Mini-SEED file plugin "pattern" is a POSIX extended regular expression that must match input file names (useful for filtering out non-data files). For example "BH[NEZ]" would match any files that contained "BHE", "BHN" or "BHZ". If no pattern is specified all files will be processed. Look for data files at the 1st or 2nd directory level. Move file to subdirectory "processed" before starting to read it. Delete processed files. Look only for files that are newer than the last file processed. Timestamp file is used to save the modification time of the last file processed. New files are searched for every "polltime" seconds. Wait until the file is at least n seconds old, before trying to read it. Tells how many debugging messages are printed. Maximum number of consecutive zeros in datastream before data gap will be declared (-1 = disabled). If timing quality is not available, use this value as default (-1 = disabled). Name of the proc object (defined in streams.xml); used for processing raw streams (streams submitted by a plugin as raw samples). Channel definitions (Mini-SEED streams are defined in streams.xml, look for <proc name="generic_3x50">).