Event summary view. Number of days to preload if scesv is started. If enabled, the last automatic solution is displayed next to the current solution in the summary panel. If the last automatic solution differs from the current solution it is displayed in red. If both solutions match it is displayed in gray. If enabled, only the most recent event is shown even if an update of an older event is being received. If enabled, the map is centered around the most recent event event. If enabled, an additional button is displayed which allows to switch back the latest automatic solution. This button triggers an command for scevent to prioritize automatic solutions until the next manual solution is available. A list of magnitude types to be displayed. Label of button0 which triggers script0. Label of button1 which triggers script1. Path to a script if button0 is clicked. If enabled, the current map is exported to file. The filename is appened to the parameter list of script0. The script has to take ownership of the file. If enabled, the parameter list of script0 is event ID, arrival count, magnitude, description. If disabled, the parameter list of script0 is event ID, preferredOriginID, preferredMagnitudeID, preferredFocalMechanismID. Path to a script if button1 is clicked. If enabled, the current map is exported to file. The filename is appened to the parameter list of script1. The script has to take ownership of the file. If enabled, the parameter list of script1 is event ID, arrivalCount, magnitude, description. If disabled, the parameter list of script1 is event ID, preferredOriginID, preferredMagnitudeID, preferredFocalMechanismID. Draw borders in the summary panel. If the event type is either "other" or "not existing" and this flag is true then the event will not be shown. Adjust content or display custom information in the Summary tab. Minimum longitude of initially displayed map region. Maximum longitude of initially displayed map region. Minimum latitude of initially displayed map region. Maximum latitude of initially displayed map region. Event information ID of the event comment to be considered. Value to be shown in case no valid event comment is found. Label of the value to be shown. Origin information Display origin comments. ID of the origin comment to be considered. Value to be shown in case no valid origin comment is found. Label of the value to be shown. Display information related to a point of interest (POI) read from the cities XML file. Maximum distance in degrees of a POI to be taken into account. The minimum population of a POI to be taken into account. Message conversion string that converts a POI into the text displayed under the region label. There are different placeholders that can be used: @dist@, @dir@, @poi@ and @region@. scesv [options] generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#auto-shutdown generic#shutdown-master-module generic#shutdown-master-username generic#print-config-vars generic#validate-schema-params generic#dump-settings verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file verbosity#print-context verbosity#print-component verbosity#log-utc verbosity#trace messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#content-type messaging#start-stop-msg database#db-driver-list database#database database#config-module database#inventory-db database#db-disable records#record-driver-list records#record-url records#record-file records#record-type cities#city-xml gui#full-screen gui#non-interactive