QuakeLink (gempa GmbH) to SeisComP event parameter exchange. Number of seconds to fetch missed updates on start up. Number of public objects to cache. Maximum number of notifiers to batch in one message. If set to 0 no size limit is enforced. Make sure to not hit the overall message size limited of 16MiB which is enforced by the messaging system. If event synchronisation is enabled and an incoming origin is not yet associated with an event on the target machine, then this timeout defines the maximum number of seconds to wait for an association. Registration of the host profiles defining the connection parameters to the QuakeLink hosts. Definition of host profiles. For each host profile a connection to one QuakeLink server can established. The profiles must be registered in 'hosts' to apply them. Provide the connection parameters to one QuakeLink server. URL of the QuakeLink service, the scheme 'qls' enables SSL. Format: [ql[s]://][user:pwd@][host][:port]. If set to an empty string the application will run without any QuakeLink connection attempt. Enable/disable GZip (GNU zip) compression. Request native data instead of XML format. Native data export may be disabled on some hosts. Try to update the event attributes of the target event with the attributes of the source event which includes event type and event certainty. It will not import events but tries to find the associated event of the input preferred origin at the target system and will update the event attributes via journaling. Specify the XML components to fetch. Note: These options are not used if 'native' data is requested. Include picks Include amplitudes Include origin arrivals Include origin station magnitudes Include moment tensor station contributions and phase settings Include only preferred origin and magnitude information Request server to send keep alive message every 30s to prevent connection reset by firewalls on long idle periods. If activated the client will reset the connection if no alive message is received within 60s. SQL like WHERE clause to filter the result set. clause := condition[ AND|OR [(]clause[)]] __ condition := MAG|DEPTH|LAT|LON|PHASES|OTIME|UPDATED [op float|time]|[IS [NOT] NULL] __ op := =|>|>=|<|<=|eq|gt|ge|lt|ge __ time := %Y,%m,%d[,%H,%M,%S,%f] Map datamodel class names to messaging groups. For unmapped objects the mapping of their parent objects is evaluated recursively. Objects may be excluded by mapping them to 'NULL'. Defines a whitelist of publicID prefixes that are allowed for processing. Separate items by comma. Defines a blacklist of publicID prefixes that are not allowed for processing. Separate items by comma. ql2sc [options] generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#daemon verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#print-component verbosity#print-context verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#trace verbosity#log-file messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#content-type messaging#start-stop-msg database#db-driver-list database#database