Real-time trace view. If greater than 0, then all traces for which the data latency is higher than this value are hidden. If enabled, then all traces are sorted by distance when a new origin arrives. If enabled, picks are shown. Define the filter to be used when filtering is activated. This is only being used if filters is not set otherwise it is overridden. This option is mainly for backward compatibility. Define a list of filters that is cycles through when pressing 'f'. This options supersedes the filter option. If not defined then filter is used instead. If defined then this filter list is used exclusively and the filter option is ignored. Activate the first filter of the configured filter list after startup. This is equivalent to pressing 'f'. Define the buffer size in seconds of the ring bu of each trace. If set to true, all traces will be visible on application startup independent of data availability. Time span in seconds to switch back to the last view after an origin caused resorting. The default is 15min. Configure the initial stream sorting. The sort mode applied initially. Allowed values are: config, distance, station, network, group. Latitude of the initial location for sorting traces. Only valid if mode == distance. Longitude of the initial location for sorting traces. Only valid if mode == distance. The list of channel codes to be displayed. List items may contain wildcards at any position and are separated by comma. Wildcard support depends on RecordStream, e.g.: caps/sdsarchive: *.*.*.* slink: NET.STA.*.* The channel list is intersected with all channels configured in inventory unless --no-inventory is used. Examples: default : display all streams configured by global bindings default, PF.BON.00.HH? : display default and all HH streams of PF.BON.00 If not empty then all stream patterns are part of the blacklist. The blacklist is only active if "" is omitted and the default stream list according to the bindings is to be shown. Each pattern can include wildcards (either ? or *). The pattern is checked against the channel id which is a concatenation of network code, station code, location code and channel code separated with a dot, e.g. "GE.MORC..BHZ". Number of rows to show at once in one windows. If more traces than rows are loaded, the are accessible by a scroll bar. Define a region used for clipping requested stations. Minimum longitude. Maximum longitude. Minimum latitude. Maximum latitude. Stream group profiles to be considered which must be defined in group section. Use comma separation for a list of groups. Stream profiles to be considered which must be defined in profile section. Use comma separation for a list of profiles. Definiton of stream groups shown in scrttv with unique features. Register the profiles in "groups" to apply them. List of channels codes to be displayed within this group. List items may contain wildcards at any position and are separated by comma. The list is intersected with all channels configured in inventory. Example: CX.*..BH?,PF.BON.00.HH? : all BH streams of the CX network and all HH streams of PF.BON.00 Title of the group visible as a tooltip of the traces. Define the trace pen of the group. The color of the pen. If not given, the default trace color is being used. The parameter is overridden by "$profile.gradient" . Define the color gradient used to generate the trace color for each group member. When given, the value in "$profile.pen.color" is ignored. The colors are distributed equally and given in hexadecimal representation or by or :term:`color keyword names`. The stop points can be set at any value. The final trace color will be interpolated from the normalized gradient where the value range is scaled to [0,1]. Format: value1:color1,value2:color2 Examples: 0:yellow,1:green 0:FFBF00,1:C70039 The style of the pen. Supported values are: NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine. The width of the pen. Definiton of profiles for streams shown with unique decorations. Register the profiles in "profiles" to apply them. Stream applying this profile to. Use regular expressions for defining multiple streams. Examples: GR.BFO.00.BHZ: One stream on vertical component GR.*.00.BHZ: All stations from GR network and their vertical components. Text added to streams. Fraction of trace amplitude added to trace widgets. The physical unit shown along with stream maximum and minimum values. The gain applied to scale trace amplitudes. 0 disables showing trace amplitude value Properties defining the minimum line on each trace. Value at which to draw a line. Line properties. Properties of the area below the minimum. Properties defining the maximum line on each trace. Value at which to draw a line. Line properties. Properties of the area above the maximum. scrttv [options] [miniSEED file] generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#auto-shutdown generic#shutdown-master-module generic#shutdown-master-username generic#print-config-vars generic#validate-schema-params generic#dump-settings verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file verbosity#print-context verbosity#print-component verbosity#log-utc verbosity#trace messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#content-type messaging#start-stop-msg database#db-driver-list database#database database#config-module database#inventory-db database#db-disable records#record-driver-list records#record-url records#record-file records#record-type cities#city-xml gui#full-screen gui#non-interactive