Real time voice alert. Treat an event as new event when it is seen the first time. Define a white list of agencyIDs to alert an event. The agencyID is extracted from the preferred origin of the event. If this list is empty, all agencies are allowed. The default message string for the event-script is "earthquake, [HOURS] hours [MINS] minutes ago, [DESC], magnitude [MAG], depth [DEP] kilometers" whereas [DESC] is the string given in the event.description attribute. This string can be overwritten using one of the following options. There are three placeholders that can be used: @region@, @dist@ and @poi@. Example: "@region@, @dist@ kilometers from @poi@ away". When using the nearest point of interest (city) as part of the message string, specify the maximum distance in degrees from the event. Any point of interest farther away will be ignored. Minimum population for a city to become a point of interest. Specify the script to be called if an amplitude arrives, network-, stationcode and amplitude are passed as parameters $1, $2 and $3. Specify the script to be called if a preliminary origin arrives, latitude and longitude are passed as parameters $1 and $2. Specify the script to be called when an event has been declared; the message string, a flag (1=new event, 0=update event), the EventID, the arrival count and the magnitude (optional when set) are passed as parameter $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5. scvoice [options] generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#daemon generic#auto-shutdown generic#shutdown-master-module generic#shutdown-master-username verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#content-type messaging#start-stop-msg database#db-driver-list database#database database#config-module database#inventory-db database#db-disable