global Locator in SeisComP for computing source time and hypocenter coordinates from phase picks. Locator parameters: LOCSAT Defines a list of available LOCSAT travel-time tables. The initial depth estimate for LOCSAT. Whether to use pick time untertainties for arrival deltim rather than a fixed time error. If true then the uncertainties are retrieved from each individual pick object. If they are not defined then the default pick time uncertainty will be used as fallback. The default pick time uncertainty assigned to LOCSAT's arrival deltim attribute if pick uncertainties are not going to be used or if they are absent. A time uncertainty of 0 s may result in errors of the SVD decomposition in LOCSAT. Whether to forward pick backazimuth to LOCSAT or not. In an automatic mode backazimuth measurements might be inaccurrate and disabling their usage in LOCSAT can be controlled with this parameter. Whether to forward pick horizontal slowness to LOCSAT or not. In an automatic mode slowness measurements might be inaccurrate and disabling their usage in LOCSAT can be controlled with this parameter. Number of degrees of freedom. Confidence level between 0.5 and 1.0. Compute the confidence ellipsoid from covariance matrix in 3D.