# # *** QcTool default configuration file *** # # Place a copy with your own modifications # in ~/.seiscomp # # Send to the QC group connection.primaryGroup = QC # Receive objects from CONFIG group connection.subscriptions = CONFIG # ID of the creator CreatorId="smi://de.gfz-potsdam/QcTool_0.3.1" # use only configured streams (trunk/key/station_*) (z-component) (True/False) # --> the same streams as e.g. scautopick works on useConfiguredStreams = true # If useConfiguredStreams is true then this parameter decides whether to use # only the vertical component (default) or all three components. # The 3 components are collected from the inventory according to channel # orientation. If that is not possible then the fixed components N and E will # be used. use3Components = false # if useConfiguredStreams == False then # load (from inventory) only those streams, matching the streamMask # RegEx e.g. "^(NET1|NET2)\.(STA1|STA2|STA3)\.(LOC)\.((BH)|(LH)|(HH))Z$" # RegEx e.g. "^(.+)\.(.+)\.(.*)\.(.+)Z$" streamMask = "^(.+)\.(.+)\.(.*)\.(BHZ)$" # Database look up for past entries not older than x days # (to determine the last QC parameter calculated) # [days] dbLookBack = 7 # currently implemented QcPlugins: # QcDelay, QcLatency, QcTiming, QcRms, QcOffset, QcGap, QcSpike, QcOutage # # Load this plugins for calculating Qc Parameters plugins = qcplugin_delay, \ qcplugin_latency, \ qcplugin_timing, \ qcplugin_rms, \ qcplugin_offset, \ qcplugin_gap, \ qcplugin_overlap, \ qcplugin_availability, \ qcplugin_spike, \ qcplugin_outage # QcPlugin DEFAULT configuration # # Use this plugin only for realtime processing [True]. # Default [False] means, plugin is able to # process archived data AND realtime data streams. plugins.default.realTimeOnly = False # # Qc-Buffer Length [s] (aka LTA-Buffer) # Must be >= plugins.*.bufferLength plugins.default.buffer = 4000 # # A R C H I V E # Interval for sending archive messages [s] # ... which will finally end up in the database # so be carefull, not setting it too small!!! # If set to -1, nothing gets written into the database plugins.default.archive.interval = -1 # Archive Buffer length [s] plugins.default.archive.buffer = 3600 # # R E P O R T # Interval for sending report messages [s] # ... which e.g. may be displayed by scqcv (QcView) plugins.default.report.interval = 60 # Report Buffer length [s] plugins.default.report.buffer = 600 # Report messages are generated in case of no data is received since timeout seconds [s] # (only in realtime processing mode) plugins.default.report.timeout = 0 # # A L E R T # (only available in realtime processing mode) # !!! STILL EXPERIMENTAL !!! # Interval for checking alert thresholds [s] # A value of -1 disables threshold checking. plugins.default.alert.interval = -1 # Alert Buffer length [s] (aka STA-Buffer) plugins.default.alert.buffer = 1800 # Alert threshold in percent [%], single value. [list: 25,50,75 ... not yet implemented] plugins.default.alert.thresholds = 150 # QcPlugin SPECIFIC configuration plugins.QcLatency.report.buffer = 60 plugins.QcLatency.report.timeout = 60 plugins.QcLatency.realTimeOnly = True # plugins.QcDelay.report.buffer = 60 plugins.QcDelay.report.timeout = 60 plugins.QcDelay.realTimeOnly = True # plugins.QcAvailability.report.timeout = 60 # plugins.QcRms.report.buffer = 3600 plugins.QcRms.report.timeout = 60 plugins.QcRms.realTimeOnly = True # # If there is a gap of more than x [s], # write an OUTAGE entry into the database. plugins.QcOutage.notifyDB = 1800