Locates seismic events. Define parameters of the locator. Only LOCSAT is supported. The locator profile to use. For each location, scautoloc performs checks to test if the depth estimate is reliable. If the same location quality (e.g. pick RMS) can be achieved while fixing the depth to the default depth, the latter is used. This is most often the case for shallow events with essentially no depth resolution. The locator might converge at a depth of 0 or even negative depths. This is usually not desired, as 0 km might be interpreted as indicative of e.g. a quarry blast or another explosive source. In the case of "too shallow" locations the minimum depth will be used. Note that the minimum depth can also be configured in scolv, possibly to a different value. Control the buffer of objects. Time to keep picks in the buffer with respect to pick time, not creation time. Time to keep origins in buffer. Clean-up interval for removing old/unused objects. Define parameters for creating and reporting origins. Maximum travel-time RMS for a location to be reported. Maximum travel-time residual (unweighted) for a pick at a station to be used. Minimum number of phases for reporting origins. Maximum permissible depth for reporting origins. Maximum secondary azimuthal gap for an origin to be reported by. The secondary gap is the maximum of the sum of 2 station gaps. Default: 360 degrees, i.e. no restriction based on this parameter. Maximum epicntral distance to stations for accepting picks. If the station count for stations at < 105 degrees distance exceeds this number, no picks at > 105 degrees will be used in location. They will be loosely associated, though. If this string is non-empty, an amplitude obtained from an amplitude object is used by ... . If this string is "mb", a period obtained from the amplitude object is also used; if it has some other value, then 1 [units?] is used. If this string is empty, then the amplitude is set to 0.5 * thresholdXXL, and 1 [units?] is used for the period. If this string is non-empty, it is used to obtain a pick SNR from an amplitude object. If it is empty, the pick SNR is 10. Location of the grid file for nucleating origins. Location of the station configuration file for nucleating origins. The station file to be used when in offline mode. If no file is given the database is used. An example is given in "@DATADIR@/scautoloc/station-locations.conf". Receive and process manual phase picks. Receive and process manual origins. Manual picks and arrival weights will be adopted from the manual origin and the processing continues with these. Origins produced this way by adding incoming automatic picks are nevertheless marked as automatic origins. But they may contain manual picks (even pP and S picks). Add the LOCATION group to connection.subscriptions for receiving manual origins! This is an experimental feature relevant only for large regional and global networks, where results by analysts can be expected before the end of automatic event processing. Adopt the depth from manual origins. Otherwise the default depth in locator.defaultDepth is considered. Pick processing may be enabled/disabled according to the author ID of a pick. In addition, picks of certain authors can be prioritized over other authors. This is the author priority list that controls this behavior. Its value is a comma-separated list of author ID's. The earlier an author ID appears in the list the higher the priority it gets. Compare located origin with the origin at the depth given by locator.defaultDepth. The origin with lower RMS is reported. Parameter "a" in the equation t = aN + b. t is the time interval between sending updates of an origin. N is the arrival count of the origin. Parameter "b" in the equation t = aN + b. t is the time interval between sending updates of an origin. N is the arrival count of the origin. Activate for writing pick log files to "pickLog". Location of pick log file containing information about received picks. Activate "pickLogEnable" for writing the files. Create origins from XXL picks. These origins will receive the status "preliminary". Use with care! Enabling XXL picks may result in frequent fake solutions. Picks with exceptionally large amplitudes may be flagged as XXL, allowing (in future) faster, preliminary "heads-up" alerts. This option enables the feature. Minimum amplitude for a pick to be flagged as XXL. The value corresponds to the amplitude type configured in autoloc.amplTypeAbs. NOTE that BOTH minAmplitude and minSNR need to be exceeded! Minimum SNR for a pick to be flagged as XXL. NOTE that BOTH minAmplitude and minSNR need to be exceeded! Minimum number of XXL picks for forming an origin. Must be >= 4. Maximum epicentral distance for accepting XXL picks. Maximum depth for creating origins based on XXL arrivals. scautoloc [options] generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#daemon generic#auto-shutdown generic#shutdown-master-module generic#shutdown-master-username verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#content-type messaging#start-stop-msg database#db-driver-list database#database database#config-module database#inventory-db database#db-disable