# Send to the EVENT group connection.primaryGroup = EVENT # Receive objects from LOCATION, MAGNITUDE and FOCMECH group connection.subscriptions = LOCATION, MAGNITUDE, FOCMECH, EVENT # A magnitudes needs at least 4 stationmagnitudes # to become preferred eventAssociation.minimumMagnitudes = 4 # An automatic origin will be associated to an # event when it has at least 10 phases eventAssociation.minimumDefiningPhases = 10 # Minimum score of an automatic origin to be allowed to # form an new Event. This requires an activated score # plugin. See parameter score. # If set the minimumDefiningPhases has no effect at as # this check will be superseded by the score check. It is # the task of the score processor to evaluate a proper # score for all input origins. # By default this option is deactivated. #eventAssociation.minimumScore = 1 # An automatic origin will be associated to an # event when it falls inside this region. # Format: min-lat, min-lon, max-lat, max-lon #eventAssociation.region.rect = -90,-180,90,180 # Search 1800 seconds BEFORE origin time of a # new location for matching events eventAssociation.eventTimeBefore = 1800 # Search 1800 seconds AFTER origin time of a # new location for matching events eventAssociation.eventTimeAfter = 1800 # An origin will be associated to an existing # event when at least 3 picks matches with # former associated origins eventAssociation.minimumMatchingArrivals = 3 # If this time window in seconds is negative, pickIDs # are compared to find matching arrivals. A non negative # value (including 0) compares pick times regardless # of the pickID. # Pass: |pick1.time - pick2.time| <= threshold eventAssociation.maximumMatchingArrivalTimeDiff = -1 # This parameter is only used in conjunction with # eventAssociation.maximumMatchingArrivalTimeDiff. If a station # has multiple associated arrivals for a particular event, this # flag defines if the time distance of a new pick to all arrivals # must be within eventAssociation.maximumMatchingArrivalTimeDiff # or if one matching arrival is enough. eventAssociation.compareAllArrivalTimes = true # Associates an origin with an existing event # if the origin time differs not more # than 60 seconds unless the minimumMatchingArrivals # criteria matches. eventAssociation.maximumTimeSpan = 60 # Associates an origin to an existing event # when the location differs not more # than 5 degrees unless the minimumMatchingArrivals # criteria matches eventAssociation.maximumDistance = 5 # Minimum number of station magnitudes required for Mw(mB) to be considered as # preferred magnitude. eventAssociation.minMwCount = 8 # If false then the station count rules out the magnitude priority # which is only taken into account if two magnitudes have the # same station count. # # If true then the priority rules out the station count # which is only taken into account if two magnitudes have the # same priority. eventAssociation.magPriorityOverStationCount = false # Minimum number of station magnitudes which ensures that Mw(mB) will be # preferred and not mb. eventAssociation.mbOverMwCount = 30 # Average between mb and Mw(mB) which must be exceeded to become Mw(mB) # preferred. eventAssociation.mbOverMwValue = 6 # The magnitude type priority list # Magnitudes with other types cannot become # preferred magnitudes eventAssociation.magTypes = M # The agencyID priority list # When the eventtool comes to the point to select a preferred # origin it orders all origins by its # agency priority and selects then the best one among the # highest priority agency. # It also defines the agency priority for custom priority # checks (eventAssociation.priorities) #eventAssociation.agencies = GFZ # The author priority list # When the eventtool comes to the point to select a preferred # origin it orders all origins by its # author priority and selects then the best one among the # highest priority author. # It also defines the author priority for custom priority # checks (eventAssociation.priorities) #eventAssociation.authors = scautoloc@localhost # The general priority list to decide if an origin becomes preferred. The # priority decreases in the order of the parameters. This list is not used # unless this parameter is activated. # Empty priority list: scevent replicates the default hard wired behaviour: # AGENCY, STATUS, PHASES_AUTOMATIC, TIME_AUTOMATIC # Each item in the list corresponds to a check that is performed. Each check # computes a score of the incoming origin (s1) and the current preferred origin # (s2). If the s1 is lower than s2, the incoming origin is rejected and does # not become preferred. All subsequent checks are ignored. If s1 is equal to # s2, the next check in the list is performed. If s1 is larger than s2, the # origin becomes preferred and all subsequent checks are ignored. # Available tokens: # AGENCY: check based on agency priorities # AUTHOR: check based on author priorities # MODE: evaluation mode priority: 0 = unset, 1 = automatic, 2 = manual, manual # over-rules automatic # STATUS: priority combined from evaluation status and evaluation mode: -100 = # status is rejected, -1 = status is reported, 0 = status is preliminary or # status is unset and mode is automatic, 1 = status is confirmed or status is # unset and mode is manual, 2 = status is reviewed, 3 = status is final, # METHOD: check based on the method priorities # PHASES: higher phase count = higher priority # PHASES_AUTOMATIC: only checks phase priorities for incoming automatic origins # RMS: lower rms = higher priority # RMS_AUTOMATIC: only check RMS on incoming automatic origins # TIME: more recent origins (creationTime) have higher priorities # TIME_AUTOMATIC: only check creationTime priority on incoming automatic # origins # SCORE: evaluates the score according to a configured ScoreProcessor and # prefers the origin/focalmechanism with the highest score #eventAssociation.priorities = AGENCY, STATUS, PHASES_AUTOMATIC, TIME_AUTOMATIC # If true, one magnitude will be preferred even if magnitude criteria are # not fullfilled. eventAssociation.enableFallbackMagnitude = false # The eventID prefix # The eventID format is [prefix][year][code], e.g. gfz2008fdvg eventIDPrefix = "gfz" # Defines the pattern to generate an event ID. # %p : prefix # %Y : year # %[w]c: alpha character # %[w]C: upper case alpha character # %[w]d: decimal # %[w]x: hexadecimal # %[w]X: upper case hexadecimal eventIDPattern = "%p%Y%04c" # Configures the number of event ID slots to look back and forth when an event # ID is already taken. The default in previous versions was 5. Now -1 means # that the margin is determined automatically based on # "eventAssociation.eventTimeBefore" and "eventAssociation.eventTimeAfter". # According to the configured "eventIDPattern" a fixed time range per slot can # be computed and with that width the number of look ahead slots and look back # slots can be computed based on the given time ranges for event association. eventIDLookupMargin = -1 # Configures a timespan in seconds to delay origin association #eventAssociation.delayTimeSpan = 0 # AgencyID filter used to delay origin association if # eventAssociation.delayTimeSpan > 0 #eventAssociation.delayFilter.agencyID = agency # Author filter used to delay origin association if # eventAssociation.delayTimeSpan > 0 #eventAssociation.delayFilter.author = author # evaluationMode filter used to delay origin association if # eventAssociation.delayTimeSpan > 0. Allowed values are "manual" or "automatic" #eventAssociation.delayFilter.evaluationMode = automatic # Defines whether to associate or to ignore origins derived from CMT/MT # inversions. eventAssociation.ignoreFMDerivedOrigins = true # If the preferred origin has evaluation status 'rejected' the event type will # be set as 'not existing' unless the event type has been fixed by an operator # or the preferred origin has been fixed. eventAssociation.declareFakeEventForRejectedOrigin = false # Allows to match picks that are associated with weight 0 eventAssociation.allowLooseAssociatedArrivals = false # If enabled then the EventDescription with type 'Flinn-Engdahl region' # will be populated with the Flinn-Engdahl region name. populateFERegion = false