Waveform archive server scwfas [options] generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#daemon verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#print-component verbosity#print-context verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#trace verbosity#log-file Defines an alternative SDS archive handler. This is the name of an RecordStream interface that can be loaded via a plugin. If not given, an internal implementation will be used. The filebase of the SDS archive. If an alternative archive handler is defined by "handlerSDS", this value serves as input to setSource(). The server port for Arclink connections. -1 deactivates the Arclink server. The standard Arclink port is 18001. The server port for FDSNWS connections. -1 deactivates the FDSN Web server. The base URL of the FDSN Web service that is given in the WADL document. The aggregated maximum time window (seconds) for all requested streams. A value of 0 will deactive any restriction.