Real-time helicorder view for one stream. List of stream codes to be plotted (net.sta.loc.cha). If not in capture mode only the first stream is shown. When using a list, the first entry is considered. Use commas for separating streams. Example: GR.MOX..BHZ Filter to be applied on the data. Filter to be applied on the data. Length of data per trace. The time format used to print the start and end time of the whole plot (upper right corner). The format specification is the one used in the strftime function (man strftime). Set current time to last data sample. Line width of traces. A list of alternating row colors cycled through for painting traces. Use anti aliasing to plot the traces. The default uses the settings from scheme.records.antiAliasing Add stream description to traces. Gain-corrected amplitudes given in units of the sensor. For example: m/s. Define the method to scale traces within rows. Possible values are: minmax: Scale all rows to configured minimum and maximum amplitudes configured by amplitudeRange.min and amplitudeRange.max row: Scale each row to the maximum within this row. Minimum amplitude to show in trace. Requires amplitudeRange.scale = "minmax". Minimum amplitude to show in trace. Requires amplitudeRange.scale = "minmax". Control dumping of PNG images. Execute "scheli capture" for image generation in the background without the graphics. Image creation interval. Negative values disable image dumping. If enabled, images are generated at the configured interval. Name of output file. The filename can contain placeholders that are replaced by the corresponding streamID parts: %N : network code %S : station code %L : location code %C : channel code Placeholders are important if more than one stream is given and capture mode is active. Image resolution. Number of pixels horizontally. Number of pixels vertically. Define the path to a script that is called whenever an image has been captured and written to disc. The only parameter is the path to the generated image. scheli [options] generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#daemon generic#auto-shutdown generic#shutdown-master-module generic#shutdown-master-username generic#print-config-vars generic#validate-schema-params generic#dump-settings verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file verbosity#print-context verbosity#print-component verbosity#log-utc verbosity#trace messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#content-type messaging#start-stop-msg database#db-driver-list database#database database#config-module database#inventory-db database#config-db records#record-driver-list records#record-url records#record-file records#record-type gui#full-screen gui#non-interactive