global The traditional Hypo71PC locator with SeisComP. General Hypo71 configuration parameters. Temporary file used by Hypo71 to store calculation logs. Temporary file to write Hypo71 input data to. Temporary output file to read Hypo71 location data from. Hypo71 default profile. If no custom profile is specified, this profile will be used by the plugin when proceeding to a localization. Bash script executed when calling the Hypo71 locator plugin for locating the earthquake. Hypo71 profile name. Multiples names may be set. They must be separated by comma. Each profile can have different velocity or parameters. Profiles containing the profile-specific velocity model and the Hypo71 parameters. Profile's velocity model name. Profile's method. It is generally the locator's name (Hypo71). File containing the profile parameters. If the depth is requested to be fixed (e.g. by ticking the option in scolv) the plugin performs only one location starting at specified depth but with free depth evaluation. This option defines whether it should really fix the depth (false) or use this fixed depth only as starting point (true). Custom patternID to use when generating origin publicID Specifies if the given publicD should be used for generating origin publicID