr) return 1 try: override = setup_config.getBool( + ".database.enable.backend.create.override") except BaseException: override = False options = [ filename, schemapath ] if create: print("+ Running SQLite3 database setup script {}" .format(dbScript), file=sys.stderr) cmd = "seiscomp-python {} {} {}".format(dbScript, " ".join(options), override) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) ret = p.wait() if ret != 0: print(" - Failed to setup database", file=sys.stderr) return 1 cfg.setString("", filename) cfg.setString("queues.production.processors.messages.dbstore.write", filename) # Configure db backend for scmaster cfg.setString("core.plugins", "db" + dbBackend) cfg.setString( "queues.production.processors.messages.dbstore.driver", dbBackend) addEntry(cfg, "queues.production.plugins", "dbstore") addEntry(cfg, "queues.production.processors.messages", "dbstore") cfg.writeConfig( system.Environment.Instance().configFileLocation(, system.Environment.CS_CONFIG_APP)) # Now we need to insert the corresponding plugin to etc/global.cfg # that all connected local clients can handle the database backend if dbBackend: cfgfile = os.path.join(self.env.SEISCOMP_ROOT, "etc", "global.cfg") cfg = config.Config() cfg.readConfig(cfgfile) cfg.setString("core.plugins", "db" + dbBackend) cfg.writeConfig() return 0 def updateConfig(self): cfg = config.Config() system.Environment.Instance().initConfig(cfg, try: queues = cfg.getStrings("queues") except ValueError: queues = [] # iterate through all queues and check DB schema version if message # processor dbstore is present for queue in queues: print("INFO: Checking queue '{}'".format(queue), file=sys.stderr) try: msgProcs = cfg.getStrings("queues.{}.processors.messages" .format(queue)) if "dbstore" in msgProcs and not self.checkDBStore(cfg, queue): return 1 except ValueError: print(" * ignoring - no database backend configured", file=sys.stderr) return 0 def checkDBStore(self, cfg, queue): prefix = "queues.{}.processors.messages.dbstore".format(queue) print(" * checking DB schema version", file=sys.stderr) try: backend = cfg.getString("{}.driver".format(prefix)) except ValueError: print("WARNING: dbstore message processor activated but no " "database backend configured", file=sys.stderr) return True if backend not in ("mysql", "postgresql"): print("WARNING: Only MySQL and PostgreSQL migrations are " "supported right now. Please check and upgrade the " "database schema version yourselves.", file=sys.stderr) return True print(" * check database write access ... ", end='', file=sys.stderr) # 1. Parse connection try: params = cfg.getString("{}.write".format(prefix)) except ValueError: print("failed", file=sys.stderr) print("WARNING: dbstore message processor activated but no " "write connection configured", file=sys.stderr) return True user = 'sysop' pwd = 'sysop' host = 'localhost' db = 'seiscomp' port = None tmp = params.split('@') if len(tmp) > 1: params = tmp[1] tmp = tmp[0].split(':') if len(tmp) == 1: user = tmp[0] pwd = None elif len(tmp) == 2: user = tmp[0] pwd = tmp[1] else: print("failed", file=sys.stderr) print("WARNING: Invalid scmaster.cfg:{}.write, cannot check " "schema version".format(prefix), file=sys.stderr) return True tmp = params.split('/') if len(tmp) > 1: tmpHost = tmp[0] db = tmp[1] else: tmpHost = tmp[0] # get host name and port tmp = tmpHost.split(':') host = tmp[0] if len(tmp) == 2: try: port = int(tmp[1]) except ValueError: print("ERROR: Invalid port number {}".format(tmp[1]), file=sys.stderr) return True db = db.split('?')[0] # 2. Try to login if backend == "mysql": cmd = "mysql -u \"%s\" -h \"%s\" -D\"%s\" --skip-column-names" % ( user, host, db) if port: cmd += " -P %d" % (port) if pwd: cmd += " -p\"%s\"" % pwd.replace('$', '\\$') cmd += " -e \"SELECT value from Meta where name='Schema-Version'\"" else: if pwd: os.environ['PGPASSWORD'] = pwd cmd = "psql -U \"%s\" -h \"%s\" -t \"%s\"" % (user, host, db) if port: cmd += " -p %d" % (port) cmd += " -c \"SELECT value from Meta where name='Schema-Version'\"" out = check_output(cmd) if out[2] != 0: print("failed", file=sys.stderr) print("WARNING: {} returned with error:".format(backend), file=sys.stderr) print(out[1].strip(), file=sys.stderr) return False print("passed", file=sys.stderr) version = out[0].strip() print(" * database schema version is {}".format(version), file=sys.stderr) try: vmaj, vmin = [int(t) for t in version.split('.')] except ValueError: print("WARNING: wrong version format: expected MAJOR.MINOR", file=sys.stderr) return True strictVersionMatch = True try: strictVersionMatch = cfg.getBool("{}.strictVersionMatch" .format(prefix)) except ValueError: pass if not strictVersionMatch: print(" * database version check is disabled", file=sys.stderr) return True migrations = os.path.join(self.env.SEISCOMP_ROOT, "share", "db", "migrations", backend) migration_paths = {} vcurrmaj = 0 vcurrmin = 0 for f in os.listdir(migrations): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(migrations, f)): name, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ext != '.sql': continue try: vfrom, vto = name.split('_to_') except ValueError: continue try: vfrommaj, vfrommin = [int(t) for t in vfrom.split('_')] except ValueError: continue try: vtomaj, vtomin = [int(t) for t in vto.split('_')] except ValueError: continue migration_paths[(vfrommaj, vfrommin)] = (vtomaj, vtomin) if (vtomaj > vcurrmaj) or ((vtomaj == vcurrmaj) and (vtomin > vcurrmin)): vcurrmaj = vtomaj vcurrmin = vtomin print(" * last migration version is %d.%d" % (vcurrmaj, vcurrmin), file=sys.stderr) if vcurrmaj == vmaj and vcurrmin == vmin: print(" * schema up-to-date", file=sys.stderr) return True if (vmaj, vmin) not in migration_paths: print(" * no migrations found", file=sys.stderr) return True print(" * migration to the current version is required. Apply the " "following", file=sys.stderr) print(" database migration scripts in exactly the given order:", file=sys.stderr) while (vmaj, vmin) in migration_paths: (vtomaj, vtomin) = migration_paths[(vmaj, vmin)] fname = "%d_%d_to_%d_%d.sql" % (vmaj, vmin, vtomaj, vtomin) if backend == "mysql": print(" * mysql -u {} -h {} -p {} < {}" .format(user, host, db, os.path.join(migrations, fname)), file=sys.stderr) elif backend == "postgresql": print(" * psql -U {} -h {} -d {} -W -f {}" .format(user, host, db, os.path.join(migrations, fname)), file=sys.stderr) else: print(" * {}".format(os.path.join(migrations, fname)), file=sys.stderr) (vmaj, vmin) = (vtomaj, vtomin) return False