global Standard local (Richter) magnitude Standard local (Richter) magnitude Regionalized calibration parameters for ML. The region itself is defined by another magnitude-type ML profile. Add one profile for every region. The profile name equals the name of a polygon configured in the BNA file of the Magnitude-type profile. The Magnitude-type profile and the polygon must exist. The special name "world" corresponds to the region of the entire planet as a fallback. Overrides the calibration function log10(A0) for computing ML per region. See logA0 description in the bindings. Standard local (Richter) magnitude Parameters for measuring ML amplitudes. Add more parameters by adding an amplitude type profile 'ML', The filter applied to raw records before applying Wood-Anderson simulation. Default: no pre-filtering. This parameter allows to set how the amplitude is measured. Either by finding the absolute maximum of the demeaned trace (AbsMax), the difference of maximum and minimum of the signal window (MinMax) or the maximum peak-trough of one cycle (PeakTrough). Note that if absMax is already explicitly configured, this parameter has no effect. Defines the combiner operation for the amplitudes measured on either both horizontal component. The default is to use the average. Allowed values are: "average", "min", "max" and "geometric_mean". "geometric_mean" corresponds to averaging single-trace magnitudes instead of their amplitudes. Parameters for computing ML magnitudes from ML amplitudes. The calibration function log10(A0). Format: any list of distance-value pairs separated by comma. Values within pairs are separated by colon. Example: "0:-1.3,60:-2.8,100:-3.0,400:-4.5,1000:-5.85" specifies 4 distance intervals from 0...60, 60...100, 100...400 and 400...1000 km distance. Within these intervals log10(A0) is interpolated linearly between -1.3...-2.8, -2.8...-3.0, -3.0...-4.5 and -4.5...-5.8, respectively. Note: The first and last distance samples limit the maximum distance range for computing ML. Maximum epicentral distance for computing ML. No distance limitation for maxDistanceKm = -1.