global Locator in SeisComP implemented by the plugin lociloc. Locator parameters: iLoc iLoc profile name. Multiples names may be set separated by comma. Each profile can have different velocity or parameters. Profiles containing the specific locator parameters. For the global models, iasp91 and ak135, profiles are automatically considered with defaults. To adjust the profile parameters the corresponding profile must be created. Name of globally applied velocity model into which RSTT or the local model is integrated. If unset, the name of the profile is considered instead. Use regional seismic travel-time tables Use regional seismic travel-time tables for Pn and Sn Use regional seismic travel-time tables for Pg and Lg Full path to a file containing the local velocity model. Requires: UseLocalTT = true. Empty string or unset disables using a local model in this profile. Example: @DATADIR@/iloc/localmodels/model.localmodel.dat. Perform neighbourhood algorithm Neighbourhood Algorithm: Search radius around initial epicentre Neighbourhood Algorithm: Search radius around initial depth Neighbourhood Algorithm: Search radius around initial origin time Neighbourhood Algorithm: p-value for norm to compute misfit [1,2] Neighbourhood Algorithm: Maximum number of iterations Neighbourhood Algorithm: Number of cells to be resampled at each iteration Neighbourhood Algorithm: Size of initial sample Neighbourhood Algorithm: Size of subsequent samples Depth resolution: Minimum number of depth phases for depdp Depth resolution: Maximum local distance Depth resolution: Minimum number of local defining stations Depth resolution: Maximum distance for using S-P travel-time differences. Depth resolution: Minimum number of defining S-P phase pairs Depth resolution: Minimum number of defining core reflection phases Depth resolution: Maximum depth error for crustal free-depth Depth resolution: Maximum depth error for deep free-depth Linearized inversion: Account for correlated errors Linearized inversion: Used to exclude big residuals from solution Linearized inversion: Allow damping of model vector Linearized inversion: Minimum number of iterations Linearized inversion: Maximum number of iterations Linearized inversion: Minimum number of defining phases Linearized inversion: Do not rename phases. Deactivating allows to rename the phases automatically for this profile.